So we don’t need extreme vetting, we aren’t being fair to
people who seek refuge in this country, and the ban on travel is
unconstitutional. These are things people have been saying but have they
checked the facts or really listened to the people who know what they are doing
and why, or are they doing the usual? Are they just listening to the whiners whine,
kick up a fuss, and cause chaos or are they actually thinking for themselves? Are
they remembering all we and other nations have lost at the hands of terrorists?
I don’t see how they could be.
Looking back the terrorist’s attacks on our own soil between
1960 and 1969 there were 13 in that ten year span with the most memorable for
many is the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963.
President Kennedy was killed by Lee Harvey Oswald in Dealey Plaza in Dallas.
While trying to escape Oswald also killed a Dallas police officer. The next
decade was no better from 1970 to 1979 there were 16 terrorist attacks on U.S.
soil with the two worst being in 1975 the bombing of LaGuardia Airport and in
1977 when Hanafi Muslims hijacked three buildings in Washington, D.C. taking
149 hostages. From 1980 to present time terror attacks on our soil have not
lessened. There were eleven in the 1980’s, a staggering twenty two in the 1990’s,
from 2000 to 2009 we were hit with twenty seven with the worst being September
11, 2001 with more than 2977 dead and over 6,000 injured. From 2010 to present
day there has been a staggering forty one attacks on our soil. Granted they
have ranged from bombings, hostage taking, suicide attacks, shootings, and assassinations
but no matter what they are, they are still terror attacks be it foreign or
domestic. True not all attacks resulted in the loss of lives or even injury but
that doesn’t matter because someone is still out there trying to instill fear
in the hearts and minds of the American people.
Over the last eight years there have been increased rioting
in the streets, people have lost their homes, the businesses, all in the so
called name of peace. I am sorry but that is domestic terror and no one should
have to live that way. No parent should have to fear for their child’s safety
because some spoiled brats wants to stamp their feet and hold their breath in
order to change things in this country. If they really wanted to make a
difference then they would find themselves a job and stop all this craziness.
How soon we forget the lives lost and changed forever on
September 11, 2001. People are up in arms because we have a President who wants
to put a hold on allowing people who cannot be vetted properly into this
country. For all those who feel this is unconstitutional I have a question or
two for you. Number one, can you tell me what you were doing the morning of
September 11, 2001 when the first plane struck the World Trade Center? I know
where I was and I know what I watched on television for the next week at least.
I know men and women who volunteered to go and help at ground zero only to lose
their lives later due to illness’ they got for their good deeds but that didn’t
matter to them because their country needed them. Number two where in our
Constitution does it say that people who are not American born, share the
rights of our constitution? Nowhere, our Constitution states, “We the People”
of this great nation. It does not extend our rights to anyone who is visiting
or wishes to visit or is here illegally.
Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the
power to regulate immigration. In 1952, Congress passed a law empowering the
president to deny entry into the U.S. to “any class of aliens” considered to be
“detrimental to the interests of the United States.” In case you don’t get it
that means a danger, threat, to America. It is true that in 1965 there was a
subsequent immigration law that states no discrimination based on race, sex,
nationality, place of birth or place of residence.
Once again we have become a nation of acceptance. We are
more concerned with hurting people’s feelings then we are about the safety of
this great nation. I may not be able to recall every last terror attack on our
soil but to be honest even one attack over the last forty years is too much.
The way this country pulled together after the attack on September 11, 2001 was
classic America. Strangers helping strangers, no one questioning why just doing
for the better good.
Now, we have a group of crybabies that want to know what’s
in it for them instead of helping out where needed. Everyone suddenly feels
they are entitled and that also means anyone who wants to enter this country
has the right to do so regardless of our laws and security. No, it doesn’t work
that way. There are laws for a reason. The laws set forth in our Constitution
are for our protection, for national security. Why would we suddenly open the doors and let
anyone and everyone in?
Here’s a question for all you bleeding hearts, if we were to
let in anyone who wants to come into this country without a job or a place to
stay are you willing to open your door and allow them to stay in your home with
you and your family? Would you be willing to allow them to stay with you, rent
free, no job and as your responsibility to see to it they have everything they
need just as if they were your child, your family? I think not! You know why
you wouldn’t because you have no idea who they are or what they could get
themselves into that you would now be responsible for. Let’s not even mention
the fact you have no clue if they would cause any harm to you or your family.
Your security would be in danger.
Well, that’s what is going to happen if we just keep opening
the doors and allowing people in without the proper vetting and papers needed
to be here legally. I do agree if someone has been in this country a long time
and can prove it, has been an honest, hardworking person without a criminal
record and has family ties due to having children born here, then let’s help
them find a way to become legal in this country. Anyone with a criminal record
no matter how minor, should be deported. I do not feel we should be easier on
one than the other.
We, as a nation, need to stand together and stop letting the
whiners bully their way to the front of the line just because they can, so they
can be heard and all logic goes out the window. The mainstream media is never
going to be happy with anything President Trump has to say or wants to do. My
God, I listen to them during their news casts and they refer to him as Mr.
Trump which is disrespectful since, newsflash folks, he won the election in
November and was sworn in, in January. No you were not dreaming! It’s really
time to wake up folks and come together for the good of all.
We have seen enough destruction on our soil and we don’t
want to see anymore. Americans are a strong breed, we stand strong, together,
and united. We have never run from a battle and we never will. The big mouths
today who want to have their way have no idea what it is truly like to be an
American. To all these followers out there I want to say the next time you
stand in protest why not ask the person next to you to show his or her face
instead of hiding behind their mask. They aren’t brave and fighting for a cause
they are cowards and fighting to bring chaos and destruction to our land. Don’t
allow yourself to be fooled, don’t trust anyone who makes promises to give you
something for nothing. Those people out there destroying your neighbor’s
property, business, and your neighborhood aren’t doing it for the good of this
country. They are out there trying to push for our destruction and as a proud
American I can tell you, it’s a fight they will lose.
I stand behind the travel ban not because I don’t want a
certain class of people to come here but because I want those who are already
here and those yet to come to remain safe and protected on the shores of these
United States.
May God Bless America and show all those so easily fooled.
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