Why is it in the United States of America in 2017 we have
people who don’t have a clue how lucky they are to be living here, to be
American citizens? What has happened to American Pride? I have always said I
grew up knowing how lucky I am to be an American Citizen and how proud my
family was to be here in this country.
Patriotism isn’t a bad word or something someone should be ashamed
of. To be a patriot means you love, support and defend your country. Now how
you do that is up to you. Some people join the military and put their life on
the line so others can live peaceful and free. Many of those living under the
protection of our military hardly give a thought to the sacrifice they make to
ensure our freedoms.
Other patriots may choose to use their voice or the pen in
order to be heard, to express their love and loyalty to their country. Then
still there are those who just hold their pride close to their hearts in their
belief in their country and the traditions and history they hold dear. Patriots
come in all shapes and sizes as well as all walks of life.
Think back to the bombings of the World Trade Center, yes
bombings. The first February 26, 1993 a truck bomb detonated below the North
Tower, killing six and injuring thousands. Then the attack on September 11,
2001. There wasn’t an American alive who didn’t wear their patriotism on their
sleeve. Why does it take a disaster before people come together to show their patriotism
and why do people so easily forget how wonderful that pride feels?
From when this country was first settled people talked about
their love for their new land, their desire to see their country grow strong
and proud. They were patriots who wanted nothing more than to live a life and
be free of tyranny. All the wars this land has lived through and all the
horrors we have seen in past generations have been lost on those today.
WWI we had one hell of a patriot in George M. Cohan who received the Congressional Medal of Honor from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt for his contributions to WWI morale. Check out "Your a Grand Old Flag," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxyt1Vt5ejY&list=RDlxyt1Vt5ejY and "Over There," https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5oWH6JWBJY Better yet you want to see true patriotism watch the movie "Yankee Doodle Dandy." Feel the pride they held in this country come to life right before your eyes. You can feel it come through the screen.
Evolution changed patriotism. Viet Nam hit and people
suddenly started looking at America as the enemy not the friend just trying to
help out. People in this country didn’t thank our soldiers for their hard work
and sacrifices they cursed them. Now all these years later, our Viet Nam
veterans are getting thanked because so many of us have grown up and realized
what we didn’t know then, we are lucky to be on American soil. Now we face a
generation of softies. Hurt feelings and despair, hiding in corners, crying,
and wanting everything to be perfect in their own little bubble. They could
care less about the flag, about the government or about the country all they
care about is what is in it for them.
Patriots today need to be like the patriots of yesteryear,
Our Founding Fathers. They need to be loud, to speak out against government
policies and actions. They need to fight for what is best for the nation as a
whole and not just one particular group. Just because a group of people are
loud and obnoxious doesn’t make them right and we, real Americans, should not
cower from standing up for what we truly believe in, our country, our rights.
People have shied away from doing things as simple as
posting a sign in support of a candidate running for office for fear of
retribution. The American Flag which has been so proudly displayed in past
years has been taken down due to the implications of it insulting others
feelings. This is America, the red, white and blue are the colors of our flag
and should be displayed with pride and anyone who disgraces that flag should be
have to face some consequences under the law. Although the laws have been
changed to protect these loud mouths and not our flag.
This country has the most amazing patriots to ever walk the face
of the earth, our Veterans who have given everything they have and will give
more if asked for the betterment and safety of this great nation. Once again I
call upon, “We the People of this great nation,” to stand our ground. To show
our pride and patriotism for this great land. Do not let anyone push her around
as if she does not matter. Do not take the side of those who would love to see
her fall. Stand united and ban together to fight for what is right and keep our
freedoms strong.
I don’t know about you but I like the idea of being allowed
to speak my mind, to pray as I see fit, to stand up for my country and be proud
to be what I am, a patriot. America is my country, my flag will always wave
high with honor and I will not allow anyone to disgrace either. If it was not
for all those wonderful men and women who have fought the wars, were left with
battle scares we can see and not see, I would not be able to speak my mind
today. So to all those wonderful Veteran Patriots I thank you from the bottom
of my heart for all your hard work and dedication to the people of this great
nation. You have made this country the land of the free and the home of the
May God Bless America and all of her Patriots, past present
and with the help of God, yet to come.
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