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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities, I'm all for it!

Since President Trump took office on January 20th, 2017 between the Democrats spreading propaganda and the mainstream media latching onto it, it has become hard for some people to grasp what is going on while for others, it has become a total disruption of the Presidential Office. Never before in history has so much hatred spewed out at a President. What amazes me more than anything else is how accepting people who claim to be religious and caring of one another can sit there and call names, act the fool, and then be insulted when someone calls them out on it.

I know I piss people off on social media but that’s not my intention. My intention is to educate people as best as I know how. Be it through research or even my own personal experiences. I have and always do say education is the key. It saddens me to think people can be led around on a leash and excited by the words of these fakes and activists. If something upsets you, then investigate it. If something doesn’t sound right to you, then look in to it. Don’t let anyone else tell you what you should or shouldn’t be thinking or believing.

We just spent eight years with a President who turned his back on Americans who died in a country called Benghazi. The women at his side at the time, as Secretary of State, was Hillary Clinton. Ambassador Stevens asked for help weeks before the situation escalated but nothing was done. We were the last country in Benghazi on that night. When the call came out for help begging for someone to come and give them back up, they went unanswered. Whatever happened to no man left behind? Four men lost their lives that night and four family’s lives changed forever. When asked what happened the past administration blamed it on a video that was supposedly released that day but intelligence reports show that was not the truth. When testifying in front of Congress, Hillary Clinton’s response was, “what does it matter anyway.” Really, maybe we should have dropped her off before the situation escalated so she could understand exactly what these men went through and experienced it firsthand.

Then we had the scandal of her private email server, claiming in one breath she only used one device and on a television interview admitting she had two phones, a laptop, and tablet. Well, I know it’s been a while since I was in school I can assure you that does not add up to only 1 device. There’s more I can list about Hillary Clinton’s deceit but the point is already made. It didn’t matter what she did, what she said, how she lied, the Democrats would vote for her anyway.

Same goes for their support of a President who turned his back on this country by not standing behind our laws. How can I say this? Well, let’s look at what he did or didn’t do in the Benghazi situation. He didn’t step in and take care of the situation and see to it that Hillary or anyone else who was responsible was punished for what they did.

He took the side of criminals over the police. He honored the parents of a traitor in the rose garden and made a deal to get him released from prison and brought home yet he let others stay there, good upstanding Americans he could have bargained to get out and helped reunite them with their families. He released prisoners from Gitmo who were high security risks without thought of what they would do once they were out and able to get back to their terrorists companions. Yes, for the most part, they rejoined their mission and that doesn’t seem to bother Democrats.

Now we have a President who cares and I for one have always stood behind our President even if I didn’t agree with them. President Trump gets out and meets with the people because he wants to understand what we need and how he can help us achieve it. Our news media is out of control with the hate and propaganda they spew on a daily basis’s. I have never heard a President reported on so much in my life and most of it is speculation. You hear reporters say things like, “I think,” or “I feel.” No, it doesn’t work that way, it is supposed to be report the news the way it actually happens.

What I want to talk about right now is a bill that is in the house. H.R. 83 which is the Mobilizing Against Sanctuary Cities Act. The Democrats would like us to believe this is President Trump’s doing but this bill was introduced in to Congress on January 3rd, 2017 weeks before Trump was sworn in as President. It was introduced in to Congress by the Congressmen from Pennsylvania, Rep. Lou Barletta. Why would he put forth such a bill?

Remember Kate Steinle who was murdered in San Francisco in a Sanctuary City, July 2015 by an ILLEGAL immigrant who was deported five times and had committed seven felony’s? I do, I also remember the pain her father went through losing his daughter.

What is this bill? What does it mean for Sanctuary Cities? The way I understand it is this, if a state or local government who refuses to work with the police and resist or ban the enforcing of the federal immigration laws by violating section 642 of the ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION REFORM AND IMMIGRANT RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 1996 will lose Federal financial assistance for up to at least a year. The way I understand it is the Attorney General will determine annually which state or local governments are not in compliance with the laws of this nation. The Attorney General then is to submit a report on his findings to Congress on March 1 of each year. Any jurisdiction that is found to be disobeying the laws shall be ineligible to receive Federal financial assistance, as I said before, for a minimum of one year. In order to become eligible again the Attorney General certifies they are now in compliance with the laws.

I have said time and again, I am the great granddaughter and granddaughter of immigrants who came here from Italy many years ago. I am proud of my heritage but I am prouder of the fact that my family came here legally. They learned the ways of this great land and they didn’t expect anyone to hand then anything. No on stood in a welfare line waiting for a handout and when they didn’t get it, go out and commit a crime. I am not saying all people who came here were good people. If that was the case then we wouldn’t have jails.

I am saying if a person is here ILLEGALLY and if it is known by the government of the state, town, municipality, they live in then it is the responsibility of said officials to contact Immigration and turn the person who is breaking our laws over to them. Why are we paying for them to harbor criminals? Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t harboring a criminal against the law? I know so many of you right now are saying an ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT is not a criminal but I can assure you they are. Just the word ILLEGAL should be the first clue.

I for one, will support this bill because I love my country. I love the hard work and dedication it took to build it up to what it once was and I hope that one day we can all be proud of what is has become again. Allowing people in who are breaking the laws just by being illegal let alone people with criminal records so they can continue to commit crimes against the good people of this great nation, is wrong. “WE the People” must ban together and see to it that sanctuary cities are removed from our land. You don’t want to cooperate with the police and abide by our laws then you don’t belong here. 

You want to be a part of this country then find a way to do it right and we will be more than happy to open our doors to you. After all, we have always been a melting pot, but why should we allow our pot to burn with people who are just using us for what they can get while our own citizens struggle to survive.

May God Bless America and open the eyes of all who think looking the other way is right thing to do.

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