This fixation our country has with the First Family is
beyond anything I have ever seen. Since the beginning of this campaign there
have been nasty things said about every one of the Trump family. Now President
Trump is living in the White House doing the job he was elected to do but so
many people in this country have taken pot shots at him and his family almost
every chance they get.
President Trump is sworn into office and the big question
weighing on the minds of many tabloid reading Americans is “Why isn’t Melania
Trump moving into the White House with her husband?” I have heard so much
speculation as to why she did not move in when he did but as a mother, who
loves her children, I will tell you this, they have an eleven year old son. He
was ten when his father was sworn into office and as a young child that had to
be surreal for him. Now he is midway through the school year and everyone
expects him to be uprooted and pulled out of school to start a new school in
the middle of the year, as if he hasn’t been through a lot already. As parents
who care about their child the First Lady and President did what any parent
would do and they put their child first. I do not understand the outrage of the
American people and the nasty remarks made by so many.
This First Family has been put under the microscope as if
they don’t have feelings. The nasty remarks made about young Barron Trump have
been horrible. As a parent I am disgusted with the way adults have talked about
this child who did nothing but proudly stand by his father as he was sworn into
office and act like a ten year old child. Excuse me if that bothered people but
I for one think he is a very handsome, well-mannered young man, and should be
considered as a number one priority not only by his parents, but the people of
this nation.
People like to talk garbage but look in your own backyard
before you start spewing hate at anyone else. You may not like President Trump’s
stance on things but to attack his wife, children and grandchildren is ridiculous.
What bothers you more the fact he is a billionaire and in the White House or
the fact he was on television and is in the White House? Once again it reminds
me of the old saying, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.”
My mother and father always said that and it wasn’t until I got older that
understood it.
You are no better than me and even as our President he is not
better than any of us. I don’t care if you make billions of dollars a year or
just a few thousand to get by and care for your family. You are still no
different. You each get up in the morning, get dressed, go to work, and do what
needs to be done to care for yourself and if you are lucky enough to have one,
your family. Yet our First Family, by many, have been looked down upon and for
no apparent reason other than their candidate didn’t win.
Ivanka Trump is an amazingly talented, intelligent woman.
Strong and sure of herself and I think that scares a lot of people. Especially
other women who feel they are on the same level as she is until they get to
actually talk to her and realize she is not only stunning but she has brains
and knows what she wants and how to accomplish it. She has been attacked by the
media and even industry not because they don’t like her or her clothing design
but because they don’t like her father in politics. You see before President
Trump decided to run for office they all liked him. They did business with him
and that includes many of these democratic cronies in office today as well as
the republican rino’s who just want him to go way.
So why all the hostility to towards this family? Why all the
hostility towards President Trump? Of course I can’t speak for everyone but I
do enjoy reading tweets and face book posts from people who like to voice their
opinion and I do from time to time listen to other news stations besides FOX so
I can and will give my opinion on this. People fear what they don’t understand
and on thing many Americans are not used to and do not understand is bluntness
and someone actually being elected into office and does his job.
Many of us live in towns where the same Mayor has held
office since we were kids or the Councilmembers have been around forever and it
works for them. I for one like to stir the pot and bring in new blood so people
actually work for their spot and fight hard to keep it since they know any time
they can honestly be replaced. Many of us live in towns that are starting to
fall apart around our ears and no one is doing anything to fix up the mess
because they are walking around with blinders on and don’t see what is right in
front of them. Yet the taxes keep going up and the businesses are dwindling
down. Home owners are fighting desperately to keep their homes two steps ahead
of a foreclosure or unable to pay their ever rising property tax. It’s become the
normal, so we have just kept quiet and accepted it.
Now we have someone who decides to run for office whom
people have been begging to run for years but he has always said “Only if the
country gets so bad I have no other choice.” Going back to when Oprah’s show
was worth watching she interviewed him and asked him why he didn’t run for
office he gave her the same answer. Now this man who has his eyes opened
decides to run for President and all those who begged him for donations for
their campaigns over the years, whom he helped get in office in hopes of
improving this country, have not only turned against him but against his family
as well.
You know one of the things I really love about President
Trump that I know rubs people the wrong way is how blunt and direct he is.
There is no false air about him because he has no filter. He says exactly what
is on his mind. He isn’t worried about being politically correct, he is
concerned about the people of the United States as a whole and I am sorry but
in order to do his job and do it right sometimes you have to be a little rough
around the edges. The old saying goes, “Kick ass and take names later, not Kiss
ass and see where that gets you.”
When I first heard him speak I thought, “Wow he sounds like
my dad, my husband, sons, daughter, who tend to speak their mind.” I am the
quiet one of the family believe it or not. Actually I am better at expressing
myself in writing unless you do something to hurt my family then you will know
my wrath but for the most part I am quiet. I liked what I heard from then
Candidate Trump so much so I decided he was the man we needed in the White
House and proudly cast my vote for him.
Since he took office I am still proud of casting my vote for
him but sorry for the way he is being treated by some of his own party and how
hard they are making it for him to get his job accomplished. Remember folks
there isn’t only one branch to government there are three, The Executive
Branch, of course that’s the office of the President and his staff, his
administration, the Legislative Branch which is our House and Senate, you know
the people who put the bills out there to make the laws and keep things
balanced, and the Judicial Branch which is of course the Supreme Court as well
as the lower courts. So without the backing of the legislative branch our
President has to fight twice as hard to get things done. Remember this? “Can’t
we all just get along?” Seems that hasn’t occurred to some of our Congress
members yet.
When Trump spoke during the rallies and people were upset
with what he had to say or how he said I attributed it to they aren’t used to
the “language” of some people from our neck of the woods. I come from New
Jersey and with some of the things Campaign Trump said that set people on their
toes spinning around and around I laughed off because I didn’t see it as him
having and “attitude” as a matter of fact, his political correctness, I renamed
“Jerseytude.” I thought if some of those people could just sit around with
regular everyday people who weren’t trying to be pretentious or weren’t afraid
to speak their mind they would find out that most of America felt the same way.
We just want our families to be able to enjoy their lives the way we did when
we were kids. To grow up and have jobs and not worry about terrorists destroying
their country, not worry about big corporations taking away the mom and pop
shops that built this great land. A simpler, yet happier life our children
would never see but we can only hope they find something compatible to it.
That’s how I understand President Trump’s desire to help
this country be great once more. That’s how I understood his slogan, “Make
America Great Again,” yet that slogan angered people claiming America is great
but they have no idea how great she could be and should be.
Now we have a First Family who believes with all their heart
in the wonders of this great land. Yes our President was married twice before
and divorced twice and now married to his third wife and seeming very happy
together raising their youngest son and bringing the rest of the family
together as one. This upsets people because he is the President but why? I for
one was married twice and divorced twice before I found the man I was meant to
be with. This country is made up of mixed families of divorce so what makes them
any different from the Trumps? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
Once again I am calling on the people of this country to
open their eyes and give this President a chance to fix what is broken. Give
him a chance to prove he can do the job and do it well. Bringing us back jobs
and hope for families who have lost it, fixing the inner cities and helping
children who would otherwise get lost in the system, building our military and
yes protecting our boarders. Stop spewing hate at the President and the First
Family and perhaps put yourself in their shoes and think how you would feel if
the shoe was on the other foot.
I, for one, stand behind my President and I am proud of the
appearance of our First Family, their togetherness, their understanding, their
obvious love and respect for one another. We have not seen such class in our
White House in a long time and I welcome it. I pray we can all put our petty
differences aside and give this President a chance to make a difference, the
difference, he promised he would fight so hard for.
May God Bless America and watch over our First Family while
opening the eyes of the American people who seem to feel threatened by them.
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