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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Monday, February 27, 2017

Is the Affordable Care Act really Affordable?

During this past presidential campaign we heard talk about repealing and replacing Obamacare and of course we heard people scream how that was going to hurt the American people. Well let’s go over Obamacare and how it has hurt or helped Americans.

First biggest lie that was associated with Obamacare or the Affordable care act is you could keep your own doctors. Many found out that was not exactly the truth. Many doctors were not on the particular plan you picked so you lost the doctor who knew your medical history like the back of their hand and had to start all over with someone else.

Affordable, not really, although for some the monthly payments were less the deductible was way out there. I was in my doctor’s office not long after the Affordable Care Act came into play and I was asking him if I should pick a plan or stay with my Medicare. He told me to stay where I was because he wasn’t taking any more United Health Care or Aetna and in this state that’s what you would get. I also found out although people, in some instances, were paying less for their monthly premium their deductible was close to $ 2,000 and for some, higher.

We hear stories how low income families were now able to receive such great healthcare and they did. They received Obamacare at a lower cost and for some who never had healthcare they were now able to have it, but at what cost. They didn’t have the high co-pays others were getting so they were more than happy with their new healthcare coverage and never wanted it to change. Who could blame them? How was this able to happen for them? Well for one thing over 7 billion dollars were taken from the Medicare system to pay for this. Now I don’t know about how you feel about this but I, for one, am pissed off.

I do not begrudge anyone healthcare but how is it fair to the many Americans who go to work every day, pay their taxes, pay into Medicare and have this money stolen from a fund they have worked so hard to contribute to so they will have some security in retirement. Do you know when a person retires, even after paying into Medicare for fifty years or more, for some, they still have to pay a monthly fee to get Medicare? Are you aware the minimal fee they pay is at least $ 107.00 a month which only pays for what is known as Parts A and B? This only pays for 80% of doctor’s office visits and 80% of a hospital stay. Now if you want to have your medications covered you have to purchase part D. So now more money out of your fixed income. Yet people who come into this country and have no healthcare are given Medicaid which, in case you don’t know, covers everything and you pay nothing into it. Medicaid is given to any family who is on welfare as well. Now when I say it covers everything I mean, doctors’ visits, hospital visits, prescription medications, eye glasses and dental. Yet our retired people who worked their entire lives can’t get anywhere near this help without paying more and more of the fixed income. This is why our elderly and disabled do without.

Oh, now let’s not forget the best part of this Affordable Care Act being if a person is not earning enough money to pay for health insurance the federal government punishes them come tax time. Yep, you get a fine on your income tax form if you cannot prove you have been insured for the year. Really? A person cannot afford to pay for insurance, they could really use that refund but the government fines you because you aren’t making enough money to afford insurance for yourself and your family. Great Obama, nice job, this is something that will keep on screwing the American people if Congress doesn’t do something about it. So nice legacy you left us with.

At CPAC this past week President Trump spoke on, what he called, our failed health care law and how it threatens our medical system. Has Obamacare helped people who never had healthcare before? Yes, but the more money you make the more you pay for it so that is not affordable as the title of this act insinuates. There were many Americans who were working and receiving great healthcare but because of the Affordable Care Act they lost their coverage or have to pay additional money just to keep their insurance because the employer could no longer afford to make contributions to the healthcare system.   Small business had to cut back on employees so they didn’t have to carry insurance for them so not only did they lose their healthcare some lost their jobs and let's not forget the small businesses that ended up having to close their doors.

I agree with President Trump. The Affordable Care Act needs to be repealed and replaced. I would like to see people who have preexisting healthcare issues covered so there is no bump in the road for them. We have too many people with cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, and other health issues who do not need to worry about a burp in their healthcare. I believe President Trump and his administration will be able to come up with an affordable healthcare for everyone. We just need Congress to keep an opened mind and to look it over with the American people in mind. Not worrying about what Obama’s legacy is but what the American people need. Not a small percentage but all American’s.

I also agree with Our President that we need to open up the state boarders and allow insurance to be sold from state to state. Which would keep the price down for the consumer. Common sense if you have more insurance agencies fighting for the clients they will do more to keep their price down. The battle to get clients will be on them so they will work to give you the best possible plan at the most affordable price. There is nothing wrong with competition it is what makes champions.

For those of you who have been without healthcare coverage, have had to lose their doctor, have been lied to by the past administration and want to see a change, want the option to buy a family plan at a cheaper affordable price but still be able to have a low deductible, let your Representatives know you want a change for the better. Tell them you want to have improvements made to a plan that is going to fail and leave people without a life raft within the next two years. It’s time they work for the American people who voted them into office.

Perhaps a great way to get Congress to see things like the average American is to have them swap out their insurance. Have them use Obamacare under the same conditions as you or me. Let them pay for an insurance that takes away their doctors, gives them a high deductible per person in their household, minimal healthcare coverage for more money than they ever had to pay especially since their coverage is paid for, compliments of the tax payers.

Wake up Congress there are still way too many Americans who cannot afford your Affordable Care Act. It’s time to put something together that will help all Americans have an insurance they can afford so they can take care of their families healthcare needs. Oh, and while you’re at it, put the money back that was stolen from Medicare so those who worked so hard all their lives don’t have to worry. I also think anyone who is on Medicaid should also have to pay at least what those on Medicare have to pay every month. What’s fair is fair.

May God Bless America and May God open the eyes and minds of Congress so they work with President Trump towards improving the lives of all Americans. 

Saturday, February 25, 2017

This week’s battle in the news is one that started during the Obama administration but his way of handling it differs from that of President Trump. I am not surprised since Our President looks at all sides of the issue and not just one. I am sorry but when Obama was President, even though I did not vote for him, he was still my president but I didn’t have to like or agree with everything he did. Yes he did some good but under his administration we have seen this country step back in time and it isn’t pretty. Yet everyone wants to put that blame on President Trump who has only been in office thirty five days.

The Liberals cheered when Obama said transgender people can use the bathroom or locker room for the sex they associate with not born to. This was one of the times I thought he was completely off the mark.

This week it is once again in the news but I don’t get what everyone is surprised about. President Trump stated during his campaign time and time again he will give the schools back to the states. As for the transgender issue on how schools treat transgender students Sean Spicer told the press this is simply a states’ rights issue. It’s not reversing anything the past administration put into place but it is giving the states’ the responsibility of dealing with the issue themselves.

So what prompted the Obama administration to have schools follow this blueprint they laid out last year? Well, they were trying to avoid violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. What is Title IX? It is a federal law banning sex discrimination in education. The past administration took it on themselves to interpret it to include discrimination based on gender identity however as Sean Spicer stated there is a case in federal court this administration is waiting for a decision on. In August this was put on hold due to the fact several states had sued to challenge them.

So now for the moron’s who opened their mouths and stuck their foot in it. Let’s start with this dozy J.B. Pritzker. For those of you who do not know who he is, the great state of Illinois has the unlucky chance of him being a gubernatorial candidate. He is also a Democratic megadonor. He tweeted his solution to the problem “As a protest against Trump’s rescinding protections for trans kids, everyone should use the other gender’s bathroom today!” Real smart, that’s like giving every pedophile in the country card blanch to go into the ladies room where young girls could be alone and unprotected. After taking hit after hit on twitter he tried to explain himself by saying, “Was not being literal. But I think today and every day we should be standing up for all our kids.” He is right there we should stand up for our kids but all  kid’s male, female, and transgender.

Now for moron number two who made me so angry if he was in front of me I would kick him, you know where! CNN’s, better known by the right as the “Clinton News Network’, host Chris Cuomo must have a screw loose somewhere. On Thursday this man who is supposed to be educated and somewhat intelligent decided to take to twitter and had a few things to say implying 12 year old girls who might be uncomfortable being exposed to male private parts should be more tolerant. This all started when he responded to a concerned parent who asked him how young girls would feel if exposed to men in the locker room.

I think it’s a fair question for any parent to ask for that matter for any young woman to ask. I understand people who are transgender are going through a process of making the switch from one gender to another so it takes time. It isn’t something which happens overnight. There is a lot involved including psychological examinations because they want to make sure you understand all you are going to go through and that this is the way you will now live your life once the surgery is complete.

So now you have a young person in school who has decided this is the path they want to take. A report was done that about 1 in every 137 students is transgender so now that puts a school of 550 students with about 4 students who are identifying themselves as transgender. Perhaps they have started with seeing the doctors and documenting what is going on, perhaps they have started the hormone therapy but they still have the same sex organs they were born with. That is what makes young girls, even women uncomfortable. Have you ever been in a girl’s bathroom in high school? 
They talk about everything and anything, they fix their clothes, adjust this or that, put on their makeup, even change their clothes and if it’s all girls in the locker room or girls bathroom they tend not to always worry about who is walking in. Now you have a transgender male who is allowed to use the girl’s room but he is still a boy in every physical sense of the word except he started hormone therapy. So now you gave him a place to feel safe from ridicule by the other boys in school but you took the feeling of security away from the girls. Why? They don’t matter?

What’s wrong with giving them their own bathroom? One that is neither gender but still having a bathroom specifically for boys or girls. A simple solution and no one has to point fingers at anyone or get upset.

A teenager going through the transition while they are still in school will have other students bullying them. Heck some don’t need a reason to bully so I can understand young boys and girls looking to transgender are not comfortable going into a boy’s/girl’s locker room or bathroom because of the possibility of being bullied where there is no one to help them. Passing a rule they can use the girls bathroom or girls going through transition can use the boys bathroom isn’t solving the problem it could and will make the other children feel uncomfortable and possibly add fuel to the fire. The only solution is an all gender bathroom added to the others and this gives everyone their privacy. No one is singled out. If you choose to use the all gender bathroom then you know there is a chance you will be in the company of a transgender student.

No child in school should feel threatened or uncomfortable. The solution isn’t to force young girls to share their locker room or bathroom with transgender males who still have all they were born with. Like transgender children want to be considered so do young girls and in some cases young boys. In this situation all involved need to be considered not just transgender.

May God watch over all children.

Friday, February 24, 2017


Just when you think the mainstream media can’t get any lower NBC news proves us wrong! Perhaps they are afraid if they don’t keep pushing the negative this country may once again become united. I cannot believe they have stooped so low as to use children to continue spewing hate and distrust towards President Trump.

When I saw the video at first I was upset with NBC but then I realized the parents who allowed their children to be in this video are just as bad. Children learn from the parents. They listen even when we don’t know they are paying attention. When I was teaching preschool I used to tell the parents never talk about anything in front of your children unless you felt it was for them to hear for two reasons. Number one children always repeat what they hear when you least expect it and it can cause problems where there shouldn’t be any or an embarrassing situation. Number two our children should never feel the anger or fear of their parents because they are too young and impressionable.

I honestly don’t even want to discuss the video because I am sure you have seen it and come to your own conclusion about it. What upsets me most is the unlimited bashing and different ways the media attacks our President but seems to forget the sins and mess ups of past administrations, the old double standard. It appears their goal is keep the propaganda going no matter what the cost.

I say this because recently I have had conversations with people who have told me they don’t like President Trump. I ask them why, what is it about our President that bothers you? I have been told he doesn’t like “brown” people, he doesn’t care for low income people, he doesn’t like immigrants and of course the old standby, I’m don’t know. So let’s break this down. We are a country of mixed races, no one person, on one race is better than the other. If President Trump is to improve on inner cities, combat gangs, and fight immigration, it has nothing to do with the color of anyone’s skin. It has to do with making improvements and helping honest hardworking citizens get ahead and improve their lives and that of their families. So what’s wrong with helping “brown” people get ahead instead of allowing the establishment to keep them or anyone else without a college degree down? Heck, we have kids who are graduating college, of all races, who have no hope for a job in the field they have studied. Someone needs to step in and bring in the jobs to improve our economy and that someone would be President Trump.

When I ask how they came to their conclusion the answer is usually they heard this or that on the news. You know the little sound bites they put out on what President Trump said out of context and then add their own commentary to it. They didn’t listen to the President actually give his speech, they didn’t watch his rallies to find out what he really is all about. No of course not, they don’t like Trump so they don’t listen to him when he talks. I guess, in a way, I can understand that because the sound of Hillary Clinton’s voice was like someone scratching on a blackboard to me but I listened to what little she had to say from time to time and of course the debates. As I keep saying, knowledge is the key.

How can you make a judgement on anything in life and not research it? This is your President who will be in office for the next four years at least. If we are lucky it will be eight years and we will come out of it in better shape than we have ever been. Do the research, listen to what he has to say and then make an educated decision using your own mind not the propaganda the news spews. As an adult we need to think for ourselves and not allow others to influence us. God gave us a brain to use and there is no sense in letting it go to waste. Listening to those who yell the loudest, stand in front of a camera and spit out hate and lies, or joining in on protesting and rioting because everyone else is doing it is no way for an adult to handle things. That goes for our young college students as well.

People get upset because President Trump calls it fake news but what would you call it when the people who are supposed to be bringing you the news do things like this? What would you call it when they put their agenda above the people of the country? What would you call it when they use propaganda to instill fear in the public? I know what I would call it, FAKE NEWS!

If they are not reporting on what they “think” the President “meant” by his statements, they are spewing hate and negativity in every way they can and now they are using innocent children. News reporters are supposed to report the news as it happens not according to their feelings or political agenda. They have a responsibility to those who watch their show or read their paper to tell the news as it happens not as they wish it was.

It seems as if it has been forever that I have said negativity begets negativity so if these reporters keep this up there is no healing. There is only confusion and outrage because of the words they speak and the tone they spew it in.

If we want to fix things not just in this country but around the world, then folks it’s time to start looking at the brighter side of things. It’s time to give credit when credit is due. It’s time to start thinking of positive outcomes instead of destroying everything good. The way negativity begets negativity it’s the same way for positivity begetting positivity and that will spread happy thoughts, hope, and smiles.

I’m not saying sugar coat the news but don’t lie. Don’t try to keep instilling fear in people. The left needs to accept President Trump as our President and allow him to do his job. Perhaps if you actually reported the news as it happens then Our President and all those who respect and love him will see you as real news once again. Maybe you can even be a positive influence on the world once more and bring people together just by doing your job the right way.

May God Bless America and God Bless President Trump as he and his administration strive to “Make America Great Again.” 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Islamic teachings forced on our children in schools across the nation

When I started school we started the morning with the flag salute and a prayer. Yes I was in public school at the time but prayer was allowed in school. No one seemed to mind. Sadly this ended in 1962 and in my opinion that’s about when the morals of this great nation started to sway. As a child I couldn’t understand why I was no longer allowed to bow my head in a morning prayer. It was disturbing.

I remember my parents being upset and saying it was due to one woman who was an atheist, Madalyn Murry O’Hair who took her case against Baltimore Schools for reciting the Lord’s Prayer, to the Supreme Court in 1963. However a fuss was already kicked up in 1962 in the Long Island, New York public school system by Steven I. Engle who was Jewish and found it disturbing to see his child’s head bent in prayer since that was not the way they prayed. The school district used what was called a “Regent’s Prayer.” Engle was joined by others in his community Daniel Lichtenstein, Monroe Lerner, Lenore Lyons, and Laurence Roth.

The New York State Court and the New York Court of Appeals, upheld the use of the Regent’s Prayer which was “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.” Doesn’t sound so denominational, now does it. Since he didn’t get anywhere with the New York State Court he took it to the Supreme Court in Engel v. Vitale case of 1962 which ended with an 8-1 vote to make reciting the Regents’ Prayer in school unlawful. This made the opening for the Abington School District v. Schempp ruling in 1963 which made it unlawful in public schools to recite the Lord’s Prayer or read the Bible.

All this under the First Amendment which reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof….” Also referred to as “Separation of church and state.” 

Now fast forward to 2014 when the teachings of Islam suddenly started making their way into the classroom and being accepted by many because they don’t want to offend anyone. In January 2016 John and Melissa Wood filed a lawsuit in the State of Maryland in which they accuse the La Plata High School of subjecting their teenage daughter to Islamic indoctrination and propaganda. When John Wood complained to the school he was banned from campus.

The Woods are of Christian faith and upset by the fact their daughter was being subjected to the Islamic indoctrination and propaganda. Mr. and Mrs. Wood’s attorney said the school forced their teenage daughter to disparage her Christian faith by reciting the Shahada and then having her say “There is not god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

The lawsuit which was filed for the Wood’s family by their attorney’s also named Charles County Board of Education and the school’s principal and vice-principal. Filed in federal court the lawsuit alleges students spent one day studying Christianity and two weeks studying Islam. During this time no portion of the Bible or other non-Islamic religious texts were taught, however the students were made to listen to derogatory remarks about Christianity and the Pope which is of course unconstitutional since they are promoting one religion over another.

As American citizens who have lived through the past few decades watching the ever growing chaos in Muslim countries. I can say, being a person who loves to study religions, all religions, that telling children Islamic religion is fact and peaceful while others are not is enough to make me pissed off, not scared. This school was teaching their students “Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian. How could any good Christian parent or any other faith for that matter not be upset?

John Wood is a Marine veteran. He fought for this country and had a right to go to this school and express his concerns. He just wanted his daughter to be able to opt out of the lessons but the school refused by saying she would have to take all zero’s because they would be incomplete assignments.
So now my question is: Where is all the outrage? Where are all the civil rights leaders who should be standing by this Marine veteran and his family? What about the Separation of church and state? What about her first amendment right to practice her own religion and not have another forced on her? Does she lose this right because she is a child? I think not, she is an American protected under the Constitution of this great land.

This is what is going on quietly in schools today but parents need to start making a lot of noise. Maybe it’s one school in this state and another somewhere else but you all need to ban together and fight this to the Supreme Court. We as a nation need to stand with these families in their fight so they know they are not alone. A simple post on Facebook isn’t enough. Let your voices be heard. Contact your representatives and tell them you do not want this going on in our schools. Fight for the right of all children who don’t have a voice because they don’t go home and tell mom or dad what is going on in school, they just accept it unknowingly.

Everyone wants to say President Trump is wrong. We don’t have anything to worry about. Radical Islamism is alive and well in this country and we need to protect our children and grandchildren. If a public school wishes to start offering religious studies then all religions must be represented and no one should be force feeding our children trying to turn them against their religious belief. However once again if prayer or reading of the Bible is not allowed in schools due to our first amendment rights then the Karan does not belong there either.  This was decided in 1962 and 1963 by our Supreme Court. Perhaps the schools haven’t gotten the memo!

May God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sad to say but comparing the Republican Party to Nazi’s is something the Democratic Party has been doing for a long time and now President Trump is taking the hit. I must say though, President Trump, is in good company since the Democratic Party has thrown the same insults at other Republican politicians such as, Barry Goldwater back in 1964, President Ronald Regan, President George W. Bush, Vice President Al Gore, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and many have just clumped the entire Republican Party in to the same category.

Well let’s take a look at who spreads the propaganda and fights to get the American people riled up and wreaking havoc. Not the Republican Party or its voters but the Democratic Party has done all it can to keep this country divided. They love to toss out Hitler’s name but they are the ones using his tactics of propaganda putting fear in to people’s minds and hearts. Just look at Hillary Clinton who called Trump supporters during the campaign Deplorables. 

Last night I watched Tucker Carlson’s show as I do every night. Tucker tried to interview Sunsara Taylor who is a “Refuse Fascism” organizer. I have never heard so much nonsense and hate spewed by one person in my life. She thought she was being tough talking over Tucker and mocking him as she talked against President Trump before Tucker could even ask her a question. At one point just as Tucker about had it with her ranting and raving she accused Trump of war crimes. Really, what war, what crimes? The best part of the entire interview was when Tucker cut her off.

A while ago I read an article about a Holocaust survivor and her thoughts on Trump vs. Hitler.  Jan Markell who co-authored “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell” with Anita Dittman said in an interview with WND “This is laughable were it not truly tragic.” These two women wrote an amazing book on the horrors of living through these times. They know first-hand what it was like to be living under a Hitler regime. Perhaps all these leftist spewing this hate should open this book and read it. Educate themselves on what Hitler really was like and what he stood for.

In all the history books Hitler is described as a man who was possessed-evil. He loved human suffering and in no way worked towards making things better for people. He believed in a supreme race not in all of us living together in peace and unity. The left is so messed up they would rather have you believe Our President and all who support him are racists, they don’t care about the people in this great nation. Yet they didn’t see the hate and fear the Obama administration helped fire up during his eight years in office.

Oh, over the years we had protesters with all Presidents from time to time but under Obama this country went back to the late 1960’s when people were rioting in the streets, burning down homes and businesses in all in the name of wanting the truth to be told. The Obama administration all but put a target on the backs of the police in our country instead of putting the blame where it should have been, on the criminal. Yet no one dare compare him to Hitler.

Hitler wasn’t interested in anything but making things great for himself. He didn’t care about Germany or their people so how can they compare a man like President Trump to Hitler when all Our President has said from day one is his goal is to “Make America Great Again.” Even this slogan upset the left. In their eyes America didn’t need improving but let’s look at it from the average Joe's point of view.

In the past years we have seen a loss of jobs with many corporations leaving this country. Now it is true this didn’t just start with Obama but he didn’t do anything to stop it. He did, however, strive to produce a health care plan for all to afford so much so he ignored the high deductible per patient, not being able to keep your own doctor, and then to add insult to injury fining all those who do not have insurance on their income tax every year. He welcomed activist into the White House like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, and let’s not forget the Muslim Brotherhood.  All this and opening the doors to Muslim countries without any thought of what he could be doing to the United States or perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps he knew exactly what he was doing to this country and just didn’t care.

Now we have a President who cares about this country, every last one of us, including those who fight against him. Who bash him with hate because they listen to those who fear him. What are they afraid of? They are afraid President Trump will do what he said he will do, pull this country out of debt, bring prosperity and hope to the inner cities, improve education in this country, build a better future for the American people by bring jobs back, protecting our boarders, taking care of our Veterans, and building our Military. They are afraid because if President Trump does complete every last one of his campaign promises there will not be another elected official who can stand on their soap box, make promises, get themselves elected, then screw the American voters by not doing as they promised and not seeing things through because now we have a President who is doing all he can do to cut through the red tape and BS to prove to America nothing is impossible if you actually do the job you were elected to do.

It’s time Congress got off their butts and did their job. Approve President Trump’s cabinet choices so he can have a full working team and prove you all wrong. He is not Hitler, nothing like him. Trump is his own man who only sees a better future for the county he has loved all his life. To all the leftist out there, stop crying and start getting behind your President and fight for your right to have a better life. Don’t let the Democratic Party continue to drag and hold you down. It’s time to stand up and fight, to follow a leader who knows how to get things done and keep the ball rolling.

May God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

To all the protesters out there yesterday, "Presidents Day", chanting and acting the fool with your stance of "Not my Presidents Day," then get the hell out of America because you obviously don't even know why we celebrate this holiday or why it's called Presidents Day. For you, if you even have a job, it's obviously just another day off!

There was some moron dressed as the father of our country holding a sign saying "Not My President." Do you even know why we celebrate the so called Presidents Day? Actually according the federal government there is no Presidents day, it is and always has been, George Washington's birthday! Before you went out in public dressed this way holding that ridiculous sign you should have did a tad bit of research.

Most of this great nation celebrates Washington's Birthday the third Monday of February however states do not have to adopt federal holidays. These holidays are for federal agencies and offices, so if you are given this day off it's a gift.

Here's a little history lesson for you back in the late 1960's Congress came up with the idea of the Uniformed Monday Holiday Act which was championed by the Senator from Illinois, Robert Mc Clory, This idea was to shift several federal holidays with specific dates to Monday giving people a long weekend off. It also included combining Lincoln's birthday with Washington's birthday which they believed it would give equal recognition to both.They even played with the idea of naming it "President's Day" however this proved to be a sore spot for the lawmakers of the State of Virginia. Which in case you don't know, is Washington's home state. The proposal to change the name was eventually dropped but the Uniformed Monday Holiday Act was passed in 1968 and officially took effect with an executive order from Richard Nixon in 1971.

It was at this time that Washington's birthday officially shifted from it's set date of February 22 to the third Monday of the month of February. There are a few other holidays that fell into this category with Lincoln's birthday being the second Monday in February and others such as, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day were moved from their original dates to a Monday. However in 1980 Veteran's Day was returned to it's original date, November 11th, due to extreme criticism.

Even though President Nixon's executive order plainly stated Washington's Birthday was not to be changed to Presidents Day people, not knowing their history, thought they were celebrating Lincoln and Washington's birthday together so by mid 1980's Washington's birthday was called President's Day by many. In the early 2000's about half of the fifty states of this great union had changed Washington's birthday to President's day. However, the federal government has held on to Washington's birthday, the third Monday in February, on official calendars. So as usual people are ignoring what is in the law books and states are doing what they want calling it what they want. Some states even dropped Lincoln's Birthday altogether. What a disgrace since both of these great men deserve to be celebrated equally for their contribution to America.

So tell me now protesters what President are you talking about Lincoln or Washington? One would have to think it was George Washington since it was his birthday you were protesting. Be it two separate dates or one for each it is still just intended for Washington and Lincoln.

On the news last night I saw someone with a sign "I will not go back to the 1950's" ha! She looked no more than a teenager herself. Let me tell you sweetheart, you wish you were raised in the 1950's. You have no idea what hard work and dedication to anything other than your spoiled self means like so many other American's today.

If you feel President Trump or anyone before him is not or was not "your President" then you don't belong here, even if you are born on this soil. You know people today will kick up a fuss about everything and anything but no one really knows what they are upset about. They complain about Trump's stand on immigration, have they looked at the archives of Clinton and Obama? No of course not because even though both men spewed how immigration needed to be controlled neither one of them took a strong stand and and openly did the job. They are upset with President Trump because he not only is doing what he said he was going to do but the mainstream media is covering it as if it is the only news in this country.

President Trump is covered in the mainstream media more than any other President ever was. They attack his every word and action. No matter what the man does he is wrong. What they don't get is he is no different they you or me. President Trump comes from New York and I will tell you as someone from Jersey holding your tongue is not our way, allowing people to walk on you is not our way, calling you out on is. If you can't deal you need to grow a thicker skin and get over it.

I rather hear "My President" tell me the truth about how he intends to get things done and then see him do just that instead of lie to me and then push all his promises under the rug to be kept there for the next person who dares to take this job. I understand the importance of keeping military actions a secret from the news and not broadcasting our arrival before we get there. Our young men and women are the ones out there doing the dirty work and Our President has a responsibility to protect them. People need jobs in order to grow our economy so to have a President that will bring those jobs to this country is a number one priority.

So now tell me why isn't he "Your President?" If it's because he is to harsh, not politically correct, won't give you freebies, expects you to earn a living, to go to school and hey pay for it, oh well suck it up buttercup and realize nothing in life, nothing worthwhile is ever sugar coated or free.

May God Bless America and God Bless "OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP."

Monday, February 20, 2017

I am sure  many Americans tuned into President's Trump rally on Friday. I know I did because, for me, he is inspiring the way he gets the people excited and shows how much he cares about America. I was so happy to hear our First Lady Melania Trump recite the Lords Prayer. I thought it was a perfect way to start the Rally off, but then again I am on the right not the left.

As usual President Trump's rally drew over nine thousand people in attendance and yes there were protesters who made their appearance outside the rally, which of course, did not disturb our President.
Listening to him talk about what he has accomplished since his time in office and what he plans to do with in the next few months, gave me more hope than I had even a year ago for this country. I know there are people who think I am off my rocker but who cares. They don't pay my bills and the Constitution of this great land gives me to right to speak. 

What does disturb me about anything concerning the rally are the ignorant leftest social media morons who jumped on their computers and bravely bashed our First Lady for the way she delivered the Lord's Prayer. I say bravely because they took to their computers to bash her, hiding behind their keyboards. My question to these brave souls is, how would they like it if it was their wife, mother, sister, aunt, being bashed and called the horrible names these people chose to call Our First Lady?

If anyone from the right dared to speak of Michele Obama in this way the left would have went crazy. The media would have caused an uproar but no the left has accepted this with ease. They were disturbed because the Presidents Rally opened with the Lords Prayer. I heard some complain not everyone is Christian in America. OK, then those of you who aren't don't have to pray along but to bash someone for their religious belief is outrageous. 

Even worse is all these wonderful leftist don't care about immigration be it legal or ILLEGAL, are the exact same people who are bashing someone for their accent. This is really funny seeing as there are those of the left who were born in this country and still they haven't mastered the English language. Melania Trump was not born here yet she has learned our language.

Our First Lady speaks six languages including English. How many of those bashing her today can make the same claim? In today's society we are raising a bunch of no nothings. They get offended with the slightest look and take to social media to bash and call names. To put their personal life out there for all to see. They think calling someone names makes them important. Sad life to lead.

In defense of our First Lady Melania Trump, it felt good to me to hear a prayer before the rally. It felt good to see this First Family believes in prayer and isn't afraid to go out there and say it. In this country one of our rights is freedom of religion. It was important to our forefathers because it is a God given right and in our Declaration of Independence it is referred to as unalienable rights, which means they cannot be taken away or denied. 

Included in our unalienable rights are the right to life, the right to liberty, and a right to pursue happiness. Our very own Supreme Court has stated on numerous occasions that freedom of religion is the most precious of our unalienable rights next to the right to life. 

So what's so disturbing to the left that Our First Lady Melania Trump said the Lords Prayer before the rally? Is it because religion shows faith and moral values? Every form of religion has some prayer they say to the Divine, Spirit, or God which ever you want to call it. To ridicule people for their belief or lack there of is wrong since we have the freedom to practice our faith or not. Maybe it's the moral side of things that disturbs so many of you because from the chaos going on around this country today and the words of hate spewed out of some of these people against Melania Trump, I would say they have no clue what morals are.  

To those of you who made comments she had the prayer written down and read from it, that she plagiarized the Bible, when was the last time you looked toward your God and said a prayer? I am not expecting any of these so called better then thou leftest, to apologize for the way they bashed First Lady Melania Trump  but I would like to tell her We the People, the so called Deplorable, appreciate all you and your family have done for us. We appreciate all you have had to give up for your service to this great nation. 

May God Bless America and God Bless our First Family. 

Saturday, February 18, 2017

I have been listening to the news for the past two days about these two "poor" ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT woman who are in danger of being deported. I have listened to the bleeding heart liberals who are hell bent on keeping these women right here. Let's take this one person at a time.

Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos: First off she arrived in the United States ILLEGALLY  with her parents at the age of 14. She is now 35 years old. Back in 2008 there was a raid where she worked and she was arrested. She was charged and convicted with FELONY CRIMINAL IMPERSONATION.

What is Felony Criminal Impersonation? This is when a person knowingly assumes a false or fictitious identity or capacity or engages in specific acts or any act with the intent to unlawfully gain a benefit for himself or another or to injure or defraud another. Well she had a fake social security number so she assumed a false identity. She came here in the mid 1990's as a teenager. She could have worked in this country without stealing someone's identity by applying with the IRS for an ITIN number.

Everyone wants to blame Trump for her deportation but not the fact she committed a crime. How would they like their identity stolen. Not fun, then they would be screaming for her head. There was a removal order issued by the Department of Justice's Executive Office for Immigration Review. This order became final in May of 2013. Yes she did report to immigration every six months as she was told since her conviction in 2009 but that does not excuse the fact she committed a crime and her order for removal was up in 2013. You can blame President Trump all you want but truth be told, the past administration dropped the ball by stopping ICE from doing their jobs.

The news keeps focusing on her being the mother of two and wife of yet another undocumented immigrant. They talk as if the government is wrong for upholding the law. Rules, laws are made for a reason. She knew this day could come. She expected it since 2013. Activist group, Puente Arizona, filed a stay-of-removal request that was denied causing her deportation.

What don't they get? Yes, Trump put ICE back to work doing the jobs they were hired to do. This should not be up for discussion. The laws are on the books for a reason. People can't just keep coming into this country and taking advantage, committing crimes and then just go about their lives as if nothing happened, no consequences to be paid. Hell, if you are an American Citizen you would have to pay the piper if found guilty of a crime. What makes her any different? Sorry I have no sympathy for her. I do feel for her children but this was her choice to bring them into the world knowing she didn't legally belong here. It was also her choice to defraud and use someone else social security number.

Jeanette Vizguerra-Ramirez: Arrived her fourteen years ago, you guest it, ILLEGALLY! In February 2009 she was convicted of criminal possession of a forged document, Social Security card with her name on it. However it was not a valid Social Security number. She served a 23 day conviction. She was not deported.

She went back to Mexico for her mothers funeral but ILLEGALLY entered this country again so in May of 2013 she was convicted of ILLEGAL ENTRY. Her sentence, one year of supervised probation.

Since then she has been awarded five successful stays of deportation. She had it made under the Obama administration because there was no way they were sending her back. Again I feel for her family but she chose to do things ILLEGALLY. Trump is not to blame for her mistakes. So instead of keeping a scheduled appointment with ICE she chose to seek sanctuary at a local church pleading for her family to be kept together and so many people are falling for it.

Look at it this way a mother of 4 commits a crime. She is an American citizen. She goes to court, stands trial, and is sentenced to jail time. Be it 2 months, 5 years, or life she is going to jail. Her children are the only ones who suffer but you don't see people protesting the court house when this happens. No, they say, "It was her choice to commit the crime"or "She deserved what she got." Yet now someone who arrives in this country not only ILLEGALLY but also has not one but two convictions, even though they are considered misdemeanors, people scream it's not fair. In my opinion you break the law you pay the price. I really don't care who you are.

Now there is another story that hit the news Elizabeth Vargas-Hernandez. The headlines said it all, "Driving Drunk Illegal Alien Kills Father of 2." Not only did she drive drunk but she didn't have a license to drive, ever! Now here's the kicker, this happened in Marion County, Indianapolis, where the Sheriff's office there does not routinely notify ICE suspected undocumented immigrants commit a crime since arrests are public record and ICE has access to those records.

That night on I-465 Elizabeth Vargas-Hernandez was driving with three passengers in her car. Witnesses say she was driving at a fast speed when she rear ended David Kriehn, 66 years old, a former missionary and father of two, causing his car to slid off the road and flip over several times. He was taken to St. Vincent Hospital where he later died. Elizabeth was not injured, nor were her three passengers. A truly heartbreaking incident.

The main stream media didn't cover this story the way they are covering the other two. They aren't screaming in outrage over how David Kriehn lost his life due to someone breaking the law. Where is the outcry? Where is the love and support for his family who now have to deal with life without their loved one.

I can honestly say I pray ICE catches up with her and deports her faster than you can blink an eye. I am so sick and tired of all the bleeding hearts screaming for ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS rights but they don't get it. They are ILLEGAL  they don't have rights. We the People of this great nation have the rights our Constitution has bestowed on us. You want to have the same rights? Come into this country the right way and become citizens. Have pride and respect for the land that has helped you to make a better life for yourself and your family.

Today I pray for David Kriehn and his family and always I pray for our country. I pray we heal and come together. I pray President Trump knocks down any and all walls the Democrats put up to stop him. I pray for a better future for our children and grandchildren.

May God Bless America and May God Bless and guide President Trump.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Proudly Stand Up: Ok I not only listened to the President Trumps pre...

Proudly Stand Up: Ok I not only listened to the President Trumps pre...: Ok I not only listened to the President Trumps press conference yesterday but I also read the full transcript on the CNN page this morning b...
Ok I not only listened to the President Trumps press conference yesterday but I also read the full transcript on the CNN page this morning because after seeing some of the headlines this morning I thought, "Did I miss something?" Now you all know I can't stand CNN but it was there so I read it.

I didn't think President Trump was ranting and raving or that he was frustrated as the mainstream media seems to think. I do however feel they didn't appreciate him telling them like it is. Telling them what he thinks of their way of reporting news with out talking to the right people but accepting leaking sources as being fact.

I cannot tell you how many times during this press conference President Trump had to answer questions about Michael Flynn and Russia. Constantly asking him to clarify this or that as if they didn't get it the first time he answered or perhaps they were hoping to trip him up. Obviously they haven't been paying attention because once President Trump is under fire he is on fire and takes no prisoners.

Then the discussion of fake news and why he feels that way. Really! How could he call it fake news? Well could it be that as a reporter you have a responsibility to follow a story through. You have a responsibility to your viewers and readers to be sure you get the information your are reporting correct. How do you do that? Well it's called, investigating your story. Checking out your information. Talking to people who are actually involved in the story instead of someone who is leaking it.

Leaking a story is like the old telephone game. Remember when we were kids and whisper something in a friends ear and they whisper it in the next persons ear and so on until the last person says it out loud and it's no where near what was actually said. Well, you may have had some of it right but not all. The sad thing is reporting the news isn't a game. It's their job and they need to get it right.

At no time in the past two years has the news, other than Fox, reported any story in favor of President Trump. Not saying Fox never called him out because they did, but that's the point. They talked directly to him instead of picking up parts of stories from other news stations and papers. They did the job they are paid to do.

The media has been influential at instilling fear and unrest in this country and not, I might add, without the approval of our former administration. How can I say that? Well let's look at the facts. A police officer is killed in the streets doing their job and our Ex President doesn't say a word, doesn't reach out to the families. A thug is shot by a police officer while doing his job and the police officer is the one who is put on trial in the press, by the past administration and politicians around the country, causing rioting in the streets. Now if this was something that happened once you could say I'm wrong, but this is something that went on time and time again for more than two years.

Protests turning to riots, people being burned out of their homes and businesses while police officers are being told to stand down. Not being allowed to do their jobs but hey the news didn't see anything wrong with that yet they have an issue with a President that speaks his mind.

Well here is a tip for these clueless news reporters. The fact President Trump speaks his mind and talks to the American people with respect and understanding is why he is in office today. We are simply tired of the lies and propaganda spread by the news media. Tired of being played the fools because you don't think we can figure things out for ourselves or do our own research. Honestly I believe the average American citizen works harder at getting at the truth then those getting paid for it.

President Trump did say he would like to get along with the media and see them report the news the right way. Not always in his favor, of course, but if there is a positive story why turn it around to be negative and in some cases, really negative. I mean they aren't even giving him credit for bringing back jobs to this country.

I actually heard a reporter the other night, on God knows what station, question if new buildings were going to be put up for these companies returning production to the US or are they going to use the buildings already there? Why would it concern any one but the board of the corporation moving back and bringing jobs with them? As long as the building is safe, the employees are safe, why question it? Why not just be happy for the people who are about to get a second chance, get their jobs back?

President Trump is a unique president in that he says things the way he means them. There is no filter and that is something the left and many news stations are not used to. He isn't worried about being politically correct, he is concerned about putting America first. That's the reason he ran for this office. He had no reason to leave the life he built for himself, a life that gave him more comfort and financial support than being the President of the United States ever will. He never wanted to put his family under the attacks they have had to endure since he has taken office. No one would ever want that for their family.

The media and many from the left would love nothing more than to keep casting doubt on this administration but in time, I believe he is going to open their eyes to what it means to have a better tomorrow. I believe given the time he is going to show people not only does he keep his promises but he knows what the hell he is doing.

Under his leadership I do believe education will improve, law enforcement will have his support, our military will grow, our veterans will be cared for, social security will be fixed, our health care will be truly available and affordable for all Americans. We will once again see this country flourish and best of all, the media will have to eat their words. I pray for that day!

May God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Our first Presidential election began Monday December 15, 1788 and ended Saturday January 10th, 1789. There was the Federalist Candidates and Anti-Federalist Candidates.

The Federalist Candidates were:

John Adams, the former Minister of Great Britain from Massachusetts
John Jay, The United States Secretary of Foreign Affairs from New York
John Rutledge, the former Governor of South Carolina
John Hancock, Governor of Massachusetts
Samuel Huntington, Governor of Connecticut
Benjamin Lincoln, Former US Secretary of War from Massachusetts
George Washington, Former Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army from Virgina

Opposing Candidates were:

Anti-Federalist Candidates:

George Clinton, Governor of New York  

Since there was no political parties there was no nomination process, no primary election. Since Washington had agreed to come out of retirement when asked to be the first President those who wrote the Constitution figured there would no opposition. However they were not sure who would be the Vice-President. Our Constitution stated the first Vice President would be the runner-up of the Presidential election.

Electors were chosen by individual states with each one casting one vote for Washington and their second vote was scattered amongst with the rest of the candidates with John Adams 34 of the 69 second electoral votes. This made him the first Vice President of the United States of America.
Our first election was not perfect, go figure. Even then rumors spread there was a plot started by the Anti-Federalist to elect Richard Henry Lee or Patrick Henry president over Washington. Their choice for the vice president was George Clinton. It is believed the rumors were started by people who were sympathetic to the Federalist and didn’t want to see Clinton as the first President. The funny part of this is with all the distance between people and the time it took to travel from place to place, still the rumor mill worked and the propaganda spread enough to influence the election. Clinton only received 3 electoral votes because it is believed people thought a vote for Clinton was a vote against George Washington.

Although there were 13 states at the time only 10 cast their electoral votes. Since North Carolina and Rhode Island had not yet ratified the United States Constitution they were ineligible to participate in the election. New York had 8 electors but due to a deadlock in the state legislature they failed to appoint their allotment so they were not represented in the election. Even though Washington was their President when all was said and done.

At the time there were 169 electoral votes to be had. A candidate needed only 35 to win. George Washington came in first with 69 Electoral College and John Adams was second with 34 and that is how we elected our first President and Vice President.

It’s sad they don’t teach American History in schools the way they did when I was younger. Children today are clueless about what this country had to do in order to become the Nation we are today. How and why the first settlers came to this land, all the struggles they went through to settle this land, all the battles fought on our soil, all the blood spilled, all the lives sacrificed so we can have the freedoms we are blessed with today.

If I could interview our founding fathers today I believe they would disappointed at the turn of events in this country. They fought to get away from tyranny, they stood their ground and developed a Constitution like no other to ensure the countries safety and well-being. The country they loved is now filled with hate, fear, disrespect, and propaganda spread to do even more harm. Some people who are influential in the government are so far left they are socialist but will lie to your face and say they are not, they are for the American people. The Democratic Party has lost its way. They have those who openly admit they believe in socialism, others who admit they are fans of Karl Marx, and then the few who are afraid of where this line of thinking is leading their party. A few who are willing to stand up and still fight for the freedoms we have in this country by seeing things are done according to our Constitution.

Of course there are those socialist who interpret the Constitution as they see fit and throw it out there as their shield to cast doubt and fear. To cause unrest and fighting among the people of this great nation. I think our fore fathers would remind us of the struggles they went through to keep this form of government out of this country. They would want us to open our eyes and realize we are the stronger power. The government they set up was done to enrich this country, build it to be stronger and better than any other. They would remind you of the hard lives they had under British Rule both in the mother land and in their newly adopted country. Proud men who could no longer support the tyranny their families had to endure so they stood up for their beliefs, they fought a 6 year long war and in the end they were the victor. In the end 13 colonies stood alone yet strongly united. Afraid but brave enough to push forward and work for a better government, a better life for all.
As I said 3 of the 13 colonies were not represented in the first election due to their own fault and still they recognized George Washington as their first President. They got behind their President and gave him a chance to do the work that needed to be done. He was elected for a second term by all 13 colonies being represented. Perhaps today we should take a page from the history books and learn to stand up for our flag, our country and OUR PRESIDENT.

President Donald J. Trump isn’t just the president to those who voted for him. He is the President to all Americans and we need to ban together and stand up for our flag, country and PRESIDENT.  We need to give him a chance to turn this around and stop looking for trouble where there isn’t any. You may not like the way he talks but you have to admit he knows business and he is working hard to learn the office of President. If we keep looking for trouble around every corner then we will find it. If we, as a nation, stand behind our President and look towards a brighter tomorrow, we will find it. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy. Life is a struggle but we must never forget our government works for us. It should never work against us. We should not be moving backwards but looking towards a brighter future.

It is our responsibility as American Citizens to fight for our rights, to make our government know we are not going to sit back and allow socialism to take our freedoms away. We are Americans before anything else and that means we do not give up without a fight. Open up a history book and read, be inspired by some of the great names in history. Be reminded about what American Pride really is.
Education is the way to teach all Americans the importance of being UNITED. The importance of standing strong behind OUR PRESIDENT. You don’t have to like him you just have to make sure he does what he has promised and give him the chance to do so. I didn’t vote for Obama but he was still my President whether I liked him or not. I did vote for President Trump as I have said many times, but to those of you who did not and who feel he is not your President, you are the ones hurting this great nation. You are the ones who are responsible for the unrest. Open your eyes and stand behind your President so he can get on with getting the job done instead of dealing with all the negativity and propaganda.

May God Bless this Great Nation and may he lead President Trump in his fight to “Make America Great Again.” 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

We now have a President who is learning the job as he goes along day by day. He isn't a career politician who does everything Congress wants him to do and screw the people. Perhaps it's not that he is learning how Washington does things but trying to turn it around so what Washington does isn't destroying this country even more.

The man has been in office for 29 days and from day one there have been leaks coming from within. Now so many liberals would love to believe Trump has unrest in his camp but somehow I don't think so. If I were to venture to guess I would have to say it has to do with what little staff is still left over from the old administration. People trying to keep the pot stirred up in order to keep the craziness going. You know the type, the ones who can't live without the drama.

Gen. Flynn resigned but that does not answer the questions that are surrounding the issue. I am sure they will launch and investigation forming yet another committee to get the job done and in doing so they will obviously be talking to Flynn but will they get down the who is actually leaking out information that can be harmful to this country. If Flynn did something that was against our policy I find it amazing how they managed to not only monitor the calls but leak them to the world when they couldn't put their hands on the records of the calls or emails concerning Benghazi.

We are living in a time of cry babies. People who want things their way or no way. People who are not willing to give this administration a chance to prove they can do what they promised. These same people are the exact same people who rallied behind Obama when he won and rooted for Hillary regardless of the scandals  that followed her where ever she went. They didn't care she lost millions of dollars on her watch. They didn't care what went wrong in Benghazi. They didn't care what was going on with the Clinton foundation. What bothered them was Trump standing up and pointing out all the flaws in this country that need to be fixed from economy to foreign affairs.

Trump may not be a politician but he is a businessman and right now this country needs someone who knows how to build it back up and at the same time, isn't afraid to tell N. Korea, Russia or anyone else who thinks they can flex their muscles at the US to back the hell up. That someone is Trump. He has surrounded himself with a good strong cabinet or at least he will have a strong cabinet once they all get approved. In all my years I have never seen Congress drag their feet like this in approving the Presidents advisers. Makes me think they are looking to see him fail and not move ahead and prove this country can support itself. The people in America deserve to have the opportunity wake up in the morning go to work so they can earn an honest days pay for a hard days work. We also deserve to feel safe and protected which we can't do with a depleted military. Trump is right we need to build up our military, fix our schools, work on our inner cities, and bring this country back to the glory days it once saw.

Instead of being outraged over what Our President is doing to make improvements and protect us people should be outraged over the lies and propaganda they have been sold over the past years. Instead of trying to feed Our President to the dogs why not do what you did for all those others who put us in this position and rally around him, show your support for office of President. Show your support for the betterment of this great nation. What are you all afraid of?

Think of it this way. If Trump succeeds with all his plans and turns the US around to even start resembling the nation we once were, then we are all winners, left and right combined. If he doesn't then the left gets to smile, nod, and say I told you so. You get to pat yourself on the back because you were proven right. In the mean time we have a long 4 years ahead of us and if you spend every day listening to the crazy news waiting and hoping for his downfall, then you are going to miss all the beauty life has to offer. You are wallowing in anger because someone who truly loves this country wants to make it better than it is right now, wants to turn it around to what it once was, so our children and grandchildren will have a better tomorrow. Where does that make any sense?

I support a better school system, less testing and more teaching. To put education back in the classroom so when you talk to a college student about current events or past history they don't look like the fools on "Watters World". I support building business in this country. Bringing work back to the middle class. It would be nice to talk to someone in customer service and know they are actually on US soil. I support building our military so it's something to be reckoned with, but most importantly, I support President Donald J. Trump and his administration because I believe in the message they have said from day one, It's time to "Make America Great Again." God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

So much anger and confusion focuses around immigration in this country. Not legal immigration but illegal immigrants coming into this country and taking jobs Americans used to do. The left will have you believe that they don't take jobs away from Americans they take jobs American Citizens won't do because they don't pay well. That's Bull! Farm hands in this country, which is what the left will have you believe are the only jobs they are taking, have a salary range from minimum wage of $ 8.05 to $ 16.05 an hour with the median being $ 10.00 per hour. In this day and age that is the going rate at any job. Starting salary and then as your time grows with the company you get your raises. How about the construction jobs they get standing outside places like Home Depot where they can get picked up as day laborers because they supposedly work for less money but do a hard days work. It's just a way for some contractors to by pass the union workers and put more money in their own pockets because they pay them in cash so that's money they don't have to claim with the IRS.

Now let's talk paying taxes. Most people are under the impression that an illegal immigrant does not pay taxes because they do not have a social security number. Again that's BS. You are right in assuming they don't have a social security number but to pay taxes as an illegal or undocumented immigrant you don't need a social security number. WHAT! No, they don't need a social security number because they get to file for a  W-7.

What is a W-7, you may be asking yourself about now. A W-7 is a form filed with the IRS in order to obtain a ITIN number. An ITIN number is a number used for tax filing purposes, issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to people who need a US tax identification number but are not eligible for a Social Security Number.

The IRS created a ITIN in 1996 for foreign nationals and other individuals who are not eligible for Social Security Numbers but need to pay taxes because they are working in this country.  There are many immigrants in this country who have an ITIN number, people without a lawful status in our country. It is also a number that is given to non residents who own business in our country but live in another country. It is also given to foreign national students who qualify as a resident of the US based on the amount of days in the US, a dependent or spouse of a US citizens or lawful permanent resident, and a dependent or spouse of a foreign national here on a temporary visa.

This  number is not meant to be used for legal status nor is it meant to be used as work authorization. It is issued so those working in this country can pay taxes. Ok, so some will say "big deal then illegal immigrants are paying taxes if they are working on the books here in America". Yes, some are and with this ITIN number they can also buy houses, have bank accounts, and do everything else financially you or I can do, plus on their tax forms they are eligible for a child tax credit which can be as high as $ 1,000 per child. It can also be used in some states to secure a drivers license or a state identification card which can be used folks as proof of residency.

The IRS grants this number to illegal and undocumented immigrants in order to collect tax dollars so they deem this as necessary but they do not report anyone who applies for this number to ICE. They do not talk to immigration and let them know there are illegal aliens working in this country and paying taxes under an ITIN number because they feel the tax payer has a right to their privacy since tax payers provide the IRS with a lot of personal information.

Ok, so now I gave you a lesson on what a ITIN number is so you will understand my outrage. The IRS is a government agency who has information at their disposal as to illegal, undocumented immigrants in this country. People who, yes are paying taxes, but no are not supposed to be here. What part of freaking illegal or undocumented don't they get?

If someone can prove they have been here for five years and paying taxes then why not go to a lawyer and get legal status? Why put your family through living in hiding and not being able to live without fear of being deported? If an illegal immigrant has an ITIN number they can work, get a bank account (interest bearing) and in some states some form of a state ID be it drivers license or just an ID issued by the state government. They can go about as if they are an American Citizen minus the Social Security Card. They don't need it because they have what they need to pay their taxes and they are able to get jobs legally although their status is not legal.

What is wrong with this freaking picture? I'll tell you my opinion and you can agree with me or not. It's your choice. If a person is illegal there should be no avenue what so ever to give them a way of getting a job in this country legally and paying taxes legally since their status here is ILLEGAL!!!!! ILLEGAL in my eyes is a criminal status. Granted no one wants to see families pulled apart but they all should have thought about this before coming here ILLEGALLY and having a family so they can have their anchor babies in order to keep them in the US. Children should not be used as an anchor to hold a country responsible to keep you because your children need you and since they were born here, are American citizens.

If you can prove you are working here legally for even a year, then why the hell wouldn't you apply for help to get legal status? Why not apply to be an American Citizen? If you are so tied to your country as you do not want to become an American Citizen then go home! Take your family and go back to where you came. Why does our country make it easy for an ILLEGAL immigrant to buy a house using this ITIN number when an American born citizen has to jump through hoops? With this ITIN number they can own a business in this country and still not have a social security number or be here legally. Where is this fair to American Citizens? Where is this fair to any law abiding citizen? Why are so many Americans willing to accept this? I know I don't and I can't. I know how hard my family worked to get here legally and how proud they were to become American Citizens.

We have many legal immigrants who entered the United States the correct way. It took them time and money to get here. No one gave them a free pass so why are ILLEGAL, UNDOCUMENTED immigrants given one? Why are they given the opportunities of a legal immigrant or an American citizen? Yes, I am outraged that illegal undocumented immigrants act as if they are entitled to be here when so many have had to fight to get here the right way. They had to wait their turn, they had to be vetted, they understood what it takes to enter a country legally in order to make it your new home without fear of being arrested and deported. For too long illegal undocumented immigrants walked around this country as if we owed them something. As if they deserved to be here just like everyone else. Sorry folks the only immigrants who deserve to be here are those who take the time to enter the right way. Perhaps the IRS should be made to reconsider who they give an ITIN number too and whether or not a person needs to produce a Social Security Card in order to get their ITIN number. Or perhaps they should be held responsible for not reporting someones ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED status. What do you think?

Monday, February 13, 2017

In yesterday's blog I talked about my maternal grandfather who was a veterinarian in Italy. Upon arriving in this great nation he so longed for, he discovered his degree was useless here. He could no longer practice veterinarian medicine because his degree wasn't earned here. They had no real way of knowing if it was real or not, is what he was told. So off to his new country he went with a few dollars, a worthless degree, and a prayer to God that he will be able to make it on his own.

In all my years of hearing stories from my grandparents, on both sides of the family, not once did I hear this country didn't give them a chance. This country took from them like I hear from the cry babies in the streets today. No, my grandparents were proud to be here. My grandfather didn't bow his head, give up and try to live off of the government. Especially since, in those days, immigrants were treated as if they didn't belong, imagine that! They were given nicknames according to their heritage, names I will not mention because they are now and were then, disrespectful.  I can only imagine how the Political Correct Police of today would be have reacted.

My grandfather pulled himself up by the bootstraps, as he would say, and got himself a job as a tailor. He was an amazing man, never let things get him down, strong and willing to work hard for himself and his family. Of course he was still single when he got here since he didn't meet my grandmother yet. When he went to work as a tailor my grandmother was working in the same place as a seamstress. This is where they met and fell in love, and the rest is our family history, at least on my mothers side.

Today degrees are carried across the boarders. Those who come here legally are coming for a better life for themselves and their families no different than immigrants of yesteryear. There was always the illegal immigrants getting into our country but the laws were made and kept, so if found they were sent back. Our government didn't make these immigration laws to do harm to anyone they made them to keep the American people safe but some where along the line, once again, politicians started looking the other way. They stopped allowing these laws to be enforced and started talking as if these illegal immigrants were the victims of our laws and not the criminals breaking our laws.

Where does it end? Well for me one step in the right direction is to protect our boarders be it with a travel ban or a wall. I cannot understand why so many people are upset because President Trump wants to build a wall to keep illegals from entering this country and to block the never ending smooth flow of drugs coming in from Mexico. To me it's the obvious solution because if you make people actually check in at the boarder, guess what folks, we as a country have more control over who comes in and out. Amazing, actually giving the United States of America a say on who enters their country without other governments passing judgement on us. Other governments, I might add, that have their boarders controlled be it with a wall or a visa vetting program in place.

Is the wall going to cost us money? Of course it is. Could President Trump force Mexico to pay for this wall? I am not working on this task but from what we have been told, by the White House not the press, there are ways to collect funds from Mexico for this venture. Will it pay for the entire wall? I don't know but nothing worthwhile is ever free. What the American people need to understand is in the long run it is going to cost us a lot less then housing, feeding, and giving illegal aliens health care for the rest of their lives. These people cannot even get a social security card and if they can't then their children who are born here can't because they live in fear of being caught. This is no way to live and no way to raise a family. I don't want to see families pulled apart either, or for children who were born here to have to go back to their parents homeland so as not to separate the family but this wouldn't have been an issue if they just did it the right way in the first place like so many who have in the past and will in the future.

You can't stand around and blame the government because you broke the law. Protest and riot in the streets because you want to make noise and be heard now that you are living here twenty years, have a family, and somehow managed to buy a house. That bugs me and you want to know why? I cannot understand how an illegal alien can buy a house in this country when so many Americans want a home of their own and have to jump through hoops to get one. Now I know there are those of you who are going to tell me illegals can't buy homes. My answer to that is BULL! I know a few who have bought homes in this country and when caught and sent back the homes were left to their families to care for or yes, in some cases, they were abandoned. For you non believers out there that say I am just talking ya ya, here's a link that gives you information on how this is done.

We are a nation of laws that need to be carried out no matter who they offend. Being afraid to hurt someone's feelings or allowing another nation to bully us is not the way of the American People. At least not the way of our forefathers who fought for this land and signed our Declaration of Independence, saw it. This is not the way they saw this country becoming when they drew up the Constitution of the United States of America. This document was not put together to be ignored and interpreted according to anyone's political belief depending on which side of the fence they sat left or right.

So many are quick to place blame on President Trump for enforcing our laws but no one wants to place blame on all the past Presidents who ignored these laws and allowed this country to become the mixed up mess it is today. You can stand there till the cows come home telling me that illegals take jobs American citizens don't want but that is BULL. The full time jobs they are taking away from us are jobs Americans would do, just not under the table and out of the eye of the IRS. Part time jobs they are doing are jobs our teenagers once had.  Ask a high school student if they are able to find work and you will find nine out of ten are finding it impossible to get a job even delivering pizza. Of course I also hear the argument our teenagers are lazy. Yes there are some who are lazy but there are many who want to work and help finance their way through college, have fun money to go out with their friends, or save for their first car if not to buy it then to help pay the insurance on it. Not everyone in this country is so called privileged but that's a topic for another day.

It's time for Americans to take back our country, start showing the pride our ancestors once had, start holding your head high and being proud to be an American and stop letting people brainwash you into feeling as if you are doing something wrong just because you are proud of who and what you are, an American proud and true.

We now have a President who has more pride in this country than anyone since President Ronald Reagan. President Trump is a man who knows how to get things done. He is a man who has a great love for this country and the laws it was built on. He may not have the political experience the left would like but in not having that he also doesn't have on the dark glasses other politicians have on to block out the deceitfulness of backroom agreements and pockets being lined in order to get this done or that on Capital Hill. Like my father always said, "Money talks and Bullshit walks!" That's Washington of the past, there's a new man in town and he is working hard to bring this all together. To turn Washington around and make it see the people who elected them into office as those who matter. President Trump's job is not going to be easy because he has a lot of hurtles to over come, but he is a strong willed man who has filled his cabinet with men and women like himself. Men and women who want a better future for this country and it's people. We the People of this great nation deserve such representation. For taking on this task President Trump, I thank you. May God Bless President Trump and his Administration for the hard work they have already done and help them along the long road ahead.

Sunday, February 12, 2017

I was raised to be proud to be an American. My grandparents and great grandparents came to this country from Italy. My siblings and I are only the second generation born here. Growing up, my grandparents told us stories about why they left Italy and when they arrived in their new home, the United States of America. 

My paternal great grandparents wanted a better life for their family. Life was not easy in Italy for them and they heard stories about how wonderful this country was so they brought their family here to make a better life for themselves. My maternal grandmother lost both of her parents and was being raised by her oldest sister and brother. They were just children themselves but they sought a better life for their younger siblings and had hopes of finding a better life here in America. My maternal grandfather was a veterinarian in Italy. Thinking he could have an even better life here he decided to move to America where he met my grandmother some time later. 

Were they ready for what was going to happen to them when they arrived here? No, not really, but they made the best of it. Each and everyone of them, although some at different dates and times, arrived in America and entered through Ellis Island. Now they may not have liked to have been detained there but for the security of this country they were until they could be vetted to make sure they would not bring disease into this country that would harm others and to ensure they were not here to do harm. It was a necessary process and they understood. Once they were vetted they were not given money, a home, health insurance, food stamps, or a business of their own. Nothing, that's what they were given. They had to learn to earn their own way. They had to learn to speak English. Each and every immigrant coming into this country at that time, no matter what nationality or religion they were, had to find their own way and they did this with pride.

Over the years this country has lost it's way. The people running it have gotten soft. The people we have elected in to office forgot the history of "We the People" who fought the wars, built this country, made the laws, and worked for the American people first and foremost. Of course we can't just sit back and blame everyone in Washington or at the State Capitals. No, as American's we have to stand up and take responsibility for allowing things to get where they are today. We have to take responsibility for closing our eyes and voting the same people in over and over again and not holding them responsible to do the job they were elected to do. Work to better this country, work for the improvement of this country, and work for the betterment of this great nation. Ever since I was a young girl we have been on this track of self destruction because we listened to the promises of politicians who talked the talk during election time but never walked the walk. 

Now in 2017, for the first time in a long time, we have a non politician in office. We are back at the beginning of time when this nation first came together and formed it's government. Our President never held a political office but he took the time to find out what the American people needed. He went around this country, met the people, listened to their concerns and made his political promises. Now you are going to say, what's so different about President Trump than other politicians. He made promises just like they did. Well the difference is President Trump is fulfilling his promises one step at a time and in doing so he is making a lot of people uncomfortable. 

One Executive Order he signed since his Oath of Office was the travel ban. I want to ask all those out there protesting this Executive Order if they took the time to read it and understand it or did they just listen to what the media's interpretation of it is? Me, I read it and more importantly I understand it and agree with it. 

An order to halt immigration into this country from certain areas due to the political unrest in these areas that can pose a threat to American Citizens. An order to protect the American Citizens who voted him into office and he took an oath to serve and protect as President of the United States. It is not an order blocking Muslims from this country or refusing to allow any Muslims in this country. It is an order to protect American Citizens from people who have engaged in acts of bigotry and hatred. It is an order to protect American Citizens from those who have been involved in "honor" killings, violence against women, the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own, or anyone who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation. A 90 day ban so these areas can be evaluated and people seeking refuge and can be properly vetted.

I for one, being only the second generation of proud immigrants of this great nation, stand with President Trump! I believe this is what needs to be done in order to protect every American Citizen. We need to tighten our boarders and be cautious of who we allow into our country. Its time we all ban together and stand behind our President. Stop fighting one another and looking the fools because if you stop for two minutes and asked anyone of these protesters, these rioters, what they are out there for, they don't have a clue. They get all upset and ticked off because they listened to some misinformed, opinionated,  reporter who feels like injecting his or her own opinion into the news instead of reporting it the way it actually happened or the way it is actually written in the laws and Executive Orders. 

I have heard people complain because Trump did not announce what he was going to do before he did it. Haha, I don't know where any of you have been through this entire election process but Our President as said time and time again he is not going to advertise anything he does so our enemies can be prepared and waiting for us to take action. If he had warned these countries of this action they would have tried to push as many through as possible and in doing so we would have seen many more criminals coming through our doors and putting the American people at risk. Perhaps there could have been a different way to roll this out but for us to stand and second guess Our President is like being Monday morning quarterback after Sunday game. You are not there, you don't know what is being said, who has gone over the order, or why it was seen as important to get it signed at that point and time. In other words, you are not privileged to the security briefings Our President is. 

For someone who has never held a political office I feel President Donald J. Trump is doing an amazing job his first three weeks in office. A better job then many Presidents did in their 4, or for some 8 years. He is working hard to deliver his promises and I for one feel it's time we back the heck up and give him the room he needs to get the job done. 

Trump supporters I ask you to not let these protesters intimidate you. Stand together in support of Our President. Stand together in support of this great nation. We already proved in November 2016, there is strength in unity and numbers. Do not let the left push us aside anymore. It's time to push back and support Our President. I support the travel ban, the vetting of refugees, keeping those who wish to do harm to America out of our country. I support deporting every and any illegal alien especially those who have a criminal record.

I know right now I have probably angered a few people with what I have to say but that is not my concern. My concern is for my children, my family, my friends, and my fellow Americans who want to know they are living in a country which will remain free. A country where they can go to work, support their families, and enjoy their life, no matter what their religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation is. A country where they do not have to live in fear of oppression, persecution, hatred, or bigotry. The left will say that's not America and for them it's not how they see this great nation but it's time we prove them wrong. It's time the right proudly stands up and lets their voices be heard by getting behind Our President, showing him our support, and not letting the left keep brainwashing our children with their propaganda. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.