To all the protesters out there yesterday, "Presidents Day", chanting and acting the fool with your stance of "Not my Presidents Day," then get the hell out of America because you obviously don't even know why we celebrate this holiday or why it's called Presidents Day. For you, if you even have a job, it's obviously just another day off!
There was some moron dressed as the father of our country holding a sign saying "Not My President." Do you even know why we celebrate the so called Presidents Day? Actually according the federal government there is no Presidents day, it is and always has been, George Washington's birthday! Before you went out in public dressed this way holding that ridiculous sign you should have did a tad bit of research.
Most of this great nation celebrates Washington's Birthday the third Monday of February however states do not have to adopt federal holidays. These holidays are for federal agencies and offices, so if you are given this day off it's a gift.
Here's a little history lesson for you back in the late 1960's Congress came up with the idea of the Uniformed Monday Holiday Act which was championed by the Senator from Illinois, Robert Mc Clory, This idea was to shift several federal holidays with specific dates to Monday giving people a long weekend off. It also included combining Lincoln's birthday with Washington's birthday which they believed it would give equal recognition to both.They even played with the idea of naming it "President's Day" however this proved to be a sore spot for the lawmakers of the State of Virginia. Which in case you don't know, is Washington's home state. The proposal to change the name was eventually dropped but the Uniformed Monday Holiday Act was passed in 1968 and officially took effect with an executive order from Richard Nixon in 1971.
It was at this time that Washington's birthday officially shifted from it's set date of February 22 to the third Monday of the month of February. There are a few other holidays that fell into this category with Lincoln's birthday being the second Monday in February and others such as, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day were moved from their original dates to a Monday. However in 1980 Veteran's Day was returned to it's original date, November 11th, due to extreme criticism.
Even though President Nixon's executive order plainly stated Washington's Birthday was not to be changed to Presidents Day people, not knowing their history, thought they were celebrating Lincoln and Washington's birthday together so by mid 1980's Washington's birthday was called President's Day by many. In the early 2000's about half of the fifty states of this great union had changed Washington's birthday to President's day. However, the federal government has held on to Washington's birthday, the third Monday in February, on official calendars. So as usual people are ignoring what is in the law books and states are doing what they want calling it what they want. Some states even dropped Lincoln's Birthday altogether. What a disgrace since both of these great men deserve to be celebrated equally for their contribution to America.
So tell me now protesters what President are you talking about Lincoln or Washington? One would have to think it was George Washington since it was his birthday you were protesting. Be it two separate dates or one for each it is still just intended for Washington and Lincoln.
On the news last night I saw someone with a sign "I will not go back to the 1950's" ha! She looked no more than a teenager herself. Let me tell you sweetheart, you wish you were raised in the 1950's. You have no idea what hard work and dedication to anything other than your spoiled self means like so many other American's today.
If you feel President Trump or anyone before him is not or was not "your President" then you don't belong here, even if you are born on this soil. You know people today will kick up a fuss about everything and anything but no one really knows what they are upset about. They complain about Trump's stand on immigration, have they looked at the archives of Clinton and Obama? No of course not because even though both men spewed how immigration needed to be controlled neither one of them took a strong stand and and openly did the job. They are upset with President Trump because he not only is doing what he said he was going to do but the mainstream media is covering it as if it is the only news in this country.
President Trump is covered in the mainstream media more than any other President ever was. They attack his every word and action. No matter what the man does he is wrong. What they don't get is he is no different they you or me. President Trump comes from New York and I will tell you as someone from Jersey holding your tongue is not our way, allowing people to walk on you is not our way, calling you out on is. If you can't deal you need to grow a thicker skin and get over it.
I rather hear "My President" tell me the truth about how he intends to get things done and then see him do just that instead of lie to me and then push all his promises under the rug to be kept there for the next person who dares to take this job. I understand the importance of keeping military actions a secret from the news and not broadcasting our arrival before we get there. Our young men and women are the ones out there doing the dirty work and Our President has a responsibility to protect them. People need jobs in order to grow our economy so to have a President that will bring those jobs to this country is a number one priority.
So now tell me why isn't he "Your President?" If it's because he is to harsh, not politically correct, won't give you freebies, expects you to earn a living, to go to school and hey pay for it, oh well suck it up buttercup and realize nothing in life, nothing worthwhile is ever sugar coated or free.
May God Bless America and God Bless "OUR PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP."
This blog is about America past and present. Some people may not like what I have to say but one thing I am not is Politically Correct so if you are "Sensitive" then perhaps this is not for you. My blog will discuss American History and Current Events which will include my own thoughts on the subjects I set forth for the day.
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