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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Migrant Caravan, Mid-Term Chaos, Dems Out of Control

With the midterm elections just, days away the Democrats would rather we keep our focus on the chaos of the caravan of migrant immigrants heading towards our borders as opposed to the issues at hand in this election. Why? The answer is easy. If the average voter took the time to research the candidates in the Democratic party this nation would go RED from one side to the other. You see the truth can’t be hidden forever and sooner or later the lies start to trip people up. They forget the time they have been in office or decided to run for office they made speeches concerning the same issues facing this nation today. Speeches that have been recorded for all to refer to whenever we had the need. Speeches that can be used to teach our children the faults of our government and the way they don’t always, rarely, do as they say. Speeches in which they have said the same things our President is saying today in reference to employment, minimum wage, our military, securing our borders, stopping illegal immigration, I’m sure you get the picture. A candidate usually says what he thinks the public wants to hear in order to get him or herself voted into office then once in, their constituents are left to wonder whatever happened to those amazing promises that were made. Where are the jobs, the security, the promise of a better tomorrow, the stopping of illegal immigration, fixing our military, etc.?

I know a lot of people won’t agree with me but oh well, the truth hurts. President Trump is the first President to ever tick off his campaign promises one at a time and show the people he can be trusted, at least in my lifetime. Yet the left will have you believe all the accomplishments of the past two years were put forth by the previous administration and President Trump just happened to step in and fill their shoes. Yeah, right! If you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you.

The funny thing about all this hate against President Trump is all these democrats who are against him and love calling him names, attacking his family, calling for his administration to be abused as well as any of his supporters, they benefited from Donald J. Trump businessman making donations to their campaigns over the years. They didn’t see anything wrong with him or the way he did business if he was making the donations to their campaigns. These people are so two faced it’s a sin.

I remember one big mouth celebrity who was out there this weekend campaigning for the democratic candidate for Governor of the great state of Georgia, Stacy Abrams. Of course, I’m talking about Oprah who seems to think we have forgotten how she gushed over a younger Donald J. Trump when he appeared on her show. She even suggested he run for the office but at the time he refused and said the only time he would even consider it would be if this country was really in need of help. Guess what, he kept his promise to her and now she is pushing not only the race card but the gender card. Give me a break! I listened to Stacy Abrams on a news cast last evening and let me tell you not only did she not answer the questions put to her all she did was bash the President and talk about him being a racist. I don’t even think she understands what the word means. President Trump is working for all American citizens, all of America and refuses to take a salary. Hmmm, let me see if anyone in Congress will refuse their salary or anyone holding any political office that pays even the smallest of salaries. No, I don’t think you will find someone who is willing to do that. Heck they are complaining they can’t even live on the $ 174,000.00 a year they are getting from the taxpayers now as their salary not to mention the fact they retire with this same income. You don’t, your pension doesn’t match your monthly income. Nope the average Joe struggles when it’s time to retire but not our Congress. Put in one term or ten terms you still leave collecting your entire pay for the rest of your life. Freaking amazing. That goes for our Presidents as well.

This past few months the Dems have thrown one curve ball or another to try and turn this blue wave that they believe is coming into reality but to be honest I don’t see it happening. They bring drama before the news to side track the voter but if you haven’t already made up your mind as to whom you are voting for come Tuesday you better sit down and do some homework. Don’t follow just because it’s easier or you don’t agree with everything President Trump says. This soft shell everyone seems to be wearing lately is not what this country was made from. Americans have always been tough and willing to fight for their freedom and their rights. We have always been ready, willing and able to protect our country at all costs and now we are faced with our borders being invaded, yes, I said it, invaded by this caravan of migrants because they want a better life. Well, I’m sorry but that’s not a legal reason to ask for asylum to the USA. Their lives are not in danger they need work. Before we let them in, we need to work with Americans who are still homeless and see to it we fix our problems before we keep giving in to every one else.

You know last night I was listening to a news program my husband had on. I wasn’t watching it but could hear it from the kitchen. I had to stop as one speaker made a comment and wanted to know how we, Americans, can see this caravan of migrants fleeing their countries for better opportunities any different then we see the so-called invasion of the Pilgrims when they invaded this land hundreds of years ago. I had to stop and shake my head. Seriously, where do these moronic people come from.
Back in the day of the landing of the Pilgrims there were no laws for a country not developed yet. No one was coming here for better jobs because there were no jobs. There was only hope and determination of being able to live a life not full of tyranny. A life where they could farm their land, practice the religion they so choose without fear of persecution. They saw a different life for themselves but not one owed to them or handed to them but one they had to fight for and work long hard days to achieve. No one gave anyone things for free or just allowed them to do as they pleased.

Yes, we fought with Native Americans for the land and we hear how horrible that time was, and I do agree. I imagine it was a horrible time for all involved but was it any different then the Romans invading the countries they wanted in their possession or the Germans, Russia Spain, etc. There is war associated with history of countries around the world so why always point the finger at America? How is it the way Americans settled this country is wrong according to the critics but other countries who ran over those who lived there prior were right? War is not pretty and sometimes there are no easy solutions. At the time this country was formed it was the way of the world not just the colonies. It is what they knew and what the Native Americans knew in order to protect themselves and the land on both sides of the fence.

As time went on, we grew up. We realized we were tired of fighting wars on our land. We didn’t want to shed anymore blood on our soil. After the civil war we strived for a better life but still had a lot to learn. Over the years people became more educated and for the most part people began to understand there was no place for racism in this country. We saw improvements in baby steps, but the democratic party played on racism in this country. They fought to keep it alive and well. Instead of working to help their constituents improve their lives they strived to keep them in poverty with welfare and food stamps. No family could live on the money the government gives them a month but if they so much as earned a few dollars they lived in fear of losing the help they received in order to keep a roof over their family’s heads and barely food on the table. While those making the laws lived in beautiful homes and enjoyed gourmet meals their constituents lived with the bare necessities hoping and praying for a better tomorrow. Yet we have a caravan of migrants who want to come here in order to get all they could for free and the democrats want them here to get their votes.

In my opinion this isn’t about politics or race. Heck it’s not even about the migrants trying so hard to enter this country illegally. It’s about those who are behind the scenes pulling the strings and paying for these people to push forward and wreak havoc on this great nation in order to make President Trump look bad before the mid-term elections because then they can push their agenda and their blue wave. What’s their agenda? To destroy this nation from within.

It’s amazing President Lincoln once said, “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.” He was a very wise man to be able to see even then the fighting across the aisle, the propaganda spread even then, was and is to this day a disease this country needs to rid itself of. We can no longer allow politicians to push all the buttons and instill fear in Americans. We need to start thinking for ourselves and we, the American people, need to stand together, get behind our President, protect our country and secure our borders. We need to insist our government democrat or republican put America first and foremost.

I stand with President Donald J. Trump, his administration, our police officers, border patrol, and military in securing our borders and seeing to it if anyone wants to enter this country, they do it the right way for this day and age according to our laws or they are turned away. I hope and pray it does not turn into a battle, but we cannot allow people to walk all over this great nation. It’s time to take a stand.

May God Bless our military, boarder patrol, and police officers as they stand together to secure our borders, God Bless President Trump and guide him, and may God Bless this great nation.


  1. Bravo well written and thought out yes whole hardly agree

    1. Thank you. I know I can be a bit blunt at times lol
