A young girl, 14 years old, is savagely raped by illegal
immigrant in the state of Maryland and what do the law makers in this safe do?
They pass the Maryland Law Enforcement and Trust Act which would prevent state
and local law enforcement from helping federal immigration authorities. What
the hell is going on in this country? How the hell could anyone in their right
mind vote yes for such a bill?
State legislator Marice Morales said, “This bill is about
constitutional rights of Marylanders.” Wake up moron, illegal immigrants are
not a legal resident in your state or anywhere else in this country. Passing this
bill is like rubbing that poor child’s face in her attack day after day.
Thank God Maryland Governor Larry Hogan has the intelligence
to know this bill is unacceptable and has vowed to veto it. I don’t want to
drag this story on because this young woman has been through enough. It’s not
what I want to talk about but the decision of these so called lawmakers leads
me to this question. Where have the morals, integrity, values, principals, and
intelligence gone in this nation?
As children we are taught right from wrong. Actually if you
were to take a few minutes and observe even a young child of six months old you
will find they have the understanding of knowing right from wrong. Grabbing at
something they shouldn’t and hesitating to see if someone says no shows you
they are learning right from wrong. We all try to get away with things or think
we can pull the wool over our parents eyes but truth be told our parents know
us better than anyone else because they taught us, molded us, into who we are.
I was brought up to think about my neighbor, to care about
someone in need, to help someone who was being picked on by a bully, to love my
family, neighbor, friends, and my country. I was taught to appreciate all I was
lucky to have in life no matter the struggles it took to get here because I was
lucky to be growing up free and in America.
America didn’t start out with 50 states in their union. We
started out as a group of colonies across the “pond” but still a part of Great
Britain. Yeah I know, most of us know this story. We fought the American
Revolutionary War with some of our allies, the French, Spanish and Dutch, by
our side. In case you’re trying to figure out who won it was the PATRIOTS. Yep,
the colonies were now on their own. Our forefathers had integrity, I think we
all have to admit that. Well anyone who understands what integrity is would
have to admit that.
Integrity is the quality of being honest and have strong
moral principles. How do you think our forefathers would react to the decision of
the Maryland legislatures? These men who fought for our freedoms, who wrote the
Constitution of this great nation to protect the rights of American Citizens.
True we all came here one way or another from immigrants it just depends on how
far back you can track your heritage but we came here legally for the time of
our arrival.
What ever happened to morals in this country especially with
those who are in charge of governing? Morals are a person’s standard of
behavior or beliefs concerning what is and is not acceptable for them to do,
right from wrong. We all know it but so many of us choose to look the other way
while a crime is being committed as long as it doesn’t affect them. Our
leaders, law makers, from state to state seem to have forgotten right from
wrong, lost sight of their morals, in their excitement to move up the political
ladder. They have forgotten they were not voted into office to make things
better for themselves but to improve life here for every AMERICAN CITIZEN born
on this soil or NATURALIZED. Their lack of morals, their example of right from
wrong has been a toxic spill all over this country.
What ever happened to values? Values are a person’s
principles or standards of behavior, one’s judgment of what is important in
life. You know obey the laws of the land, loving and protecting your family,
being the best person you can be, and love for your country are a few examples
that come to mind. Values today seem to be lost or misplaced. When lawmakers
can pass a bill giving someone who is here ILLEGALLY protection from the law
what are they teaching our children? Not right from wrong if they can support
this type of legislation. No, they are teaching disrespect and deceit as a
means of getting what you want no matter who it hurts.
What ever happened to principles in this country? You know principles
the fundamental truth or proposition that serves as the foundation of a system
of belief or behavior or for a chain of reasoning. To me it seems as if half of
our elected officials have lost all their principles if it doesn’t benefit
them. So now what lessons are we as
parents and American citizens teaching our children by electing and re-electing
the same people over and over again into office? It’s just not acceptable to go
with what we know because it has become comfortable. We need to start bucking
this system everyone has gotten so comfortable with and start remembering why
we are even lucky enough to be living with the freedoms we have taken for
granted. It’s not because of the congressmen and women we have voted into
office today but because of the Patriots who took up arms in order to make a
better life for their families in a new land.
If the Patriots never fought and won the American Revolution
we wouldn’t have the freedoms our Constitution has provided for us. If it hadn’t
been for all the Patriots who have fought wars since then to preserve our
freedoms we wouldn’t be able to speak our minds, carry a gun, practice religion
as we choose etc. But somewhere along the line all this has been lost on our so
called lawmakers many of whom give little or no thought to the American people
and this legislation passed in Maryland proves it.
I know a lot of people will not agree with me when I say I
believe President Trump and the cabinet he has been fighting hard to put
together are our Patriots today. They are there to fight the system from within
and bring back integrity, morals, values, and principals to the laws of this
land so we as Americans can once again hold our heads high.
What are these bleeding hearts so up in arms about? Why are
they so against bringing this country back to all its glory? Are they afraid
they are going to have to start doing things for the betterment of the people?
Take a look at Congress today, at state legislators and check to see how long they
have been in office. Check their record and see how they have been voting as
your representative, your voice, your standard of right from wrong, integrity,
morals, values, and principles. If they aren’t doing the job then it’s time to
make a change.
To the people of the state of Maryland, the ones who
understand right from wrong, you know this legislation is wrong. It goes
against the morals, principles, values, and integrity of this great nation. It
mocks the intelligence of the people of Maryland and the federal laws upheld in
our Constitution. I have said this before and I will say it again, anyone who
harbors a criminal, such as a thief, murderer, even an illegal alien should be
arrested and punished to the fullest extent of the law. Any lawmaker who even
suggests a law should be passed to harbor a criminal needs to be removed from
I will do my part and call my Representatives, write
letters, emails and anything else I can do to make my voice heard in the state capitol
in which I live and in Washington, DC. Anyone can take to fb, write a blog, but
what matters most is you get out there and do the job and make your voice
May God Bless America and watch over all the victims of
violent crimes and their families so they know they are not alone.
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