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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Friday, February 24, 2017


Just when you think the mainstream media can’t get any lower NBC news proves us wrong! Perhaps they are afraid if they don’t keep pushing the negative this country may once again become united. I cannot believe they have stooped so low as to use children to continue spewing hate and distrust towards President Trump.

When I saw the video at first I was upset with NBC but then I realized the parents who allowed their children to be in this video are just as bad. Children learn from the parents. They listen even when we don’t know they are paying attention. When I was teaching preschool I used to tell the parents never talk about anything in front of your children unless you felt it was for them to hear for two reasons. Number one children always repeat what they hear when you least expect it and it can cause problems where there shouldn’t be any or an embarrassing situation. Number two our children should never feel the anger or fear of their parents because they are too young and impressionable.

I honestly don’t even want to discuss the video because I am sure you have seen it and come to your own conclusion about it. What upsets me most is the unlimited bashing and different ways the media attacks our President but seems to forget the sins and mess ups of past administrations, the old double standard. It appears their goal is keep the propaganda going no matter what the cost.

I say this because recently I have had conversations with people who have told me they don’t like President Trump. I ask them why, what is it about our President that bothers you? I have been told he doesn’t like “brown” people, he doesn’t care for low income people, he doesn’t like immigrants and of course the old standby, I’m don’t know. So let’s break this down. We are a country of mixed races, no one person, on one race is better than the other. If President Trump is to improve on inner cities, combat gangs, and fight immigration, it has nothing to do with the color of anyone’s skin. It has to do with making improvements and helping honest hardworking citizens get ahead and improve their lives and that of their families. So what’s wrong with helping “brown” people get ahead instead of allowing the establishment to keep them or anyone else without a college degree down? Heck, we have kids who are graduating college, of all races, who have no hope for a job in the field they have studied. Someone needs to step in and bring in the jobs to improve our economy and that someone would be President Trump.

When I ask how they came to their conclusion the answer is usually they heard this or that on the news. You know the little sound bites they put out on what President Trump said out of context and then add their own commentary to it. They didn’t listen to the President actually give his speech, they didn’t watch his rallies to find out what he really is all about. No of course not, they don’t like Trump so they don’t listen to him when he talks. I guess, in a way, I can understand that because the sound of Hillary Clinton’s voice was like someone scratching on a blackboard to me but I listened to what little she had to say from time to time and of course the debates. As I keep saying, knowledge is the key.

How can you make a judgement on anything in life and not research it? This is your President who will be in office for the next four years at least. If we are lucky it will be eight years and we will come out of it in better shape than we have ever been. Do the research, listen to what he has to say and then make an educated decision using your own mind not the propaganda the news spews. As an adult we need to think for ourselves and not allow others to influence us. God gave us a brain to use and there is no sense in letting it go to waste. Listening to those who yell the loudest, stand in front of a camera and spit out hate and lies, or joining in on protesting and rioting because everyone else is doing it is no way for an adult to handle things. That goes for our young college students as well.

People get upset because President Trump calls it fake news but what would you call it when the people who are supposed to be bringing you the news do things like this? What would you call it when they put their agenda above the people of the country? What would you call it when they use propaganda to instill fear in the public? I know what I would call it, FAKE NEWS!

If they are not reporting on what they “think” the President “meant” by his statements, they are spewing hate and negativity in every way they can and now they are using innocent children. News reporters are supposed to report the news as it happens not according to their feelings or political agenda. They have a responsibility to those who watch their show or read their paper to tell the news as it happens not as they wish it was.

It seems as if it has been forever that I have said negativity begets negativity so if these reporters keep this up there is no healing. There is only confusion and outrage because of the words they speak and the tone they spew it in.

If we want to fix things not just in this country but around the world, then folks it’s time to start looking at the brighter side of things. It’s time to give credit when credit is due. It’s time to start thinking of positive outcomes instead of destroying everything good. The way negativity begets negativity it’s the same way for positivity begetting positivity and that will spread happy thoughts, hope, and smiles.

I’m not saying sugar coat the news but don’t lie. Don’t try to keep instilling fear in people. The left needs to accept President Trump as our President and allow him to do his job. Perhaps if you actually reported the news as it happens then Our President and all those who respect and love him will see you as real news once again. Maybe you can even be a positive influence on the world once more and bring people together just by doing your job the right way.

May God Bless America and God Bless President Trump as he and his administration strive to “Make America Great Again.” 

1 comment:

  1. Again very well said and written a prime example of this is a report from treasury dept that shows in the first thirty days of Hussain Obama term the debt went up by 200 million as of this writing the report shows 12 Billion down in the same thirty days this alone should be front page news.
