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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Evergreen State College President, Mr. Bridges, Should Resign!

A Day of Absence and Day of Presence at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington according to their website is something this school does every year. They invite the campus community to participate in the activities for two days. The idea is to address current issues surrounding race at Evergreen and beyond. Where did they get this idea?

This idea originated from a play written by Douglas Turner Ward, an African American playwright back in 1965. This was a time in our country when African Americans were fighting for their civil rights, fighting to be seen as equal. The play is a social commentary about how race relations were in the U.S., especially in the South back then.

In the play the town wakes up to find all African American citizens have disappeared from their town. The realization of this gives them something to think about what all these people meant to their community and how they would carry on without these essential members of their community. In other words we all work together and build our environment no one person is any better than the other. We each have a job to do and when that person is no longer there their absence is felt by everyone concerned.

So Evergreen State College started their Day of Absence in 1970 with the help of a faculty member Maxine Mimms. She was inspired by the play and thought it was a good way to bring the faculty and staff of color in spending a work day away from campus as a grassroots action. From there it grew to include all students, faculty, and staff at Evergreen. The idea was to explore and celebrate the diversity, to initiate conversations about issues of difference and in 1992 they added the Day of Presence which was to reunite the college community and honor diversity and unity as a whole campus.

A day of absence doesn’t mean students and staff just don’t show up and do nothing all day. There are events planned throughout the day on and off campus that cover issues such as anti-racism work from a majority culture or white perspective, educational and social programs designed to address issues from people of color. No one is told where to go or what to do. It is your choice on what to attend and be involved in.

The Day of Presence is a day to reunite on campus and to share ideas with each other as friends, not adversaries. This concept is designed to bring people together not to pull them apart. In today’s society we have stepped back into the 1960’s when this play was written. Instead of learning from our mistakes the young people today are carrying a chip on their shoulders and not allowing themselves to be free of the burdens of society. Society does not define who you are! The color or your skin does not define who you are! The only thing, the only one that can define who you are on this earth, what you will be and how you will leave your mark in this world, is you!

For me to stand here and say racism does not exist in this country would be a total lie but to allow students to make demands that all white people leave campus for a day and to comply with that is wrong. The idea of this grassroots program is to open a dialog so these problems can be addressed by all concerned and if these leftist students are feeling so threatened by the presence of white people on their campus then perhaps they belong in a school of people of color only which would be sad since back in the 1960’s people fought hard for desegregation.

Students take over the campus and the president of the college claims he is grateful for the passion and courage demonstrated by this mob of students who are pushing their weight around and bullying others into doing things their way or no way. At the same time a professor who teaches at this campus is forced to teach off campus for his own safety. Mr. Bridges, the president of Evergreen State College, you are a big part of this problem. You are so afraid of speaking out and standing up to these liberals that you are forgetting about not only the rest of your student body but the safety of your white faculty.

These students are talking about needing to feel safe on campus and how they want to be able to learn in a supportive environment free from discrimination or intimidation yet they are the ones causing the issue. They are the ones causing people to feel as if they are in danger. They are the ones who are discriminating and I don’t want to hear how people of color cannot be racist because that is a bunch of bull and we all know it.

Mr. Bridges you allowed yourself to be bullied by part of your student body and gave no thought to others attending your college or to your staff. Not all students or staff of color stood with this group who shouted down and cursed the faculty and administrators as they screamed for social justice. You call this a passion I call it what it is, bullying and if you don’t have what it takes to see to it this is not allowed then you, Mr. Bridges do not belong in the position you are in and need to resign.

When these students leave your campus and go out into the real world and get a real job they are not going to be able to stomp their feet and get upset because someone in their work place offended them. The world doesn’t work that way. There are some amazingly wonderful people in this world and there are some amazingly dense people in this world who just don’t get it. You cannot go around and stomp your feet, make demands, act like you are a two year old and figure everyone is going to give into you because hey, that’s what they did when you attended college. No sir, in the real world, which is what you are supposed to be getting them ready for, life is very different.

You may have a boss you absolutely love, work well with, even become the best of friends with and then again you may have a boss you can’t please no matter what you do and you cannot always scream racial discrimination and cry for your safe space, sometimes you just have to suck it up and grow up. Bills have to be paid, food on the table, and responsibilities of life itself rules what you do and don’t do with your life. You set the ground rules, you set your goals and no matter what you do, do not allow anyone or anything to get in your way.

If you are teaching these young people they can get their way by screaming, throwing a temper tantrum, and resort to crying racism you are not getting them ready for the real world. Most people could care less what color your skin is. In today’s world there are mixed races wherever we look. It is accepted in today’s society but I can tell you back when I was a kid it was frowned upon and I could not figure out, for the life of me, why. Whether you are white or of color you are still the same inside, as I have said before, we all bleed red.

So Mr. Bridges to you I say stop giving in to these demands. If you want this to stop on your watch then bring these students and the faculty together and hash it out. Not scream it at one another, call for a peaceful discussion and if it is otherwise the people who are involved in causing chaos should be removed. Oh, I know you think I don’t know what I am talking about since you are there and I am here but it does not take a rocket scientist to realize if you allow this to continue it will continue to grow and there will always be racial tension in your school and in the lives of these young people attending your school.

The people of this great nation need to start standing together no matter what your race is. We need to start teaching our children to concentrate on improving their lives and not to worry about what others think of them. Our young people need to be able to hold their heads up with pride and work together to fix the mistakes of the past not keep them going and fanning the fires so they never stop burning.

Peace comes from within. If you are not at peace with yourself, if you do not see yourself as God sees you then you will not be able to move ahead in this world and you will always be blaming someone else for your misdeeds. Let’s all stop this craziness and as adults show our young people just how important it is to work together to improve our country, to make life better for all people. Life is too short to live with a chip on your shoulder when there is so much to get done because that chip will weigh you down and you will never get ahead.

May God Bless America and bring us all together.

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