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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Monday, May 1, 2017

A Little Bit about Article 1 the US Constituion

I know when we start to talk about our rights and the laws in our Constitution we generally go to the Amendments. People don’t want to lose their First Amendment rights or the Second Amendment rights etc. But what else do you know and understand about our Constitution? Our Constitution sets up our government which is responsible to uphold its laws.

The Preamble is just that. It explains the why our forefathers felt it was necessary to have a Constitution, to ensure our government would be there to protect its citizens from internal strife and from attacks from the outside of the United States.

Back in those days the farmers were among the best and brightest America had to offer and they were wise enough to know this new land, this nation they were fighting so hard to pull together wasn’t a nation of the rich and elite but a nation to be built by the common man. “We the People of the United States,” speaks of the common man and bringing everyone together on the same page in order to continue to grow and become better with each new lesson learned.

In such a short paragraph they talked about the establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility since no one wanted an uprising among the people within since there is no better way to destroy a nation then from within. They had an honest fear of being attacked from all sides. After all, the land they settled on was a small portion of what land there was in America. They still had Britain and Spain to be concerned about coming from them at all sides plus they were worried about Native Americans attacking them. Each state needed to stand together in order to survive.

Bringing it all together tranquility, justice, and defense was all to promote the general welfare of all citizens in each state. They wanted to insure every citizen would benefit from what they government could provide and looked forward to expansions of land, industry, and investments, not much different than people feel today. So they stressed the importance of a strong national government.
Of course they had concerns they were giving the impression they were creating a nation which would resemble somewhat of a paradise for liberty. People were tired of the tyranny and monarchy and they wanted more, they wanted to be free to do for themselves and not the interest of their king. So when our forefathers set down to write this Constitution they wanted to insure a future for American generations to come. Quite the task they had taken on without even realizing what the future held. They couldn’t have imagined the hurdles we would have had to overcome, the battles we would have to fight, and the amount of people who struggled to be free and come here legally every year.

Article 1 of the Constitution has 10 sections to it. I know sounds complicated but it’s not. It is where the United States Constitution gives Congress its power and limits. We all know Congress is the legislative branch of government making the laws for the United States. Congress is made up of the Senate, consisting of two senators per state and the House of Representatives, which has representatives of each state based on the state’s population. 

In this article it states as with the Senate the House of Representatives must be voted in by the people, the citizens of each individual state. A candidate for the House of Representatives must be at least 25 years of age and an American citizen at least 7 years plus they must live in the state in which they wish to represent. A candidate running for the Senate must be at least 30 years of age and an American citizen at least 9 years as well as living in the state they wish to represent. It is up to the state as to when, where, and how these elections take place. When the Constitution was drafted it was decided Congress must meet at least once a year and it must be on the first Monday in December.
In Article 1 it talks about the rules and procedures for the Congress including member’s qualifications, as I have said earlier, rules they must adhere to, how to keep records for what happens during their meetings, and how to adjourn. It is in Article 1 they look at the privileges, restrictions and compensation of Congress. Senators and House of Representatives are paid by the United States treasury, they cannot be arrested unless it is for felony, treason, or a breach of peace. If they are still holding a seat in Congress they cannot take office in the Executive Branch of the government. That is not to say they cannot hold that seat while they run for the Executive Branch but must give it up before they take the oath of office.

Bills are started and passed through Congress. It doesn’t matter if the bill is introduced in the House or in the Senate because in order for it to become law it must pass both houses. Once that is done it then goes onto the President who can do one of two things, sign it into law or he can choose to veto it.

Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution talks about the Enumerated Powers of Congress which gives them the power to tax and spend money raised through taxes, provide for the nation’s defense and general welfare, allows them to borrow money through issuance bonds and other means, and more.
There are also limits set on Congress which prohibits them from legislating in certain areas, they can’t name someone as King, they can’t accept a title of nobility, office, or a gift from any foreign country or monarch without congressional approval and there is more so check it out.

The last section of the Article 1 would be Section 10 which limits the powers of the states, they don’t have the same power as the federal government, and they can’t create money. Of course there is more for each section of Article 1 but this is just scratching the surface of the intention of our forefathers when they set out to draft the Constitution and ensure the safety of American Citizens.

A very complicated document which they obviously gave a lot of thought considering the form of government they were fighting to get away from. They wanted a new and better chance for their citizens and knew they had to leave room to make changes.

One of the most important things they knew then and we know now is if the House of Representatives and the Senate do not work together for the greater good of this country then the only ones who suffer are the common people and that is what they did not want. Their goal was to improve on the mistakes of other leaders and see to it the people had a say in their government and the government listened to what they people wanted when they went to the poles and voted for their representation.

A President is only as good as those who serve with him. He may be of the Executive Branch of the government but if he does not have a Congress willing to work together and with him or her then there is no chance of any improvements and the only ones who will struggle are the people of this great nation.

We need to take a page from the book of our forefathers and work together not battle every chance we get. Congress shouldn’t be worrying about what is best for their party but what is truly best for the people of this great nation. They should not be fighting on the floor like a bunch of children but uniting together to see to it that the laws of this great nation are followed and the offices they hold are held in the highest regard and with integrity. That is what they saw for these United States of America and I do believe with all my heart that it is about time many members of our Congress stop thinking about the few and worry about the many. You cannot fix what is broken if you keep your blinders on. Our Constitution set the guidelines that need to be followed from the very onset of its writing. Almost as if they foresaw problems like we are facing today with Congressmen and women who feel they know more than anyone else and it’s their way or no way.

To all American Citizens I ask you to take a look at your Representatives and Senators records. See what they have shown up for to vote on and how they have voted. Make an educated decision when you go to the polls and if you honestly feel they are not doing their jobs then it is up to you to vote them out of office. Sometimes it takes shaking things up a little to get things to balance out once more.

May God Bless America and our forefathers who were way ahead of their time. 

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