My paternal great grandparents wanted a better life for their family. Life was not easy in Italy for them and they heard stories about how wonderful this country was so they brought their family here to make a better life for themselves. My maternal grandmother lost both of her parents and was being raised by her oldest sister and brother. They were just children themselves but they sought a better life for their younger siblings and had hopes of finding a better life here in America. My maternal grandfather was a veterinarian in Italy. Thinking he could have an even better life here he decided to move to America where he met my grandmother some time later.
Were they ready for what was going to happen to them when they arrived here? No, not really, but they made the best of it. Each and everyone of them, although some at different dates and times, arrived in America and entered through Ellis Island. Now they may not have liked to have been detained there but for the security of this country they were until they could be vetted to make sure they would not bring disease into this country that would harm others and to ensure they were not here to do harm. It was a necessary process and they understood. Once they were vetted they were not given money, a home, health insurance, food stamps, or a business of their own. Nothing, that's what they were given. They had to learn to earn their own way. They had to learn to speak English. Each and every immigrant coming into this country at that time, no matter what nationality or religion they were, had to find their own way and they did this with pride.
Over the years this country has lost it's way. The people running it have gotten soft. The people we have elected in to office forgot the history of "We the People" who fought the wars, built this country, made the laws, and worked for the American people first and foremost. Of course we can't just sit back and blame everyone in Washington or at the State Capitals. No, as American's we have to stand up and take responsibility for allowing things to get where they are today. We have to take responsibility for closing our eyes and voting the same people in over and over again and not holding them responsible to do the job they were elected to do. Work to better this country, work for the improvement of this country, and work for the betterment of this great nation. Ever since I was a young girl we have been on this track of self destruction because we listened to the promises of politicians who talked the talk during election time but never walked the walk.
Now in 2017, for the first time in a long time, we have a non politician in office. We are back at the beginning of time when this nation first came together and formed it's government. Our President never held a political office but he took the time to find out what the American people needed. He went around this country, met the people, listened to their concerns and made his political promises. Now you are going to say, what's so different about President Trump than other politicians. He made promises just like they did. Well the difference is President Trump is fulfilling his promises one step at a time and in doing so he is making a lot of people uncomfortable.
One Executive Order he signed since his Oath of Office was the travel ban. I want to ask all those out there protesting this Executive Order if they took the time to read it and understand it or did they just listen to what the media's interpretation of it is? Me, I read it and more importantly I understand it and agree with it.
An order to halt immigration into this country from certain areas due to the political unrest in these areas that can pose a threat to American Citizens. An order to protect the American Citizens who voted him into office and he took an oath to serve and protect as President of the United States. It is not an order blocking Muslims from this country or refusing to allow any Muslims in this country. It is an order to protect American Citizens from people who have engaged in acts of bigotry and hatred. It is an order to protect American Citizens from those who have been involved in "honor" killings, violence against women, the persecution of those who practice religions different from their own, or anyone who would oppress Americans of any race, gender, or sexual orientation. A 90 day ban so these areas can be evaluated and people seeking refuge and can be properly vetted.
I for one, being only the second generation of proud immigrants of this great nation, stand with President Trump! I believe this is what needs to be done in order to protect every American Citizen. We need to tighten our boarders and be cautious of who we allow into our country. Its time we all ban together and stand behind our President. Stop fighting one another and looking the fools because if you stop for two minutes and asked anyone of these protesters, these rioters, what they are out there for, they don't have a clue. They get all upset and ticked off because they listened to some misinformed, opinionated, reporter who feels like injecting his or her own opinion into the news instead of reporting it the way it actually happened or the way it is actually written in the laws and Executive Orders.
I have heard people complain because Trump did not announce what he was going to do before he did it. Haha, I don't know where any of you have been through this entire election process but Our President as said time and time again he is not going to advertise anything he does so our enemies can be prepared and waiting for us to take action. If he had warned these countries of this action they would have tried to push as many through as possible and in doing so we would have seen many more criminals coming through our doors and putting the American people at risk. Perhaps there could have been a different way to roll this out but for us to stand and second guess Our President is like being Monday morning quarterback after Sunday game. You are not there, you don't know what is being said, who has gone over the order, or why it was seen as important to get it signed at that point and time. In other words, you are not privileged to the security briefings Our President is.
For someone who has never held a political office I feel President Donald J. Trump is doing an amazing job his first three weeks in office. A better job then many Presidents did in their 4, or for some 8 years. He is working hard to deliver his promises and I for one feel it's time we back the heck up and give him the room he needs to get the job done.
Trump supporters I ask you to not let these protesters intimidate you. Stand together in support of Our President. Stand together in support of this great nation. We already proved in November 2016, there is strength in unity and numbers. Do not let the left push us aside anymore. It's time to push back and support Our President. I support the travel ban, the vetting of refugees, keeping those who wish to do harm to America out of our country. I support deporting every and any illegal alien especially those who have a criminal record.
I know right now I have probably angered a few people with what I have to say but that is not my concern. My concern is for my children, my family, my friends, and my fellow Americans who want to know they are living in a country which will remain free. A country where they can go to work, support their families, and enjoy their life, no matter what their religion, race, gender, or sexual orientation is. A country where they do not have to live in fear of oppression, persecution, hatred, or bigotry. The left will say that's not America and for them it's not how they see this great nation but it's time we prove them wrong. It's time the right proudly stands up and lets their voices be heard by getting behind Our President, showing him our support, and not letting the left keep brainwashing our children with their propaganda. God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.
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