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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Friday, March 3, 2017

Whatever happened to the Democratic Party?

I was raised in a community of Democrats. Proud and true immigrant Americans who were so proud to be here on American soil, in a democracy they believed in. It was important to be part of the Democratic Party. After all that is why they came to America for Democracy.

Back in the day, when I was a young girl, I asked my maternal grandmother why she was a Democrat why not a Republican. Her answer was simple. She said she came to this country as a young girl with her older siblings who raised her because her parents died when they were in Italy. They wanted a better life for their younger siblings so my aunt and uncle took their younger siblings here for a better life.  A life where they could live in streets lined with gold and hope for a better tomorrow. I had to laugh when she told me how surprised she was when they finally arrived in New York and were released from Ellis Island because there was no gold in the streets. No, if you wanted that gold, you had to work for it. Even at a young age she had to work in order to help the family survive.

Yet she was proud to be here on American soil and even prouder when she became a naturalized citizen of these United States. She was an American, a Democrat, and because of that she had a chance at a better life for herself and in the future, her children.

Back then the Democratic Party was full of hope for the people. It was their goal to make life better for all those who struggled, for the poor and forgotten, a party of truth and justice. For all these immigrants, at least where I grew up, it was the American way, their hope for a better tomorrow.

Now as I remember my years as a young girl growing up in a community who believed the only ones who could help them make things better were the Democrats I feel sad because that same community is now suffering from the after effects of voting the same people in to office time and time again with little to no change. I’m told there is something wrong with me because I am a registered Republican, yet I don’t vote for the party I vote for the person, unless of course, it’s a primary and I have no choice.

I don’t know when it actually happened or if it always was this way but somewhere along the line Democrats and Republicans alike who have been voted in to office year after year, after year, lost their way. They have forgotten why they were ever there in the first place. They have forgotten the American way, the American dream and very sad to say they have forgotten the American people.

How can I say this? Well look around you. There are more homeless than ever before, our veterans who have given so much to this country have been pushed aside, our economy is in the toilet with more people out of work than ever before. Being politically correct is more important than protecting the rights of the American people. Those we have voted in to office time and time again, year after year, one term after another, have forgotten why they are there, they have forgotten what America stands for. They have forgotten why our forefathers battled the British to win our Independence. Sadly they have forgotten “We the People of this great nation!”

So now “We the People” have taken a stand and voted in a President that not only ran on the Republican ticket but he was not a politician. He talked to and walked with the American people. He listened to what they had to say and had a team put together who actually wants to help fix what is broken in America today. He didn’t speak the words the way the politicians wanted him too. He didn’t conform but spoke his mind and he rallied this country behind him because we needed a change. So in November 2016 “We the People” spoke and voted President Donald J. Trump in to office.

Even though the American people spoke out on Election Day the Democratic Party refuses to listen. Supporters of the Democratic Party have protested and rioted in the streets. They have cried and thrown tantrums since their loss on Election Day but it does not change the fact Donald J. Trump won and is now our President.

The disrespect the Democrats have shown our country reached an all-time low over the past few years. Calling for political correctness for everyone and everything except American citizens. We are supposed to apologize for who we are and be ashamed of what we have accomplished in this world so others would not be offended. We have a Democratic Congress who is, for the most part, afraid of hurting the feelings of illegal immigrants yet they show disrespect to the widow of a fallen hero during Our Presidents first Congressional Address.

Tuesday night President Trump took to the podium in Congress to address these law makers who have wondered where he was going with all his promises made during his campaign for his presidency. They wanted answers and President Trump, in a very presidential tone, gave them to Congress and the people of this great nation. He laid out his plans and dealt with the boos and the thumbs down from some of the Democrats but when he spoke of the sacrifice Chief Petty Officer William ‘Ryan’ Owens gave for his country and introduced his widow Carryn most of the Democrats who took the time to attend the Address reached an all-time low.

Carryn Owens stood and clapped for the memory of her husband. She cried looking upward to the heavens to tell her husband she loved him. Proud of the tribute President Trump had bestowed on him. The Republicans in attendance gave her a standing ovation along with a few of the Democrats who did bother to attend but most of them, most of these wonderful Democratic leaders kept their seats and their sour faces plastered on.

I, as an American, am appalled by their response. I do not care what you think of President Trump. I do not care if you agreed with him at that point and time or were just pissed off because he was making sense and you saw the Democratic control slipping. I do care about the disrespect showed to this amazingly strong woman and her hero husband. Carryn is a widow for only a few weeks. The courage it took her to attend and stand in front of the nation with her heart opened in full view for all to see must have taken every ounce of nerve she had left. I applaud Carryn Owens and her family for their strength and their bravery. As an American I apologize for the ignorance of our Democratic Party for not understanding this is not about them but about the brave men and women out there doing a job they signed up for, to serve and protect this great land so we may remain the land of the free and home of the brave.

Since the death of Chief Petty Officer Owens I have heard people blame Trump because he ordered the mission to be carried out. The information Ryan Owens was able to help gather was important to the effort to stop terrorism and the growing of terrorist before they get to our soil. Every President who has ever had to give such orders to their troops feel the loss of each and every military member as if it was part of their own family. We cannot stand around and cast blame and we must know a man like Ryan Owens would not want that. He had a job to do and he did it. He is a true hero and his family does not need his heroism shadowed by insults and disrespect.

Our military, veterans, and their families deserve the utmost respect of all Americans. So to the Democratic Party I say grow up! It’s time to get behind the American Citizens and put America first. It’s time to put our citizens first, put our boarders first, put our police officers first, put our children first, put our military first and be thankful they are there to protect and serve. When a hero or a member of their family bares their  soul for all to see stand up and show your appreciation for all they have given up so you can still stand on your soap box and act the fool.

America should stand united never divided so I ask all the members of congress, on both sides of the fence, to start working together. Not for the betterment of your party but for the betterment of America and all American Citizens. You are who we voted in as our leaders so please start doing your jobs and uniting this country. Start working together, improve on what we already have, and always give thanks to our heroes who have worked so hard to keep us free. Never forget, without them there would be no United States of America. My thanks once again to the Owen’s family and all the other Gold Star families of this great nation.

May God Bless America and May God Bless our Military and watch over them as they serve and protect this great nation.