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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Friday, June 2, 2017

Congratulations President Trump for Pulling Out of The Paris Accord!

Perhaps I was listening to a different speech given by President Trump concerning the Paris Climate Agreement. Yes, we did pull out of the Paris climate accord but he also said he would begin negotiations to re-enter either the Paris accord or an entirely new transaction. His interest is in what is fair to the United States, its citizens, business, workers and taxpayers because in the end we are the ones who will be paying for this agreement.

The idea is to pull out of an agreement that is going to cost us more than anyone else, of course, because people seem to think the United States needs to take care of everyone and not worry about what’s best for their own citizens. The agreement put the United States at a disadvantage but somehow that doesn’t upset some people because they are more interested in blaming President Trump for pulling out and not giving thought to climate control, to our environment.

What about thinking about the impact it will have on the United States and Americans? President Trump stated it would weigh heavy on United States taxpayers. American workers who struggle as it is right now to make a decent pay would have to absorb the added tax, businesses would now have to absorb the added tax which he is trying to decrease in order to bring business back to this country. If that were to happen then once again the American workers will be losing their jobs and companies will be leaving this country once more. We cannot afford to enter into something that is going to increase our national debt which is already way out of control doubling during the time of the Obama administration all while he put the blame on past President Bush even though Bush was not the one now spending money and giving it away as if it was water.

This was a nonbinding agreement and any country can pull out at any time. President Trump made an educated decision and sited according the National Economic Research Associates the Paris accord with the onerous energy restrictions place on the United States could end up costing America, you know the country we live in and pay for, as much as 2.7 million lost jobs by 2025. I don’t understand how anyone in their right mind can feel that’s ok. We have already lost so much that we have adults who have worked all their lives building up a career finding themselves working two and three part time jobs, children used to do while in school, just to keep a roof over their heads and still isn’t enough to keep food on the table for some families.  This President is looking at the big picture and the effects it will have on the future of this country, of the people he is responsible for, you know, me, you and of course our children and grandchildren.

The future looked bleak for the United States according to the same study that said by the year 2040 due to this agreement production rate will be cut in the following areas: paper will be down 12%; cement will be down 23%; iron will be down 38 percent; coal will be down 86%; and natural gas will be down 31%. Now I don’t know about you but I am not willing to see this country fall prey to such a loss. I know we need to be concerned about the environment but we also need to think about the loss of nearly $ 3 trillion dollars in Gross Domestic Product and 6.5 million in industrial jobs alone.

So why are people kicking up a storm, upset our President backed away from the Paris accord which was not a treaty of any kind but an agreement that also stated you can leave or stay. It did not say you are committed to stay in for any amount of time. Plus what we many are missing is, as usual, it is costing the USA more than any other country but hey, that’s OK because everyone seems to think we have it.

Are you all so willing to stay in an agreement which by the year 2040 there will be a loss in jobs and productivity in the United States and people will be struggling more than they are now? Why would you want anyone to approve such a deal? Are you thinking 2040 is so far away it won’t affect you? You may be right, but it will affect our children and grandchildren so what are we leaving them but a pile of garbage to pull themselves out of.

There are laws already in place to improve our environment and there have been improvements over the last few years. Yes, of course, there is always room for more but to jump on the Paris accord because everyone else is doing it is like saying you would jump into a fire because everyone else is doing it.

Did you even listen to what he had to say there are no imposing meaningful obligations on the world’s leading polluters under this agreement? He pointed out China will still be able to increase these emissions for another 13 years but not the USA. India’s participation is contingent on receiving billions upon billions of dollars in foreign aid from developed countries but not the United States because we will be one of the countries paying for them.

This agreement as it stands right now blocks us from the development of clean coal yet China will be allowed to build hundreds of additional coal plants while India will be allowed to double their coal production by 2020. So now I am baffled once again because we are to get rid of our coal but hey the rest of the world can increase theirs. Where is the logic in all of this people? As you can see all it has done is take the coal industry away from us and pass it along to other countries removing jobs from the United States. As President Trump stated “the bottom line is that the Paris Accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States.”

If you took just five minutes to go over this so called wonderful agreement you should be able to figure out it isn’t really about climate control it’s more about screwing with America. Taking jobs away and decreasing our stand in the world while increasing others and why not, I mean, look at who we sent over there to sit at the table and negotiate this so called amazing deal. John Kerry, who although a Vietnam Veteran, paraded himself around with Hanoi Jane upon returning to the United States after his tour of duty. He talked about his fellow soldiers, called them names and jumped on the band wagon of all the other liberals who didn’t believe in the war. No one believes in war but in doing what he did he didn’t show support for our troops the very men he stood next to in battle so what makes anyone think he would be willing to work for the betterment of this country. He sold us out the same way he sold out his comrades in battle.

Of course the rest of the world was happy with this horrific agreement they were the ones benefitting and we were the ones sacrificing, as usual. The United States of America can produce the energy it needs to survive and in doing so create jobs to help put people back to work. Something the past administration talked about but still didn’t manage to do. With so many out of work why would we agree to put a lock on our nation’s growth and wealth? Why would someone who is supposedly working to help the American people agree to taking jobs away from the American people and redistributing them to other countries. That is what we have been fighting for years now with outsourcing. It is why so many people supported and voted for President Trump. They were tired of living in poverty when we knew the government had the power to see to it this did not continue yet they sign an agreement to plunge us even deeper into despair.

The kicker is if the Paris Agreement were to be implemented in full, that means every country involved following it to the Tee, it would only produce a two tenths of one degree Celsius reduction in global temperature by the year 2100. Are you freaking kidding me? The United States is plunged into deeper poverty while other countries become rich off of our backs and the benefit is two tenths of one degree in the next 83 years. Those of you who are upset need to take a reality check and give the President a chance to make an agreement that benefits this country as well as the environment.

President Trump said he will get back into the deal as long as it is what is best for America and its people. He didn’t count it out completely but he did say it was not right the way it is now because the United States cannot keep taking the hits while other countries reap the rewards. As he said he is more than willing to sit down with the Democrats as well as the people who represent the Paris Accord or something that can be put together balanced for all countries not against our country.

I am so sick and tired of everyone jumping to conclusions because you listened to the news instead of doing your own research. You don’t believe me fine, what about the Wall Street Journal who wrote, “The reality is that withdrawing is in America’s economic interest and won’t matter much to the climate. The United States under the Trump administration will continue to be the cleanest and most environmentally friendly country on earth.” Maybe some of the mainstream media is starting to see President Trump really does have America and American citizen’s best interest at heart. I, for one, have never doubted it.

May God Bless America and keep guiding President Trump towards “Making America Great Again.” 

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