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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Make America Great Again by Making America United Again!

As I look at the window on this beautiful spring day and see the beauty of the cherry blossoms as they begin to bloom I wonder why so many people can see all this beauty and hold so much anger inside. I listened to people talk over the last 4 years of President Obama’s term in office about how angry they were, and how much they wanted a change. I watched as this beauty before my eyes this morning, went from bright and sunny to dark and cloudy because of all the anger and fear instilled in the people of this great nation. I wondered why our government would want to fight so hard to divide this nation worse than it ever was and then it hit me, like it hit so many others. The only reason anyone would want America to be so divided is to destroy us from within because united no one can take us down but divided, there is always a chance we will fall.

All the praying people did for a change, to have a President that could do the job and bring us all together again, was answered. Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th President of the United States of America not the Divided States. So why are so many people still fighting to keep this country divided? Is it really just because their candidate lost and their feelings are hurt or is it because there are people who want to see this country fall? Well let me tell you folks, the only way this country will fall is we allow it, if “We the People” abandon her.

Our President has proven himself to be a man of his word in so many ways already. Working hard to bring jobs back into the country, struggling against the establishment in Congress to fix a broken system like Obamacare, fighting to fix the budget of an already over spent government, trying to lower taxes for the people and businesses alike, but no matter what he does his battle comes in Congress as they try their best to make him fail. Why they would want that isn’t a mystery. You see if he fails then those who wish to see our nation crumble down, wins.

I am not a doomsayer so please do not misunderstand what I am saying. It is no secret that our government has been heading in the wrong direction for many years but over the last eight years it has taken a turn for the worse. Like a cancer growing and nothing the doctors do can make it go away. So now it’s time to get another opinion, another look at the way things need to be done so that this country can regain her strength and honor. President Trump is that second opinion, he is a breath of fresh air who is viewing the issues of this nation and the world with a fresh pair of eyes and ears. He hasn’t been listening to the propaganda of the left and even some right for so many years he can’t think for himself. No, President Trump is his own man and if we allow him to do his job we will experience something as a nation we not felt in a long time, Unity.

I can understand the stress and disgust from some of the people in this country because I often feel the same way when I listen to news stations like CNN, MSNBC and others. The negativity these so called news commentators spew can make someone not only sick to their stomach but full of fear. Look at last week’s actions taken by President Trump against Syria after they bombed their own people with chemical gas killing men, women and children. At first it was all good but it quickly turned to propaganda, the spreading of fear America needs to have because of what Putin might do. How Trump should have gone to Congress for permission before he did what he had to do. What don’t they get in all of this? You see President Trump is our Commander and Chief and did not declare war so he didn’t have to ask Congress for permission. Wake up America! Get your heads out of the ground and start using your brains again! My God, it would be refreshing if, for once, we were all on the same page.

I want you to take a look around and see the beauty of this country. All the amazing historical sites to be seen and history to be learned right before your eyes. Take some of the tours at these places and learn about the amazing men and women in our history who fought so hard for us to have a good life and to be able to give an even better life to our children and grandchildren. Their dreams will be crushed if this country does not, once again, unite and hold strong.

I am sure that many of us in todays United States can think of at least one person they know who is working to serve and protect this country or their community. Someone who has served in the military, is serving now in the military, or perhaps is on a police force or fire department working to keep the community safe. Now think about the sacrifices they have had to make in their lives in order to do this job no one else wants because it’s a thankless job with little pay and long hours.

I am so amazed how so many people can get behind their favorite sports team and cheer them on as if their life depended on it but when it comes to their country, to the United States Military they turn a cold shoulder. Really? Tell me is your favorite quarterback, pitcher, goalie, going to put their life on the line so you can sit home and watch them play on Sunday? I don’t think so!

Our young men and women who serve in our military deserve to know they are supported back home. That the people of this great nation are pulling together to once again be united and make ourselves whole. They need to know how much we appreciate all they do and how we stand behind them in unity.

Our President, who has given up so much to serve this country over the next 4 years, needs to see us come together and fight for what we believe in, fight to keep our Constitution strong, and fight to make Congress do what is best for this country and all its people. He needs to know he is not alone in that oval office when he needs to flex the muscles of our military, when he needs to show force in order for the bullies of this world to realize we still are the home of the brave!

I wish I could tell you a march on Washington will fix everything but it won’t. We know that, there have been marches and gatherings to try and pull this country together and still there are the instigators of this country that will put a wrench in the mix and cause problems where there needn’t be any. Nothing worthwhile happens overnight. The pulling apart of this country took at least eight years, although I honestly believe it started before Obama, it just escalated with him.

This mess cannot be fixed in the first 100 days of President Trump being in office. So as a country, a nation of brave men and women, we need to get behind our President. We need to once again stop looking at the color of someone’s skin, the difference in a person’s lifestyle, reel in the jealousy towards those who make more money then you, stop looking down your nose at those who make less then you, and see that none of this makes a difference because together we are what makes America great! We have the power to restore this country to all its glory by once again realizing no one in this country, on this earth, is better than anyone else. We are all here for the common good and want only what is best for all considered. Until we realize this we cannot unite.

So now I call upon all of America to lay your petty differences aside, lend a hand to a neighbor in need, smile at the girl giving you your coffee in the morning even if your day started out poorly, watch out for your neighbors, remember to say thank you, or hold a door opened for a stranger, because these little positive actions will bring about positive reactions. You are probably thinking, she lost her mind, but I haven’t. You see you can’t fix the negativity that has been spread by continuing it. You have to start doing positive things in order to bring about a positive change. A favorite saying of mine is “Positivity begets Positivity,” with this we can turn things around.

I know we are not all always going to agree on the actions or inactions of our government but that’s ok, because we are not robots, we have human reactions. It’s what makes life so interesting but to keep the negative flow going till the slim spills over and gobbles us up isn’t healthy for anyone.
America is the most beautiful land in the world. Obviously it’s not only my opinion since there are so many from all over the globe trying to get in. Funny things is once they get here they try to change things to be as it was in the country the fled. I’m sorry but that’s not the way it is supposed to be. Instead of you coming to our country and we change for you it’s time all those fighting to get into this country realize we are a united front not willing to give in to those who wish to change us.

Remember this, Our Fore Fathers fought to rid this country of tyranny so “We the People,” the “Patriots” of today need to stand united and fight against the tyranny of today, those who wish to come to this country and make changes to better their group of people instead of the entire nation. We need to stand United and fight against terrorism and see to it no more horrors are brought to our shores.

Get behind our President and stand with our Military so we can once again be proud of our history and wave the American Flag in all its Glory. So we can stand up and speak our mind without fear of retaliation from those who wish to destroy us from within, so we can bow our head in prayer, or salute our flag with pride and in order to do this we need to stand United once more. So let’s all start working towards the common good of this great nation and let’s truly work to Make America Great Again by Making America United Again.

May God Bless America and make us united and strong.

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