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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

So much anger and confusion focuses around immigration in this country. Not legal immigration but illegal immigrants coming into this country and taking jobs Americans used to do. The left will have you believe that they don't take jobs away from Americans they take jobs American Citizens won't do because they don't pay well. That's Bull! Farm hands in this country, which is what the left will have you believe are the only jobs they are taking, have a salary range from minimum wage of $ 8.05 to $ 16.05 an hour with the median being $ 10.00 per hour. In this day and age that is the going rate at any job. Starting salary and then as your time grows with the company you get your raises. How about the construction jobs they get standing outside places like Home Depot where they can get picked up as day laborers because they supposedly work for less money but do a hard days work. It's just a way for some contractors to by pass the union workers and put more money in their own pockets because they pay them in cash so that's money they don't have to claim with the IRS.

Now let's talk paying taxes. Most people are under the impression that an illegal immigrant does not pay taxes because they do not have a social security number. Again that's BS. You are right in assuming they don't have a social security number but to pay taxes as an illegal or undocumented immigrant you don't need a social security number. WHAT! No, they don't need a social security number because they get to file for a  W-7.

What is a W-7, you may be asking yourself about now. A W-7 is a form filed with the IRS in order to obtain a ITIN number. An ITIN number is a number used for tax filing purposes, issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to people who need a US tax identification number but are not eligible for a Social Security Number.

The IRS created a ITIN in 1996 for foreign nationals and other individuals who are not eligible for Social Security Numbers but need to pay taxes because they are working in this country.  There are many immigrants in this country who have an ITIN number, people without a lawful status in our country. It is also a number that is given to non residents who own business in our country but live in another country. It is also given to foreign national students who qualify as a resident of the US based on the amount of days in the US, a dependent or spouse of a US citizens or lawful permanent resident, and a dependent or spouse of a foreign national here on a temporary visa.

This  number is not meant to be used for legal status nor is it meant to be used as work authorization. It is issued so those working in this country can pay taxes. Ok, so some will say "big deal then illegal immigrants are paying taxes if they are working on the books here in America". Yes, some are and with this ITIN number they can also buy houses, have bank accounts, and do everything else financially you or I can do, plus on their tax forms they are eligible for a child tax credit which can be as high as $ 1,000 per child. It can also be used in some states to secure a drivers license or a state identification card which can be used folks as proof of residency.

The IRS grants this number to illegal and undocumented immigrants in order to collect tax dollars so they deem this as necessary but they do not report anyone who applies for this number to ICE. They do not talk to immigration and let them know there are illegal aliens working in this country and paying taxes under an ITIN number because they feel the tax payer has a right to their privacy since tax payers provide the IRS with a lot of personal information.

Ok, so now I gave you a lesson on what a ITIN number is so you will understand my outrage. The IRS is a government agency who has information at their disposal as to illegal, undocumented immigrants in this country. People who, yes are paying taxes, but no are not supposed to be here. What part of freaking illegal or undocumented don't they get?

If someone can prove they have been here for five years and paying taxes then why not go to a lawyer and get legal status? Why put your family through living in hiding and not being able to live without fear of being deported? If an illegal immigrant has an ITIN number they can work, get a bank account (interest bearing) and in some states some form of a state ID be it drivers license or just an ID issued by the state government. They can go about as if they are an American Citizen minus the Social Security Card. They don't need it because they have what they need to pay their taxes and they are able to get jobs legally although their status is not legal.

What is wrong with this freaking picture? I'll tell you my opinion and you can agree with me or not. It's your choice. If a person is illegal there should be no avenue what so ever to give them a way of getting a job in this country legally and paying taxes legally since their status here is ILLEGAL!!!!! ILLEGAL in my eyes is a criminal status. Granted no one wants to see families pulled apart but they all should have thought about this before coming here ILLEGALLY and having a family so they can have their anchor babies in order to keep them in the US. Children should not be used as an anchor to hold a country responsible to keep you because your children need you and since they were born here, are American citizens.

If you can prove you are working here legally for even a year, then why the hell wouldn't you apply for help to get legal status? Why not apply to be an American Citizen? If you are so tied to your country as you do not want to become an American Citizen then go home! Take your family and go back to where you came. Why does our country make it easy for an ILLEGAL immigrant to buy a house using this ITIN number when an American born citizen has to jump through hoops? With this ITIN number they can own a business in this country and still not have a social security number or be here legally. Where is this fair to American Citizens? Where is this fair to any law abiding citizen? Why are so many Americans willing to accept this? I know I don't and I can't. I know how hard my family worked to get here legally and how proud they were to become American Citizens.

We have many legal immigrants who entered the United States the correct way. It took them time and money to get here. No one gave them a free pass so why are ILLEGAL, UNDOCUMENTED immigrants given one? Why are they given the opportunities of a legal immigrant or an American citizen? Yes, I am outraged that illegal undocumented immigrants act as if they are entitled to be here when so many have had to fight to get here the right way. They had to wait their turn, they had to be vetted, they understood what it takes to enter a country legally in order to make it your new home without fear of being arrested and deported. For too long illegal undocumented immigrants walked around this country as if we owed them something. As if they deserved to be here just like everyone else. Sorry folks the only immigrants who deserve to be here are those who take the time to enter the right way. Perhaps the IRS should be made to reconsider who they give an ITIN number too and whether or not a person needs to produce a Social Security Card in order to get their ITIN number. Or perhaps they should be held responsible for not reporting someones ILLEGAL UNDOCUMENTED status. What do you think?


  1. I agree 100%.. I see too many blaming the president.. Not placing the blame where it should be, on the people breaking the law.. We allowed way too much to go on here in our country.. They take advantage of it..

    1. We need President Trump because he is a no nonsense man. He can get the job done.
