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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Saturday, February 25, 2017

This week’s battle in the news is one that started during the Obama administration but his way of handling it differs from that of President Trump. I am not surprised since Our President looks at all sides of the issue and not just one. I am sorry but when Obama was President, even though I did not vote for him, he was still my president but I didn’t have to like or agree with everything he did. Yes he did some good but under his administration we have seen this country step back in time and it isn’t pretty. Yet everyone wants to put that blame on President Trump who has only been in office thirty five days.

The Liberals cheered when Obama said transgender people can use the bathroom or locker room for the sex they associate with not born to. This was one of the times I thought he was completely off the mark.

This week it is once again in the news but I don’t get what everyone is surprised about. President Trump stated during his campaign time and time again he will give the schools back to the states. As for the transgender issue on how schools treat transgender students Sean Spicer told the press this is simply a states’ rights issue. It’s not reversing anything the past administration put into place but it is giving the states’ the responsibility of dealing with the issue themselves.

So what prompted the Obama administration to have schools follow this blueprint they laid out last year? Well, they were trying to avoid violations of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. What is Title IX? It is a federal law banning sex discrimination in education. The past administration took it on themselves to interpret it to include discrimination based on gender identity however as Sean Spicer stated there is a case in federal court this administration is waiting for a decision on. In August this was put on hold due to the fact several states had sued to challenge them.

So now for the moron’s who opened their mouths and stuck their foot in it. Let’s start with this dozy J.B. Pritzker. For those of you who do not know who he is, the great state of Illinois has the unlucky chance of him being a gubernatorial candidate. He is also a Democratic megadonor. He tweeted his solution to the problem “As a protest against Trump’s rescinding protections for trans kids, everyone should use the other gender’s bathroom today!” Real smart, that’s like giving every pedophile in the country card blanch to go into the ladies room where young girls could be alone and unprotected. After taking hit after hit on twitter he tried to explain himself by saying, “Was not being literal. But I think today and every day we should be standing up for all our kids.” He is right there we should stand up for our kids but all  kid’s male, female, and transgender.

Now for moron number two who made me so angry if he was in front of me I would kick him, you know where! CNN’s, better known by the right as the “Clinton News Network’, host Chris Cuomo must have a screw loose somewhere. On Thursday this man who is supposed to be educated and somewhat intelligent decided to take to twitter and had a few things to say implying 12 year old girls who might be uncomfortable being exposed to male private parts should be more tolerant. This all started when he responded to a concerned parent who asked him how young girls would feel if exposed to men in the locker room.

I think it’s a fair question for any parent to ask for that matter for any young woman to ask. I understand people who are transgender are going through a process of making the switch from one gender to another so it takes time. It isn’t something which happens overnight. There is a lot involved including psychological examinations because they want to make sure you understand all you are going to go through and that this is the way you will now live your life once the surgery is complete.

So now you have a young person in school who has decided this is the path they want to take. A report was done that about 1 in every 137 students is transgender so now that puts a school of 550 students with about 4 students who are identifying themselves as transgender. Perhaps they have started with seeing the doctors and documenting what is going on, perhaps they have started the hormone therapy but they still have the same sex organs they were born with. That is what makes young girls, even women uncomfortable. Have you ever been in a girl’s bathroom in high school? 
They talk about everything and anything, they fix their clothes, adjust this or that, put on their makeup, even change their clothes and if it’s all girls in the locker room or girls bathroom they tend not to always worry about who is walking in. Now you have a transgender male who is allowed to use the girl’s room but he is still a boy in every physical sense of the word except he started hormone therapy. So now you gave him a place to feel safe from ridicule by the other boys in school but you took the feeling of security away from the girls. Why? They don’t matter?

What’s wrong with giving them their own bathroom? One that is neither gender but still having a bathroom specifically for boys or girls. A simple solution and no one has to point fingers at anyone or get upset.

A teenager going through the transition while they are still in school will have other students bullying them. Heck some don’t need a reason to bully so I can understand young boys and girls looking to transgender are not comfortable going into a boy’s/girl’s locker room or bathroom because of the possibility of being bullied where there is no one to help them. Passing a rule they can use the girls bathroom or girls going through transition can use the boys bathroom isn’t solving the problem it could and will make the other children feel uncomfortable and possibly add fuel to the fire. The only solution is an all gender bathroom added to the others and this gives everyone their privacy. No one is singled out. If you choose to use the all gender bathroom then you know there is a chance you will be in the company of a transgender student.

No child in school should feel threatened or uncomfortable. The solution isn’t to force young girls to share their locker room or bathroom with transgender males who still have all they were born with. Like transgender children want to be considered so do young girls and in some cases young boys. In this situation all involved need to be considered not just transgender.

May God watch over all children.

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