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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Monday, September 3, 2018

Disgracing Their Memories

This week this county saw the live funerals of two Americans, Aretha Franklin and John McCain. Now I won't lie and tell you I watched either one but I did see and hear the rhetoric of both on the news and the internet. Actually I heard some things on facebook and I thought to myself, "No, that can't be right. No one in their right mind would use a funeral, a time to remember a loved one, as a political platform." Now I have to ask, "What the hell were they thinking?" Better yet, were they thinking?

I have never been to a funeral where the Pastors preferred to take a pot shot at the President or any public figure instead of talking about the accomplishments of the person lying in wake. I don't understand how being a man or woman of God they can have such hate in their hearts and then wonder what is wrong with this world today.  I do get how the politicians who spoke could do such a thing, after all, they would use anything as a platform to get their point across.

I have always loved the study of religions since I was a child. When I got older I started to understand the politics of this great nation. I was upset when prayer was removed from school and I was only a child at the time. Our teachers taught us about the separation of church and state. Today there is no separation except certain people cannot say prayer in school while others are allowed to say prayer in school, work, or where ever they are at.

Priests, Pastors, Reverends today seem to have lost their way. They are not in a battle with evil but in a battle with politics. They all want to stand up and be heard about this political topic or that when all the people really need from them is some understanding and peaceful guidance. The churches of today are not what they used to be and then they wonder why people are not attending as they used to.

I was born and raised Catholic. I love my church, Saint Anthony's in Silver Lake are of Belleville, NJ.  As a young girl I felt the love of God when I walked through the doors but over the years it has changed. Although now they have an amazing Priest there, Father Dave, who brings laughter and the human side of religion back to his sermons. Still when I walk in the church today I don't feel the love there once was. I don't feel the hug of the angels as I enter that door. How could you when so many people walk through the doors of any given church, not just mine, with hate and disgust in their souls.

Just reading what these people had to say in these two funerals, Senator McCain's daughter even took her shot. It was her father's funeral and it was her final chance to tell wonderful stories of her life growing up with her dad, of all the things they did together, and she chooses to tarnish that with a pot shot at the Presidents slogan by saying her father's America was always great! Well let me tell you all this that is a bunch of  poppycock.

I grew up in John McCains America. I was a teenager during the Viet Nam war and I watched our soldiers come home and the hate that was encouraged and thrown at them. I watched this great nation over the years go from a time of loving the flag and all it represents to destroying it in order to make a statement. The only statement they made was they don't respect or care about the flag and the men and women who fought for it. I watched this country go from a generation of hard working people fighting to improve things for their children and grandchildren to a bunch of pansies who are afraid to stand up for what they believe in for fear of offending someone. Give me a break.

We went from standing in the light of day and spreading our wings to soar, to walking down a dark tunnel trying to find our way out with little to no light. Why, because business after business was leaving this country and one by one people were losing their jobs, their homes, families were splitting up because they could no longer take the stress of being together and not being able to support each other. Sadness showed on many faces and the homeless numbers grew. The light we used to walk through this tunnel was getting weaker and weaker by the moment. No America was not what it once was.

We had Presidents who thought they were doing the right thing for this nation but things just weren't working out so the country voted in our first black President. I won't lie to you, he ran two times and I voted against him both times but when he was in office I respected him because he was my President regardless. Still he had a chance to do what was right for the minority in this great nation and instead things got progressively worse. Tensions between blacks and whites went back to the 1960's. My God there were riots in the streets just like 1968 and the only ones that get hurt at such acts are the people, not those in public office. People were burned out of their houses and business but guess what folks the politicians still got to go to work the next day and collect that check your taxes paid them. Our wonderful  President at the time, his administration, and Congress still made the big bucks even though you couldn't afford to feed your family and companies were leaving this country in droves. Crime and violence was on the rise and our police were put under microscopes while our so called leaders turned the people against them putting a target on their backs and making it harder for them to do their jobs. Criminals were their hero's.

Then we vote in President Trump. Granted many democrats are upset and aren't happy with the vote but if others in the past had to suck it up when their candidate lost why is it so different now. I'll tell you why. I'll tell you why these pastors and politicians chose these two funerals to take a stand and knock President Trump in the oh so subtle way because he is getting the job done they only talk about. Pastors and politicians talk about bringing the community together, making improvements, helping the people but they aren't. Instead they are dividing the people, they are fighting to keep the hate alive in this great nation. To them President Trump is a threat!

You don't believe me then look at the facts, American companies are coming back to America, tariffs have been put in place for fair trade, unemployment rate is down, blacks and Hispanics unemployment numbers are at an all time low as are, unemployment numbers for women. President Trump gave us a list of his goals when he was Candidate Trump and one by one he is keeping his promises and ticking them off his to-do list. There have even been summits with Russia and Korea. Korea no one has been able to get two steps ahead of until now. At least the lines of communications are opened and there is hope for putting an end to the craziness of the past.

The only thing that has ever stood in his way these past two years is our very own Congress. Those "wonderful" men and women we voted into office to do what was best for this country not their pockets yet they find it better to spend their days bad mouthing the President and this great nation. We now have a Democratic party that looks and feels like a communist regime. This is not what America is supposed to be. Listen to their words of hate, racism, disgust, and their rhetoric to keep this country torn apart. Rhetoric this week, that followed them to funeral services of two public figures which brings me back to the beginning of this blog.

America needs to wake up and see the propaganda for what it is. It's time to tell any political figure if they do not do what is best for the United States of America and all it's citizens they will not be in office. America is finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. We cannot allow those nay sayer's to keep stepping on our rights, to keep dragging this country down, to pull us back into the dark and put the lights of Ms. Liberty out for good. It's time to stand together and unite. It's time to realize this country needed fixing and it did need to be made great again, as it needs to be made safe again. So let's stand together with our President and see to it no one stands in the way of our progress.

In closing I would like to say to the families and friends of Aretha Franklin and Senator John McCain, I am truly sorry for your loss. May they R.I.P. in the arms of the Lord.

May God Bless and keep this great nation safe and united.

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