As I look back over the events of this weekend I think to
myself why on God’s green earth was there a need to have a march on American
soil against Sharia Law? How is it we allowed it to get this far? There is only
one law in this country that we live by, The
Constitution of The United States of America. If you are living on our soil
and you do not feel that way then you need to leave because American’s are not
going to give up their God given rights and give into terror.
President Ronald Regan said “Freedom is never more than one
generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the
bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the
As I look at the young men and women who have had so much
trouble accepting the outcome of the last election and those adults who have
felt the need to fight against the outcome of the election I am reminded of
President Regan’s words. You see the older set, people my age, who are out
there protesting and causing chaos were the same the ones fighting against the
Vietnam War giving no thought to our soldiers or their families. Now their
children or grandchildren are influenced by their way of thinking, right or
wrong, and they are fighting against our country, not for it. They are fighting
against our freedoms and not giving thought to the damage they are doing and
the destruction they are causing.
It is up to parents, educators, and even our government to
remind our children what it took to become a free country and stay that way. For
anyone in this country, for any American citizens to consider accepting Sharia
Law or any other laws from any other land on our soil is treasonous in my eyes.
Our forefathers started our Constitution and over the years of our existence
our law makers have made the necessary adjustments to it. Sharia Law throws us
back in time and women suffer, gays, and anyone who does not worship Islam,
suffers. Why would we want this to come to our country and if these people who
have come here expressing their need to escape their home country still feel
the need to honor Sharia Law then they need to go home and live where it is
accepted and not come here and try to push it on the United States of America.
You see a big problem why they even have a foothold on this
land is because some of us have lost or never had a love for this country. They
never took the time to understand why our forefathers came here and why they
fought so hard to make this country the HOME
From the beginning of our existence we fought to escape tyranny,
Kings who ruled with an iron fist, and giving ourselves and our beliefs up to a
government we had no desire to be a part of. Now the shadows of evil filter
into our shores and our cities as people who have come here to escape their
country fight for the right to live by a law that inflicts heartache and pain
on those who live under it.
This isn’t something that has just hit our country
it has been slowly building up for years but too many people have closed their
eyes to it because of the politically correct police and fear of being judged Islamophobic
and racist. Now we have no choice but to stand together and see to it, Sharia
Law is banned from our country. Not one state at a time but right from Congress
itself. It’s obvious people don’t get the Constitution is what rules our land
so it is up to Congress to see to it that is understood and not up for
discussion ever again.
There are those who will tell you there is nothing wrong
with Sharia Law. You need to think about this, while you were so worried about
offending people during the last administration there are a number of court
cases in this country involving conflicts between civil rights and sharia law.
Many states have already introduced bills in their state legislator banning
courts from accommodating Sharia Law. Why is this need on our shores, I ask
again? Why because of organizations like the Muslim Brotherhood which will
scream in anyone’s ear who will listen, if you support such a bill to ban
sharia law then you are supporters of Islamophobia. We all know that’s not
true. If we support such a bill then we are who we say we are, “AMERICANS” and
The Muslim Brotherhood dates back to 1928 but not here on
our shores. They gained supporters in the Arab world and influenced other
Islamist groups. They arrived on our shores in 1963, started by activist
involved in the Muslim Student Association and from there other organizations
supporting the Brotherhood were formed.
According to An
Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Group in North
America, the goal of the Muslin Brotherhood in North America is identified
as follows:
“Establishing an effective and a stable Islamic movement led
by the Muslim Brotherhood which adopts Muslims’ causes domestically and
globally, and which works to expand the observant Muslim base, aims at unifying
and directing Muslims’ efforts, presents Islam as a civilization alternative,
and supports the global Islamic state wherever it is.”
I give props to Senator Ted Cruz because in 2015 he
introduced a bill to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in which it
states the Department of State should designate the Muslim Brotherhood a
terrorist organization. As we all know it did not pass but Senator Cruz
continued to speak out against the group and alleged this group’s goal was to
wage violent jihad against its enemies including the United States. The bill
sited three entities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., Council on American
Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), and the
North American Islamic Trust (NAIT).
The funny thing is the Obama administration listed members
of this group on its terror list yet they were hesitant to label the group as a
terrorist organization. In a statement from the White House on December 1, 2014
it said:
“We have not seen credible evidence that the Muslim
Brotherhood has renounced its decades-long commitment to non-violence. The
United States does not condone political violence of any kind and we continue
to press actors of all viewpoints to peacefully engage in the political
process. The Unites States is committed to thwarting terrorist groups that pose
a threat to the U.S. interests and those of our partners.”
“We the People” of this great nation have closed our eyes
for way too long. Back in 1996 Bill Clinton became the first President to hold
a White House Eid-al-Fitr dinner to celebrate the end of Ramadan. Eid al-Fitr
includes six Takbirs, raising their hands and shouting, “Allahu Akbar!” to declare
Allah is “greater” than the God of other religions. In 2000 the Republican
National Convention was the first US Presidential convention to ever open with
a Muslim prayer to Allah. The list goes on 2007, Congressman Keith Ellison used
a Quran for the first time when he was sworn in as a new U.S. Congressman and
by 2017 he was the second highest leader in the DNC.
Now they are trying to push the teachings of Islam and
Sharia law to our children in school and no one wants to do anything about it
because you may hurt someone’s feelings. I really could careless whose feelings
I hurt. Prayer was taken out of our schools years ago with no thought to whose
feelings were being hurt.
In 2010 there was a landmark pro-Sharia ruling on S.D. v.
M.J.R., which concluded that the Muslim ex-husband repeatedly had raped his
Muslim ex-wife, before and after the divorce. After testimony from the
ex-husbands imam, the judge denied the ex-wife’s request for a permanent
restraining order against her ex-husband, citing the Muslim man’s belief and
practices. Judge Joseph Charles Jr. stated:
court believes that defendant was operating under his belief that it is, as the
husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that
was consistent with his
This never should have been allowed.
This women went to our legal system for help and we turned our back on her.
This judge should have been removed from the bench since he doesn’t seem to
understand the law of this land is our Constitution.
So yes Patriots of this great nation stand together and
march against Sharia Law in this country. Fight against anything that is not
for the betterment of the United States of America. Do not let our children
grow up not knowing the freedoms we have been blessed with. Stand united
against Sharia Law or anything that threatens this great nation, our rights,
security, and growth. Protect our children from the horrors these people have
fled only to bring to our shores.
If we stand United we will never fall. In my opinion the
last administration had the ability to pull this country together like it’s
never been before yet it saw to pull us apart in order to do what they felt no
one has ever accomplished. The only way the United States can fall is if we
fall from within. “We the People” will not allow this so let’s pull together,
every Patriot out there, Unite and join forces to stop the spread of Sharia
law, Islam in this country, terror on our shores, and keep this country safe
and secure for generations to come. Don’t be afraid to call it what it is and
do not be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. If you make a few enemies
along the way you must be doing something right.
We as American citizens must always put America First.
God Bless America and all the Patriots who keep our land the
Home of the Free because of the Brave!
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