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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Friday, February 17, 2017

Ok I not only listened to the President Trumps press conference yesterday but I also read the full transcript on the CNN page this morning because after seeing some of the headlines this morning I thought, "Did I miss something?" Now you all know I can't stand CNN but it was there so I read it.

I didn't think President Trump was ranting and raving or that he was frustrated as the mainstream media seems to think. I do however feel they didn't appreciate him telling them like it is. Telling them what he thinks of their way of reporting news with out talking to the right people but accepting leaking sources as being fact.

I cannot tell you how many times during this press conference President Trump had to answer questions about Michael Flynn and Russia. Constantly asking him to clarify this or that as if they didn't get it the first time he answered or perhaps they were hoping to trip him up. Obviously they haven't been paying attention because once President Trump is under fire he is on fire and takes no prisoners.

Then the discussion of fake news and why he feels that way. Really! How could he call it fake news? Well could it be that as a reporter you have a responsibility to follow a story through. You have a responsibility to your viewers and readers to be sure you get the information your are reporting correct. How do you do that? Well it's called, investigating your story. Checking out your information. Talking to people who are actually involved in the story instead of someone who is leaking it.

Leaking a story is like the old telephone game. Remember when we were kids and whisper something in a friends ear and they whisper it in the next persons ear and so on until the last person says it out loud and it's no where near what was actually said. Well, you may have had some of it right but not all. The sad thing is reporting the news isn't a game. It's their job and they need to get it right.

At no time in the past two years has the news, other than Fox, reported any story in favor of President Trump. Not saying Fox never called him out because they did, but that's the point. They talked directly to him instead of picking up parts of stories from other news stations and papers. They did the job they are paid to do.

The media has been influential at instilling fear and unrest in this country and not, I might add, without the approval of our former administration. How can I say that? Well let's look at the facts. A police officer is killed in the streets doing their job and our Ex President doesn't say a word, doesn't reach out to the families. A thug is shot by a police officer while doing his job and the police officer is the one who is put on trial in the press, by the past administration and politicians around the country, causing rioting in the streets. Now if this was something that happened once you could say I'm wrong, but this is something that went on time and time again for more than two years.

Protests turning to riots, people being burned out of their homes and businesses while police officers are being told to stand down. Not being allowed to do their jobs but hey the news didn't see anything wrong with that yet they have an issue with a President that speaks his mind.

Well here is a tip for these clueless news reporters. The fact President Trump speaks his mind and talks to the American people with respect and understanding is why he is in office today. We are simply tired of the lies and propaganda spread by the news media. Tired of being played the fools because you don't think we can figure things out for ourselves or do our own research. Honestly I believe the average American citizen works harder at getting at the truth then those getting paid for it.

President Trump did say he would like to get along with the media and see them report the news the right way. Not always in his favor, of course, but if there is a positive story why turn it around to be negative and in some cases, really negative. I mean they aren't even giving him credit for bringing back jobs to this country.

I actually heard a reporter the other night, on God knows what station, question if new buildings were going to be put up for these companies returning production to the US or are they going to use the buildings already there? Why would it concern any one but the board of the corporation moving back and bringing jobs with them? As long as the building is safe, the employees are safe, why question it? Why not just be happy for the people who are about to get a second chance, get their jobs back?

President Trump is a unique president in that he says things the way he means them. There is no filter and that is something the left and many news stations are not used to. He isn't worried about being politically correct, he is concerned about putting America first. That's the reason he ran for this office. He had no reason to leave the life he built for himself, a life that gave him more comfort and financial support than being the President of the United States ever will. He never wanted to put his family under the attacks they have had to endure since he has taken office. No one would ever want that for their family.

The media and many from the left would love nothing more than to keep casting doubt on this administration but in time, I believe he is going to open their eyes to what it means to have a better tomorrow. I believe given the time he is going to show people not only does he keep his promises but he knows what the hell he is doing.

Under his leadership I do believe education will improve, law enforcement will have his support, our military will grow, our veterans will be cared for, social security will be fixed, our health care will be truly available and affordable for all Americans. We will once again see this country flourish and best of all, the media will have to eat their words. I pray for that day!

May God Bless President Trump and God Bless America.


  1. Worded beautifully! Thank you for sharing ;)

  2. Thank you for reading my blog. I am glad you enjoyed it.
