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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Stand for Our Second Amendment and Not Walk Out Against It

Once again, our Second Amendment is under attack but this time by our young people who feel they know more than our founding fathers. Today was March out of school day in support of gun control. Of course, they are using the shooting at the Parkland school as the reason behind this walk out and I for one feel that this is wrong.

Let me explain why. Children, teenagers all over this country will stand up and walk out for the victims of the horrific shooting in Florida yet they turn their head and look the other way when someone in their school is being bullied. I live in New Jersey and I did see a couple of schools walk out today but there wasn’t a sad face among them or a sign being held in support of those in Florida. It was just a reason to walk out of school.

I have seen images of other areas where the students held up signs in protest asking for help regarding the Second Amendment. One of the signs I saw today in a picture on social media is the reason I am writing this. A young girl held up a sign that stated, “The Second Amendment isn’t meant to protect our citizens.” She must have missed history class the day they covered what our Second Amendment stands for and the day may come when she feels she should have paid closer attention. Another sign was “De-Militarize the Police.” So now we they want us to take the guns away from our police while our criminals still get to arm themselves with guns purchased illegally. Make no doubt about it, if a criminal needs a weapon he is not going to go through proper channels to get a gun. Heck they don’t even need a gun to do harm. Fatal crimes are committed every day with the use of a knife, a car, unfortunately bombs, and anything else a criminal can get their hands on if they really want to do harm.

Now let’s talk about our Second Amendment. Our Second Amendment wasn’t adopted so people would be able to have guns to go hunting, to spend some father and son time bonding, or to go to the shooting range for practice. No, our Second Amendment was put in force to protect American citizens and it’s a sin these children don’t know what it stands for. It’s a crying shame they are being brainwashed by their parents and whomever else is telling them it will do more harm than good.

Our Second Amendment is in place to protect every American citizen from a government that could destroy our country from within. A government that wants to take our guns away, so they have more strength, power, then it’s citizens. Our forefathers debated this issue, as I have said before, for a while before coming up with our right to bear arms because of the tyranny they experienced under the government they fought so hard to escape. The Second Amendment was meant to allow American Citizens the right to arm themselves, so they can protect their home, family, and community, against a government invasion. You don’t think that could happen then think again.

The Democratic way of going about disarming the American people is mirrored to that of Germany during WWII. Take away our weapons so we will be have no choice but to be submissive to the tyranny of our government. We will lose our ability to protect ourselves, our family, and our homes. Our Second Amendment protects this from happening. It gives the American people the right to not only bear arms and protect their homes and families but also gives us a militia if ever there comes a time when our government needs us.

The way the Obama administration depleted our military it could have been disastrous if we found the enemy on our soil with little support from our military. That would be where our civilian militia comes into play and why our Second Amendment needs to be left alone. Maybe we all need to sit down and talk to each other not at each other. Maybe teachers need to start teaching again instead of just making sure our children have good test scores because if American History was really taught in classes today then children would understand the importance of the Second Amendment and our right to bear arms. Our right to stand up for ourselves, our families, and our country. Our right to protect and serve if we are so called to arms. Our right to make sure the shores of the United States of America are free from enemy attack. Our right to secure our boarders and protect our citizens from terrorist attacks.

No, the Second Amendment was not taken lightly by our forefathers, but it is being battered around by those who do not appreciate or understand the Constitution of the United States of America. Take the time to read it, learn about it, appreciate it, and understand it because there are millions of people trying to get into this country every year to flea the lives they have under a government that is suppressive, controlling and they see this country as their refuge. Open your eyes before it is too late, and you lose all so many have fought so hard for. If you aren’t happy here, maybe you need to do a little research and find out what other countries are like before you keep attacking the foundation this nation was formed on.

“The strongest reason for the people to retain their right to keep and bear arms is a last resort to protect themselves against tyranny in government” Thomas Jefferson

Yes, the Second Amendment is there to protect American citizens and we need to make sure it stays there.

May God Bless America and open up the hearts and minds of all Americans so we can work together for a better tomorrow and May God Bless our President.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Bill H.R. 5087 Assault Weapons Ban 2018 Steps On Our Second Amendment Rights

So what exactly is the Bill that stands before Congress entitled H.R. 5087 Short title they want us to hear is Assault Weapons Ban 2018.....You ready for it? This bill is not as innocent as it may sound. It is to regulate the importation, manufacture, possession, sale or transfer of assault weapons, and for other purposes.

Sounds like what many people have been yelling they want but what about all those who have purchased guns legally and show them the respect they deserve. Let's look into this bill and what's hidden here and not specified in the title.

Let's start off with saying the Democrats of the House introduced this bill and with that goes a lot more than we have been told. They used the heartbreak of the Parkland, Florida school shooting to bring this bill to the floor in hopes that "We the People" will be too blind with sorrow and pain to take the time to read their hidden agenda tucked quietly inside this bill.

This bill was introduced by Reps. David Cicilline (D R.I.) and Ted Deutch (D-Fla) and co-sponsored by 166 other Democrats all with their own hidden agenda to disarm the American people and give big government power over it's citizens. So maybe some of you are thinking I am in favor of the mass shootings going on around this country. No of course I'm not, but I am in favor of every American citizen keeping their Second Amendment Right as it was written so we can stand strong in case our government ever needs us or we ever need to stand united against it as we had to do in the past. Remember Great Britain and the Revolutionary War? All those men fought so we could live a free life and be proud of what this country is, compared to any others. Hold our head high and say we are Americans who live in "the land of the free because of the brave."

The bill is posted for all to read and figure out for themselves but here are a few things to take note of: it "prohibit the sale, production, transfer and importation" of more than just what the average person would get from the title of the bill. Here are some of the things we need to consider.

1. semi-automatic rifles and pistols with a military style feature that can accept a detachable magazine.
2. All semi-automatic rifles with a fixed magazine that can hold more than 10 rounds.
3. Semi-automatic shotguns with a military style feature
4. Any ammunition feeding device that can hold more than 10 rounds
5. There are 205 specifically named and listed firearms in this bill.

So by military style features they are talking about: pistol grip; forward grip; detachable magazine, folding, telescoping, or detachable stock, grenade launcher or rocket launcher, barrel shroud, threaded barrel. So now we have a better look at what they are talking about. It bans A.R. rifles and pistols made by Sig Sauer, Ruger, Springfield Armory, Smith & Wesson, Steyr, CZ, IWI, Heckler & Koch, Daniel Defense, Armalite, Remington, Rock River Arms, Bushmaster, FN, Barret and the list goes on so please check it out. Of course the ban also includes "all AK types." So now we need to get into the minds of these Democrats. Scary thought!                       

This bill makes an amendment to Section 921(a) of title 18, United States Code which states: (29)The term handgun means: (a) a firearm which has a short stock and is designed to be held and fired by the use of a single hand; and (b) any combination of parts from which a firearm described in subparagraph (a) can be assembled.

Whats the amendment by inserting after paragraph (29): (30) The term semiautomatic pistol means any repeating pistol that- (A) utilizes a portion of the energy of a firing cartridge to extract the fired cartridge case and chamber the next round: and (B) requires a separate pull of the trigger to fire each cartridge. 

It then goes on to list all the weapons on their list of what American citizens do not need to have in their possession legally. Please take the time to read this if you value your Second Amendment Rights.

I am sure there are some issues in this bill we will be more than happy to agree with like background checks. I agree we shouldn't be able to purchase guns at a gun show unless we go through a background check our sell a gun to a stranger or neighbor without a background check. I don't recall seeing anything in there that specifies mentally ill data base so law enforcement knows who to approve for a gun license and who should be refused based on their mental stability. I thought that was going to be a big push in this bill but maybe I am not understanding it.

The Democrats want good American Citizens to give up their right to buy what ever type of gun they so chose to purchase. Make no mistake about what this amendment is doing. It is punishing law abiding citizens and still these guns will be available to the criminals on the street. Cracking down on legally purchased gums makes no sense to me. I did not see anything about raising the legal age of purchasing a gun either, So what are we doing just banning American citizens who legally purchase guns from purchasing just the types listed in this amendment.

If we allow this, if we sit back and allow our government to take away our right to choose the weapon we wish to purchase we might as well turn our weapons over to them. I do not own guns but I was raised around them. My father taught us they were not a toy. Never put a gun away loaded and never keep it within arms reach of someone too young to respect and understand what it can do. I am not a fan of the weapons used in these mass shootings, no one is a fan of what is going on in this country and around the world but to take away the list of guns in this bill is a big step in stripping us of our Second Amendment Right and giving big government a strong hold over the American people.

Judge for yourself: https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/115/hr5087/text/ih   Read the bill and then contact your representatives and let them know what you think. I stand with my Second Amendment Right because at no time should any American citizen be under the thumb of a government stronger than their own militia if the time so arises to call to arms. At no time should the United States of America feel it cannot call upon it's citizens to take up arms and protect all we have built and fought for in our country if the enemy should come to our shores. United we need to stand for Divided we will fall.

 "The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it." Thomas Jefferson 

May God Bless America and keep us United for the good of all.