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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Saturday, April 15, 2017

President Trump's Message to North Korea is Heard Loud and Clear.

It’s no secret the United States and Korea have had issues dating back to the Korean War. During our last administration Korea flexed their muscles by conducting five nuclear weapons test and working on developing a long-range missile that would be able to hit a target thousands of miles away. It is their way of telling the United States they aren’t afraid of us.

From 2001 to 2007 the US and Korea battled back and forth in one negotiation or another. Somewhere along that timeline in the early part of 2003 began the six party talks which would include the United States, the two Koreas, Japan, China, and Russia. At first North Korea was against it stating the nuclear issue was strictly between North Korea and the United States. Once pressure was put on North Korea by China that was the beginning of the three party talks which, as I am sure you can figure out, was between North Korea, China and the United States. These talks took place in Beijing and shortly after that is when the six party talks started taking place.

Many issues were discussed and some not liked by North Korea so they walked out on the talks but did return later on. Their anger, of course, was aimed at the United States. On February 8, 2007 the action for action agreement was reached. To show goodwill on all sides led the United States to unfreezing North Korean assets which were previously frozen. Baby steps but they were working hard to get there.

On February 13, 2007 during the six party talks an outline to take steps towards the normalization of political relations with Pyongyang, the capital of the largest city in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, a replacement of the Korean Armistice Agreement with a peace treaty, and the building of a regional peace structure for Northeast Asia was disgust.

It was agreed that in exchange for fuel aid North Korea would shut down its Yongbyon nuclear facility. As for the United States they agreed to begin discussions on normalization of relations with North Korea and to begin the process of removing them from the list of state sponsors of terrorism.
It was in June of 2008 that the United States agreed to start lifting restrictions after North Korea began the disarming process. President Bush made the announcement North Korea would be removed from the state sponsors of terrorism once North Korea released a 60 page declaration of its nuclear activities. A video was released by North Korea of the demolition of their nuclear reactor in Yongbyon the Bush Administration was both praised and criticized by those who thought we settled for too little and looking back on it now, we probably did.

In 2009 once again there was a strain to the relationship between the US and North Korea with the arrest of two US journalist on the North Korea boarder in China while supposedly filming a documentary. They were working on a story about the trafficking of women and supposedly they crossed over the border into North Korea. They were tried and sentenced to twelve years of hard labor. This wasn’t going to end in a blink of an eye. The ordeal came to an end on August 4th when former President Bill Clinton secured the release of the two American journalist. There are rumors to how this all came about but former President Clinton arrived in Pyngyang supposedly on a private matter and ended up leaving with the journalist. Of course everyone was thrilled and thankful for his intervention.

With the death of Kim Jong-il’s in December of 2011 North Korea was now handed over to the little man in charge now, Kim Jong-un. Not elected into office of course he just inherited it. Now up goes the smoke screen as this new dictator announces a freeze on nuclear testing, long range missile launches, and uranium enrichment at the Yongbyon plant. He even allowed in inspectors, which made Obama so happy he sent them 240,000 tons of food, mostly in the form of biscuits. The kinship was short lived because just a two weeks later on Marcy 16, 2012 the little man of North Korea announced to mark the 100th anniversary of the late Kim II-sung’s birthday he was going to launch the Kwangmyongsong-3 satellite. It’s been a cat and mouse game ever since. He threatens the US and Obama takes away food aid as if that was going to stop this maniac.

Under the Obama administration there was no fear of any real retaliation and that wasn’t just for Korea that was most nations. They didn’t worry if the US said they were going to do anything because they all knew Obama and his administration was all talk and no action.

Well now there’s a new sheriff in town folks and he is kicking ass and taking names but the best part is he isn’t telegraphing it to the enemy as our past administration has done so this has given North Korea a little something to think about. With President Trump’s policy of not telling the media what he plans to do before he does it and giving the heads up to the enemy so they can be ready and waiting North Korea witnessed what the rest of the world did this week when President Trump sent a message loud and clear not only to Asaad but to ISIS.

So today the world watched as the celebration in Korea commenced. Many people were sitting on pins and needles wondering if he would once again test a nuclear weapon as he has in the past years even with President Trump’s warning but he didn’t. Of course President Trump wasn’t sitting on his hands waiting to see if he would or wouldn’t. In anticipation of North Korea doing exactly what they said they were President Trump sent ships and submarines towards North Korea in a massive show of force. It was more than just flexing his muscles, Trump meant business. Although President Trump did acknowledge Kim Jong-un’s nuclear threat was real he still didn’t show his hand on how he was going to handle the situation.

President Trump has gone to the President of China and requested their help in the situation with North Korea but also made it very clear if China could not reel this lunatic in the US is willing to do what it has to do to stop any nuclear threat.

This morning as many watched the news to see the outcome of the morning’s events in North Korea they watched as Kim Jong-un did not speak during the parade. People watched with anticipation of the possibility of a sixth nuclear test or worse yet a major missile launch that could possibly be capable of reaching the U.S. shores. However instead of carrying out a sixth test a series of missiles were rolled out on trucks to join in the parade for all to see.

Now we will see if President Xi of China, can convince Kim Jong-un that President Trump is not like any President they have seen in a long time. If he can do this and bring North Korea to their senses then there we will be able to live together and perhaps work for the better good but if not President Trump will not back down. He has said this time and again his enemy will never know when he is going to do what needs to be done to get the job done and get it done right.

No one wants to go to war. It does not benefit anyone but we cannot allow people to bully us or others without taking a stand. This weekend Vice President Pence and his wife are headed to South Korea and Japan basically to meet with the leaders there and assure them the U.S. will do whatever they can to defend them against any aggression by North Korea without acting in a way that might bring open conflict.

President Trump has some amazing advisors on his side. People who know the military, know how things are done and they get the job done. As a nation we must stand behind our President even if we are afraid North Korea will carry out its threat because there is nothing stopping them from doing that any time they see fit to throw a temper tantrum. He cannot allow anyone to walk all over us and for us to keep backing up and taking it. The United States must stand her ground and President Trump is doing an amazing job letting all those who think they know us know things have changed as of January 20, 2017, the day President Trump took office.

Am I concerned about going to war, of course I am. I worry about everyone I know already in the military and everyone I know of age to be in the military but I also know from history a leader cannot sit on his hands while people are threatened. The United States is a world leader and we cannot allow any bullies to keep kicking sand and fighting to make us back up so as not to upset them. It’s time to take a stand, protect those who cannot protect themselves, but most importantly, keep our shores safe from harm. It’s time to stand up and be heard, to prove to the world once more America is a force to be reckoned with.

I pray every day our world leaders are not as off the wall as they want us to believe and these talks will bring about a quiet and peaceful agreement. You leave us and the rest of the world alone and we will leave you alone. Thank you to all our military personnel who are out there protecting our shores, thank you to Vice President and Mrs. Pence for giving up their Easter Holiday to work on bringing peace in a hostile environment, and Thank you to President Trump for standing up for America as you promised from day one.

May God Bless America and keep the world safe and at peace. 

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