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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Who else are the Democrats going to blame?

I started this blog to talk about history and current events of this world and our wonderful nation. To stand behind my President and the great law makers of this great nation. I know I am a bit opinionated but I do, do my homework and I cannot understand why so many don’t before opening their mouths or going out there and causing chaos in their wake.

Let’s back up to the presidential race of 2016 where it was made known by anonymous tips that Russia was trying to influence the outcome of the campaign by hacking the DNC. Supposedly they were pushing their agenda even on Russian Television in favor or Trump for President. So what was hacked? That’s the big question. How were the Russians behind Hillary Clinton losing the election?
We all heard talk of the emails stolen from her campaign chair John Podesta and given to WikiLeaks who then shared them with the world. The Democrats are so hell bent on blaming the Russians for helping Trump get elected they have missed the big issue. Hillary Clinton held back information asked for in a federal investigation. She lied to FBI and most importantly she lied to the American People and got caught with her pants down.

So the Democrats way to defer attention on Hillary was to place it on the Republican they feared the most, Donald J. Trump. Why? Very simply put, they were afraid he would put a crimp in their plans and he would actually do all the things he had promised to do during his campaign.
I don’t know if any of you blindly following the Democratic Party have taken the time to look at the facts here but let’s see who was running on the Democratic ticket. Not hard to list since there was only two. Berny Sanders who openly said he is a socialist and of course Hillary Clinton who has been known to have ties with Saul David Alinsky.

Now what is socialism? As defined in the dictionary socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. In Marxist theory: a transition of social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.

What we know about Hilary Clinton, she wrote her thesis on Saul Alinsky and was an admirer of his Activist tactics. Hillary didn’t completely agree with Alinsky as to bringing their grievances to the streets and protesting but she did believe her work was needed inside the system in order to make a change by acquiring political power. Other influences in her life was a professor she had in Yale, Thomas Emerson better known as “Tommy the Commie.” She interned at the law firm of Treuhaft, Walker, and Bernstien which was co-founded by Bob Treuhaft, head of the California Communist Party.  It doesn’t stop there. Over the years Hillary gave a lot of money to the Institute for Policy Stucies (IPS) which holds a political outlook one would say is classically Marxist. Their outlook is capitalism not only in the United States, but worldwide, is the cause of human suffering.

The IPS was designed to bring tension among the people. To aid in the development of revolution not just in the United States but on an international level. They held seminars that were designed to persuade U.S. Congressmen and women plus the staff to support pro-Soviet and socialist policies. This isn’t something that just started it dates back to Regan. During his administration twelve U.S. senators and seventy members of the House of Representatives signed a letter to the Secretary of State- George Schultz, describing the IPS. In this letter they state the IPS is an organization, “which has for20 years consistently supported foreign policy objectives that serve the interests of the Soviet Union.” Now I can keep listing all of the ways Hillary Clinton has ties to Marxism but I think you get the point.

Now fast forward to the election of November 20, 2016 and all the innuendos of the Russians hacking into the DNC to influence the election in favor of Donald J. Trump. I don’t know about you but President Trump ran on the ticket of improving America by giving the American people their lives and independence back. By bringing jobs back into this country and helping the inner cities build and become great once more. He didn’t talk down to the American people he spoke out for all of us. He said what so many of us have been thinking for years.

Hillary Clinton, in all the years she was in office, did nothing to better things for the American people. It was quite the opposite under the Obama administration with Clinton in lead positions they tore this country apart. Economically businesses ran for cover to get away from the bureaucracy that was taking money out of their pockets and that of their workers and lining the pockets of the politicians in office. They rallied people to riot in the streets and go against the law in order to get the answers they wanted and not necessarily get to the truth. Police officers were murdered while thugs were put on pedestals and honored in the White House. They were not working on unifying this country but on tearing us apart.

Still the propaganda was spread it was Donald Trump causing all the problems because he was not politically correct nor did he stand still while others bashed him or his family. He stood up for the American worker, is in favor of Capitalism, and will do everything and anything to bring jobs back to this nation, while protecting our boarders and building our country back up to where we once were, Leaders of the World.

So Donald Trump is elected President and now all the BS is coming out about his involvement with Russia. How did the Russians influence the election? They didn’t hack the voting machines. No, they leaked information, truth, from emails hacked into and turned over to WikiLeaks. If this is what the Russians did then I say they didn’t hurt the American People they helped many see the truth about the lying, cheating, conniving, untrustworthy person Hillary Clinton is and more importantly many of the long standing Democrats in office are on the same page as she is. Perhaps it’s time to vote out all these long standing Congressmen and women and bring in some new blood. If you want to revolt and bring about change then vote these people out of office and take as stand to bring America back to all its glory.

May God Bless America and May God open the eyes of all those who have been blinded by the lies of people who are only out to better themselves and destroy these United States.