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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Sad to say but comparing the Republican Party to Nazi’s is something the Democratic Party has been doing for a long time and now President Trump is taking the hit. I must say though, President Trump, is in good company since the Democratic Party has thrown the same insults at other Republican politicians such as, Barry Goldwater back in 1964, President Ronald Regan, President George W. Bush, Vice President Al Gore, Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, and many have just clumped the entire Republican Party in to the same category.

Well let’s take a look at who spreads the propaganda and fights to get the American people riled up and wreaking havoc. Not the Republican Party or its voters but the Democratic Party has done all it can to keep this country divided. They love to toss out Hitler’s name but they are the ones using his tactics of propaganda putting fear in to people’s minds and hearts. Just look at Hillary Clinton who called Trump supporters during the campaign Deplorables. 

Last night I watched Tucker Carlson’s show as I do every night. Tucker tried to interview Sunsara Taylor who is a “Refuse Fascism” organizer. I have never heard so much nonsense and hate spewed by one person in my life. She thought she was being tough talking over Tucker and mocking him as she talked against President Trump before Tucker could even ask her a question. At one point just as Tucker about had it with her ranting and raving she accused Trump of war crimes. Really, what war, what crimes? The best part of the entire interview was when Tucker cut her off.

A while ago I read an article about a Holocaust survivor and her thoughts on Trump vs. Hitler.  Jan Markell who co-authored “Trapped in Hitler’s Hell” with Anita Dittman said in an interview with WND “This is laughable were it not truly tragic.” These two women wrote an amazing book on the horrors of living through these times. They know first-hand what it was like to be living under a Hitler regime. Perhaps all these leftist spewing this hate should open this book and read it. Educate themselves on what Hitler really was like and what he stood for.

In all the history books Hitler is described as a man who was possessed-evil. He loved human suffering and in no way worked towards making things better for people. He believed in a supreme race not in all of us living together in peace and unity. The left is so messed up they would rather have you believe Our President and all who support him are racists, they don’t care about the people in this great nation. Yet they didn’t see the hate and fear the Obama administration helped fire up during his eight years in office.

Oh, over the years we had protesters with all Presidents from time to time but under Obama this country went back to the late 1960’s when people were rioting in the streets, burning down homes and businesses in all in the name of wanting the truth to be told. The Obama administration all but put a target on the backs of the police in our country instead of putting the blame where it should have been, on the criminal. Yet no one dare compare him to Hitler.

Hitler wasn’t interested in anything but making things great for himself. He didn’t care about Germany or their people so how can they compare a man like President Trump to Hitler when all Our President has said from day one is his goal is to “Make America Great Again.” Even this slogan upset the left. In their eyes America didn’t need improving but let’s look at it from the average Joe's point of view.

In the past years we have seen a loss of jobs with many corporations leaving this country. Now it is true this didn’t just start with Obama but he didn’t do anything to stop it. He did, however, strive to produce a health care plan for all to afford so much so he ignored the high deductible per patient, not being able to keep your own doctor, and then to add insult to injury fining all those who do not have insurance on their income tax every year. He welcomed activist into the White House like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton, and let’s not forget the Muslim Brotherhood.  All this and opening the doors to Muslim countries without any thought of what he could be doing to the United States or perhaps I’m wrong. Perhaps he knew exactly what he was doing to this country and just didn’t care.

Now we have a President who cares about this country, every last one of us, including those who fight against him. Who bash him with hate because they listen to those who fear him. What are they afraid of? They are afraid President Trump will do what he said he will do, pull this country out of debt, bring prosperity and hope to the inner cities, improve education in this country, build a better future for the American people by bring jobs back, protecting our boarders, taking care of our Veterans, and building our Military. They are afraid because if President Trump does complete every last one of his campaign promises there will not be another elected official who can stand on their soap box, make promises, get themselves elected, then screw the American voters by not doing as they promised and not seeing things through because now we have a President who is doing all he can do to cut through the red tape and BS to prove to America nothing is impossible if you actually do the job you were elected to do.

It’s time Congress got off their butts and did their job. Approve President Trump’s cabinet choices so he can have a full working team and prove you all wrong. He is not Hitler, nothing like him. Trump is his own man who only sees a better future for the county he has loved all his life. To all the leftist out there, stop crying and start getting behind your President and fight for your right to have a better life. Don’t let the Democratic Party continue to drag and hold you down. It’s time to stand up and fight, to follow a leader who knows how to get things done and keep the ball rolling.

May God Bless America and God Bless President Trump!