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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Sunday, April 23, 2017

What Has Happened To Integrity in News Reporting?

Over the past several years the news media has taken a turn for the worst. A real reporter is a dying breed. No one wants to get down to the truth they just want to give their political views on what is going on in the world according to their assumption. When I was in journalism class that’s not what I was taught.

You see the definition of journalism is simple. It is the activity or profession of writing for newspapers, magazines, or news websites (wasn’t a part of my journalism studies since websites came long after I got out of school), or preparing news to be broadcast. So now ask yourself what’s news?

When I was younger and we listened to the news we heard reports of current events going on around the world. Journalist wrote their newspaper articles on truth based facts not their opinions.  My journalist teacher used to tell us to look at all the facts and to try and keep your personal feelings out of it because as the reporter you were not to be invested in the story from your point of view but to tell the news as it really happened with pride and integrity. Where is the integrity in the news media today?

Over the years one station at a time, just seem to drift away from what is real and just started to add all these commentators as their reporters who have more mouth than brains. I do my research every day just like I was taught. Not just for my blog but for the books I am writing. I don’t want to be wrong about anything I put out there for the public to read. I don’t want to be someone who fills someone’s head with lies and deceit.
Every night my husband flips through the news channels and every night I cringe as I listen to the different voices and the different telling of the stories going on not just around this country but around the world. I could not believe how during the last administration our so called, mainstream media, jumped on the band wagon against our police and rallied around rioters and thugs yet when something happened that deserved their attention there was no one around. I am sure you all remember the report about the little girl who was doing her homework in her mother’s bedroom when shots were fired and the nine year old child was struck dead from a stray bullet that went through the wall and the mother was shot in the leg, thanks to the rioters in the streets. Oh, you don’t remember that? I understand why because the mainstream media didn’t pick it up. It wasn’t news worthy enough. In other words no one was protesting that or rioting in the streets for the child’s life so it wasn’t covered yet a mother lost part of her heart as she had to lay her child to rest and the thugs continued to do their damage. In case you haven’t heard about this it happened in Ferguson. I found out about it like many others, on social media. http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2015/08/nine-year-old-ferguson-girl-shot-dead-in-her-bed-in-drive-by-shooting-no-protests-planned/

The only media outlet to hold true and strong to its belief has been FOX NEWS and now they are under attack. Cracks me up how so many people turn so quickly on someone. I am not saying I don’t believe or I do believe what these women are saying about Mr. O’Reilly but please when is this going to stop. When are we going to start saying to women who bring out allegations of sexual abuse or harassment years after it happened that we need more than your word against his before you stop allowing them to ruin careers? No one is perfect and no one is an angel but to be able to claim sexual harassment years after it happened isn’t right. You need to call it out when it happens especially in today’s day and age because it isn’t something that people hush and brush under the rug. When someone does this, when they wait years and years to bring this to the attention of others and confront the so called abuser take note people, they aren’t doing it to the man or woman who makes minimum wage they are going up against those who make millions so they can get a payoff to keep it quiet and not ruin their name. Not because they are admitting to the charges but because they worked hard to get to where they are in their lives and they don’t want someone ruining it. Are there men and women who are guilty of harassment and abuse, of course there are but if you are so sure you have a case then take them to court and see to it justice is paid and not just your pocket.

I mean even with the Trump campaign someone pulled out some recording they held onto for years about something Trump said about women to other men, locker room talk. Do I agree with it no but am I dumb enough to think men don’t talk like that, no way. As for any woman who was “offended” by what was said, give me a break! I have listened to many a woman talk about men in the same way except the body parts were different. No one in this world is perfect but the news media took a Pitbull bit on this and wouldn’t let go. They tried all they could to disgrace him and turn his followers against him but surprise to them it only strengthened our belief in him as a real human being who understands the regular person. I mean come on folks, he grew up around construction sights do you think they talked about their Wednesday night knitting club? If so I have a bridge I want to sell you so contact me.

The anger spewed by the mainstream media at those in the White House, the First Family, and anyone attached to the Trump administration is a disgrace. They are digging and hoping for chaos in the White House and then they are upset when President Trump comes out and talks about how amazing his staff is and how they all work well together. You know the problem isn’t Trump’s administration, the problem is Congress can’t get their poop together and the mainstream media can’t keep their heads on straight just spinning around hoping for something to blow up or someone screw up so they can keep the drama going.  They are more of a soap opera then a daily news report. Sad to say many of them are a laughing stock.

Our so called mainstream media has been the cause of so much chaos and confusion in this country by spreading lies and propaganda. Yet when real news hits they keep it quiet until they can get a negative spin on it. They rather come in later with a story and be able to fill it full of holes then come out with the truth. It’s amazing, journalism today is a joke, just like most of today’s reporters.

Unfortunately there are enough scary things going on around the world today that President Trump had to take a stand on. The mainstream media can keep reporting how Trump was wrong and how he should have done things differently but like Jesse Watters said “Don’t you think the commander-in-chief knows a little bit more about a breaking international security incident than two desk anchors?”  These so called reporters are going on leaks from the White House or some other source of information they don’t need to make ready to the public yet they expect the President to release top secret information to them and in doing so the public. Why because they are the press and they feel entitled? It doesn’t work that way.

France faced a terrorist attack and President Trump sent his condolences. Actually that’s more than Obama ever would have done at least as far as we know since it was never televised if he did anything nice like that. Not only did President Trump offer is condolences he called a spade a spade, and said right out it was a terrorist attack during a press conference when the prime minister from Italy was here. Of course NBC had two commentators who felt it wasn’t right for the President to say it was terrorism. As if they know more than the President and his advisors.

I have said this time and again President Trump does not show his hand. He will not spill out top secret information and he will not tell his enemies what he plans to do. He stated this time and again in one interview after another. As a country we need to start to remember the commander-in-chief is just that. He is the one responsible for our safety and to show his hand before he makes his play only puts every American Citizen in jeopardy.

It’s amazing the only news stations I now feel I can watch and not want to throw the television out the window is FOX News and One America News Network. Two out of all those so called news stations out there are the only ones that tell it like it is not like the Democrats want us to hear it.

I spend a lot of time researching. I don’t take anything at face value because I have a suspicious nature. Perhaps it’s my Italian upbringing but I have learned over the years that you cannot believe something just because someone said so. You have to do your homework, you have to search for the truth and you have to have the nerve to call the liars out on it. Journalist who report the news as it actually happens are reporters with integrity. Those who report the news and adlib are conspiracy theorists who should probably write the next best seller instead of reporting their fabricated news.
America is a land of free speech and for this I am grateful but as far as reporting the news, in my opinion, these people should be held to a high standard and not allowed to doctor up the news to help with their own agenda. Telling the truth never hurt anyone but lying can destroy and hurt many lives with just a single lie or stretching of the truth.

In my opinion it’s best for all Americans to start thinking for themselves and to not let others influence them. In order to heal this country we need to start to heal from within the way they started to spread the disease with lies and deception. So I pray every day for the healing of this great nation and for people to see the truth before them and allow the lies to lay at the side of the road to be swept up and taken away.

May God Bless America and show us the truth.

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