Make America Great Again March was held around the country
on Saturday March 25, 2017. It was a time for all Americans to stand together
and stand up for America and in doing so, stand up for President Trump, Vice President
Pence, our Military, First Responders and our Veterans. It was not a protest
but a chance to come together and show your support for this amazing country we
have the honor of living in. It was a time to show all those who fight to keep
us safe and secure our support.
This was a march formed in unity from state to state. The
vision of a few became the voice of many. I watched many videos on the marches
and gatherings that took place across this great nation and for the most part
it was peaceful on the part of those who marched to show their support of this
country and our administration. To see so many come together across this great
land with one common goal proves it can be done. No reason to make everything a
battle. We are all here for the betterment of the people of this great nation
and we all need to understand in order to get there we must listen and hear
what the other side is saying.
At one of the marches a woman was asked about her thoughts
on the March. She along with others felt this was not a way to get people to
talk and settle things but what got me most was the way she said it. “We’re all
for unity but for different reasons. We’re not on the same page. They’re completely
opposite of what I feel and what I believe in,” she said as she points at those
who have come together to march in support of America. With a mindset like that
there is no coming together because there is no meeting in the middle to talk. That
is what this was all about. No more fighting and saying my side or yours it was
supposed to be about one side, the side of this country and how to pull it all
together to make it work and stop thinking left or right and start realize we
need to meet in the middle so we can once again balance each other. There has
to be a little give and take in order to fix what is broken.
Still it was an amazing day with dozens of rallies from
California to New York, and even Alaska taking place to show support for this
great nation and get behind President Trump. The point was to get people
talking and coming together. It would have been a perfect day but of course we
all know there are those who have to throw a little sand and kick up a fuss as
some of the marches were met with counter-protesters who came for the express purpose
of clashing with Trump supporters. So sad people can only see their right to
make a statement or freedom of speech and no one else’s.
The March in Philadelphia had a counter March scheduled for
the same day called Disrupt MAGA. Really? Why did they find that to be
necessary? The organizers asked protesters to “protect your Identity”
seriously. If they were so proud to be out there and disrupting things then
take off the mask and show yourself. I will not give them any further credit by
posting their call for marchers here but I will say if they are not happy with
America then they need to leave because they are not a part of the solution but
they are the problem. Of course Philly was not the only place that was met with
resistance but it was expected because for some reason the left feels they are
the only ones with the right to free speech but unlike those who Marched for
Unity and Support of this great nation, they marched with their faces covered
afraid to show who they are because they really are not brave enough to stand
up for what they believe.
This nation was built under the laws of our Constitution and
every big mouth in the land has a right to his or her opinion and we have the
right to like it or not to like it. If we chose not to like it they do not have
a right to bully and attack you. This Make America Great Again March I believe
was a great start to bring people together and needs to be done again and again
because each time we get a group of people together to stand up for what is
right and best for America as a whole, we will find our numbers grow. People who
have been afraid to say I am a Trump Supporter and proud of it will see they
are not alone and they can openly express themselves.
I have the most adorable six your old great-niece who is
quiet and shy. She started kindergarten this year and in November they had a
mock election in school. When she came home from school she told her mother she
voted for Hillary Clinton but she really wanted Donald Trump to win. Why?
Because even in kindergarten she felt the pressure and was afraid to say she
supported Donald Trump. Kindergarten folks!!!!! Really???
I was not able to join this march but I will work towards
being at the next one. I am not afraid of confrontation especially when it
comes to showing my support for this great nation and all those who serve and
protect us. I call for everyone, on both sides of the fence, to stop being so
closed minded. Nothing will ever work if we see things only as left and right,
Democrat or Republican. We have to see it as we are all Americans and somewhere
in the middle is where we have to meet.
I am not saying give up all your morals and your beliefs but
we have to bend in order to work together to get the voices heard and messages
out there to bring us together for the betterment of all. Fighting in the
streets isn’t and never was the answer. We are not gang members who are trying
to protect their turf we are all American Citizens fighting to preserve our
rights and Constitution. Fighting for the privileges granted us by being in
this great nation. We should not be fighting one another but banning together
to get the government to see what “We the People” need in order to have a
better quality of life, jobs, housing, and benefits. The ability to put food on
our table and feed our families. The chance to help our children grow in a
country with a brighter future then we ever had.
This is America where anything can happen for the better of
the people and we should not allow it to be pulled down because there are those
who wish to see us fail and they are fighting to do that from within our
boarders. Don’t let that happen folks, join in the movement to Make America
Great Again and keep it that way. Fight for every right our Constitution has
given us. Nothing is ever perfect and our forefathers made mistakes but they
also left room for us to fix it. We cannot be blinded by hate but need to open
our eyes to possibilities or everyone coming together and working on a dialog
so we can talk to one another without pounding our chest as if only our view
For eight years many Americans were up in arms about the
lack of change in this country except for the negative. People rioting in the
streets in support of thugs and against police, people doing little to nothing
to bring jobs back to this country while unemployment climbed, people just
wanting to better their lives and finding no one there to lend a helping hand. The
American way was being tossed in the trash and we wanted it back.
We wanted a change for the better and now we have a chance
for that change and still there are those who would rather see the chaos then
the unity. Now we have a President who isn’t even taking a salary and people
think he is in it for himself. Are you really that blind? Even his personal
plane is better than air force one. He gave up so much to try and help this
country that he loves and the people in it. So everyone needs to grow up and
put their big boy or girl pants on and start getting along and learn how to
talk to one another.
What none of you are getting is you can have all the fights
you want in the streets, get your butt arrested, thrown in jail, have a record,
and those who are representing us in Washington are still going to be there. We
have people in Congress there for forty years and they have done nothing to fix
what is broken but they have sold us all a bill of goods with their lies and deceit
on how things are not bad in this country and how they promise, during their
re-election campaign, to start making changes as soon as they get back to their
office. Really? Why haven’t they fixed things yet? That’s what “We the People”
should be asking. That’s what we should be talking about. So instead of
fighting in the streets because your party didn’t win remember it’s not about Republican
or Democrat it’s about America and what benefits all of us.
Thank you to those who organized this MAGA MARCH. I hope to
see more and more in the future because we do need to let our law makers know
we are here and we are not afraid to speak up and be heard but we will not
fight and cause chaos because we want to improve this nation and bring it back
to all its glory. We want to show
support for our President, Vice President, Military Veterans and First
Responders who do not think twice and willingly serve and protect us. We need
to keep reminding people America is a country of honor and respect for one
another, our flag, and our country. Politics in this country have become dirty
and deceitful pitting one side against the other and we need to ban together to
meet on common ground so we can all stand in support of one another, the nation
and our President. We need to honor all who have served this nation and put their
lives line so we can be free.
May God Bless America and all those who love, serve, and
protect each and every one of us.
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