As usual President Trump's rally drew over nine thousand people in attendance and yes there were protesters who made their appearance outside the rally, which of course, did not disturb our President.
Listening to him talk about what he has accomplished since his time in office and what he plans to do with in the next few months, gave me more hope than I had even a year ago for this country. I know there are people who think I am off my rocker but who cares. They don't pay my bills and the Constitution of this great land gives me to right to speak.
What does disturb me about anything concerning the rally are the ignorant leftest social media morons who jumped on their computers and bravely bashed our First Lady for the way she delivered the Lord's Prayer. I say bravely because they took to their computers to bash her, hiding behind their keyboards. My question to these brave souls is, how would they like it if it was their wife, mother, sister, aunt, being bashed and called the horrible names these people chose to call Our First Lady?
If anyone from the right dared to speak of Michele Obama in this way the left would have went crazy. The media would have caused an uproar but no the left has accepted this with ease. They were disturbed because the Presidents Rally opened with the Lords Prayer. I heard some complain not everyone is Christian in America. OK, then those of you who aren't don't have to pray along but to bash someone for their religious belief is outrageous.
Even worse is all these wonderful leftist don't care about immigration be it legal or ILLEGAL, are the exact same people who are bashing someone for their accent. This is really funny seeing as there are those of the left who were born in this country and still they haven't mastered the English language. Melania Trump was not born here yet she has learned our language.
Our First Lady speaks six languages including English. How many of those bashing her today can make the same claim? In today's society we are raising a bunch of no nothings. They get offended with the slightest look and take to social media to bash and call names. To put their personal life out there for all to see. They think calling someone names makes them important. Sad life to lead.
In defense of our First Lady Melania Trump, it felt good to me to hear a prayer before the rally. It felt good to see this First Family believes in prayer and isn't afraid to go out there and say it. In this country one of our rights is freedom of religion. It was important to our forefathers because it is a God given right and in our Declaration of Independence it is referred to as unalienable rights, which means they cannot be taken away or denied.
Included in our unalienable rights are the right to life, the right to liberty, and a right to pursue happiness. Our very own Supreme Court has stated on numerous occasions that freedom of religion is the most precious of our unalienable rights next to the right to life.
So what's so disturbing to the left that Our First Lady Melania Trump said the Lords Prayer before the rally? Is it because religion shows faith and moral values? Every form of religion has some prayer they say to the Divine, Spirit, or God which ever you want to call it. To ridicule people for their belief or lack there of is wrong since we have the freedom to practice our faith or not. Maybe it's the moral side of things that disturbs so many of you because from the chaos going on around this country today and the words of hate spewed out of some of these people against Melania Trump, I would say they have no clue what morals are.
To those of you who made comments she had the prayer written down and read from it, that she plagiarized the Bible, when was the last time you looked toward your God and said a prayer? I am not expecting any of these so called better then thou leftest, to apologize for the way they bashed First Lady Melania Trump but I would like to tell her We the People, the so called Deplorable, appreciate all you and your family have done for us. We appreciate all you have had to give up for your service to this great nation.
May God Bless America and God Bless our First Family.
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