The story of Russia interfering with the election of 2016
broke even before the tallies were in. Russia was being blamed for hacking the
DNC. How the powers that be could have made that out to be they were on Trumps
side amazed me but then who am I, after all I don’t have the intelligence
agencies the government has on their side, and after the past few days of news
breaking events I, as an American, have great concerns about that.
You would think the people we could trust most in this
country would be those who are supposed to be gathering information to keep our
country safe not drag us into a frenzy and possibly cause problems between
world leaders just because they have the technology to do so. What amazed me
this morning as I sat down to start writing wasn’t the information I was able
to find out but the fact that no matter how I googled for information, from
mainstream media, the only way it came up was as a negative against President
Trump. Then I don’t know why this should surprise me, since it’s been that way
since day one of Donald J. Trump announcing he was running for President. I am
so hoping the findings that come out of this investigation will serve the mainstream
media and those who instigated this, up their words cooked and ready to eat.
So five days ago President Trump drops the bomb for all
Americans to see on twitter. Of course there are those who thought he was just
trying to throw the attention off of himself and Jeff Sessions but where there
is smoke there is fire. Like most of America today I have been following this
story and am amazed people don’t understand the power our government has, as
well as other governments, to get the information they want and also let things
appear as they want it to. Not a conspiracy theory here folks. It happens every
day. Do you remember the Patriot act? Perhaps you should look it up and remind
yourself just how much the government can and will invade your space if they so
feel, for any reason real or not, you are someone of interest. Perhaps I will
find myself on their radar with all the things I look up on the internet and
all the things I openly write about. Not that I care, I have nothing to hide,
but it doesn’t seem to matter to them what the truth is they can just make it up
as they go along.
So what has been uncovered since all this broke in the news.
Why did then President Obama revise the intelligence act 12333 to include an
additional 16 agencies just 2 weeks before leaving office. Since this revision
Federal Government Leaks have been pouring out. Why are people asking Trump and
not questioning the one person who should know what was going on in his
administration at that time, Obama? It’s time to put the past administration
under a microscope. Enough has been hidden during their regime in the Oval
Office and in case you may have forgotten things like Clinton’s emails and Benghazi
to name a couple.
So if you listen to most mainstream media they are painting
Trump as the fool speaking out when he knows nothing about what was going on
and also questioning as to when he found out about alleged wiretapping. Just
check newspapers in January and even on inauguration day you will find it was
reported that information was found during a routine wire tape. Trust me, there
was nothing routine about what the Obama administration was up to. They wanted
to paint a shadow across the Trump Administration and cause havoc in this
country and that is what they succeeded in doing with many Clinton supporters. They
have managed to keep the crazies protesting, rioting, and attacking Trump
supporters all around the country. Sad to have such unrest when all you have to
do is look for the truth because in time it will all come out. Remember one
thing there are three sides to every story, the right, the left and somewhere in
the middle, is the truth.
On the Hannity show last night, he pointed out an explosive
new report from Circa News. In this report it was found that the FBI
investigated a computer server which was tied to, then Presidential candidate,
Donald J. Trump’s business. Allegedly this server was communicating with Russian
banks however, surprise, surprise, they gathered no evidence in their
investigation. Also no evidence of election tampering to date that would
warrant criminal charges against anyone associate with President Trump and that
includes Michael Flynn. As a matter of fact all the information leaked out
against Flynn since the fiasco started is against the espionage act and should
be investigated because someone needs be put behind bars for leaking
information out. This isn’t just a leak to be pushed aside this is “Treason.”
This wiretap they had in order allowed them to have access
to Trump’s business emails. I mean all of the emails for all of his employees.
Private as well as work related emails. A clear invasion of privacy since they had
no evidence to go on. How can, as true Americans, accept this as being ok? If
they can do this to them then think about it, they can do this to you without probable
Since President Trump took office there have been leaks
streaming from our government and the mainstream media has been eating it up.
Classified information being given to the press and no one sees the
implications of this. This is terrorism from within our own government started
by a past administration to continue to stir up a storm where there need not be
any. It’s time we call for all those who have leaked out critical “CLASSFIED
IFORMATION” to face the consequences of their “treasonous” acts.
Look at the information from WikiLeaks and the ability our
CIA has. Does this really surprise anyone? They can get into certain phones,
televisions, computers, and spy on people. This is the age of technology.
Hackers have been doing it for years and yet to hear the CIA has the ability to
hack even common American Citizens and invade their privacy amazes you? The
fact they can make it look as if the attacks are coming from somewhere else
surprises you? I don’t know about you but I watch television. Most movies,
television shows, with people being hacked are drawn out by the police’s
inability to locate where the actual hacking is coming from. Talk to a real
live police officer and ask him if it is that easy to just pinpoint where a
hacker is hacking from or if it takes longer then the hour or two of a movie or
television program. I can assure you it does and it is going to take a long and
detailed investigation to trace back where all this is coming from.
No the computer is not a paper trail it is what I call a paw
print that can be followed, trailed to the where it originated, if our
government truly wants to know. So I am all for Trump calling for an
investigation into the dealings of the CIA, the orders put forth by EX-president
Obama to release CLASSIFIED information to 16 additional intelligence offices
some of whom don’t have the same clearance as others therefore allowing the
leaks to flow. So I ask Congress to do their investigation because people need
to be held accountable and if that trail leads back to the past administration,
the past president, then so be it. It’s time for the real truth to be told and
all the story telling to be put on hold. Actually I can’t wait for the
mainstream media to be served up a plate of egg on their face. Like, I said
before, it will be nice to see them eat their words and have to admit they were
wrong all along.
May God Bless America and may God Bring this country
together and shine his light on the traitors of this great nation so we can see
them for the instigators they really are and appreciate President Trump’s
administration for pulling us out of the darkness.
Again well researched well written and too the point perfectly. Big Fan...
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your encouragement.