I have been proudly voting since I turned 18 years old. Of
course I had to declare myself in the first primary I voted in which I really
wasn’t sure I wanted to do but my father insisted I had to vote in the primary
because it was my duty. Well I don’t think he was so happy when I came home
that day because I told him I declared myself a Republican. He wanted to know
why I would do something like that after all, the entire family was Democrat. I
remember telling him I did what I was taught to do and I thought for myself. He
had no response to that.
Over the years, like so many of us, I may not have been
thrilled about my parties’ choice in who was running in the primary but I
picked the person I liked the best. Still it didn’t mean come Election Day I
had to stick with that person if I liked the Democratic candidate better. You
see only in the primary do you have to vote for your party otherwise you vote
for the person, for what they stand for, for the issues at hand, and for what
you believe in your heart is best for the entire country.
I make no qualms about the fact I did not vote for President
Obama. Not because I didn’t like him but because I thought he was more of a motivational
speaker, an activist then a president, just my personal opinion. I felt this
country needed someone who could lead us into a brighter future and I wasn’t
sure he had the answers to do it. Yes he went up against Hillary and did all
the usual bashing and slashing but that isn’t what I was looking for. I wanted
honesty, I wanted a change from the usual empty campaign promises, the rallying
up the troops, getting everyone behind you, until you are in office then doing
whatever the hell you want, speeches. That’s what I felt I was getting from
then candidate Obama.
Come that November I worked the polls, checking people into
vote. It was a crazy day, with more voters coming out then I had ever seen in
all the years I worked the elections. I always like that, the people coming out
in support of their candidate but this election was different. Although we ask
people from refraining on talking politics while in the polling place we get
those who are often excited about one thing or another but on this day we got a
lot of people who were excited not about the candidate they were about to vote
for but the fact they were about to make history. Of course we couldn’t respond
to these voters but to pick someone because of their skin color, nationality,
or sex is not a way to vote for any government official. It’s almost certain to
blow up in your face. Like I always say, do your homework, learn and educate
yourself before you make any decisions.
Anyway after the election there was talk of voter fraud and
of course the left was outraged but again I worked those polls and in that election
I myself caught a few people trying to vote twice. One, I remember very well is
a woman came into the polling place with papers given to her from the people
outside about their candidate and I asked her to put them away since they are
not allowed in the polling place. She gave them to me to toss away for her and
accidentally handed me her sample voting ballots. Yes, ballots as in plural. Each
ballot she had, there were 3, had her name on it and a different address. She
asked me which address voted at that particular voting place. I told her then I
asked her for ID. Now in Jersey you don’t have to present an ID unless asked
and of course I now had a reason to ask. She showed me the ID which had an
address in another town altogether, none of which was on any of the sample
ballots she handed to me. I asked if she had anything else with the address on the
ballot to prove she was registered to vote at that address. She didn’t
everything she had, had the address for her ID. I told her she couldn’t vote
there and took the other sample ballots from her. She got upset and started
making a scene and unfortunately I had to call the police who just escorted her
out. Point is if it was done at one voting place it was done at others but still
he won the election and the thought of any wrong doing was quickly hushed up.
For the next eight years I respected the office of President
even though there was many things he did and didn’t do, I didn’t agree with.
Not respecting fallen officers of the law or law officers in general and
holding tribute to the thugs was high on my list. Having Al Sharpton give him
advice plus ignoring Sharpton’s owed income tax really got my goat and of
course his cozening up to members of the Muslim Brotherhood wasn’t one of my
favorites but still he was our President and I was holding out hope he would
see America needed a strong hand to help her rise up and be what she always
was, a strong and independent nation, united together for the better good.
Oh, I admit we were never perfect. Growing up, this nation
has had its faults but one would hope we learned from our mistakes. Yet to have
a man or woman in a position of authority that could do damage to the country
from the inside out was and still is dangerous.
During Obama’s second term things got extremely heated. We
had a President who looked the other way while the Department of Justice spoke
out against the police and in favor of the thugs. We had people rioting in the
streets, doing harm to their neighbors and businesses in their neighborhoods
and how was that handled? With elected officials giving the police orders to
stand down and allow the craziness to go on. Police Officers were being
murdered in the streets, families torn apart, and nothing done to put a stop to
it and pull this country together instead of dividing it up once again,
racially. My God I don’t remember this country being that bad since the late
1960’s when there was rioting and looting and the only thing it accomplished
was cities being destroyed and those poor people living in them being forced
out of their homes and businesses. Some of these cities are just getting built
up again. It doesn’t happen overnight. Something like this takes time and you
need to get people to believe reinvesting, rebuilding is worth the money that
will need to be spent. You would think people would learn, violence begets
violence, and nothing is ever settled that way.
Protesting was encouraged by the past administration and I
do agree we all have the right to protest, it’s free speech but you see
protesting and rioting are two entirely different things. Do the homework and
figure out the difference. I will admit there were many people out there that
just wanted a peaceful demonstration but it didn’t always work out that way
once the masked marauders came in. So brave to be out there starting trouble
they kept their faces covered.
Half way through Obama’s second term the campaign started
for the next Presidential election. I admit it was a rough one. The usual
nastiness, the bashing, the calling people out on their past record and that
was just the Republicans. I had a decision to make and narrowed it down to
three candidates Cruz, Rubio, and Trump. Yes I liked the way he spoke, the way
he talked like a regular person and I didn’t feel as if he was talking down to
anyone. I liked his bluntness, not being politically correct was a definite head
turner as far as I was concerned but more importantly, I liked his plans. I
read his ideas on the issues and listened to him in the debates. Yes at the
beginning debating was hard for him but he got the hang of it even though he
was still rough and tough. Little by little he won me over and I am proud to
say he is my President.
I don’t know why the news media softened their way of
reporting news when Obama was in office even with all the disaster going on
around the country. Like the administration most news stations sided with the
criminal over the police and had to cover the rioting if for no other reason
but to keep it going. Let’s face it if a camera is always in their face people
are always going to go for their 15 minutes of fame and these news reporters
loved stirring the pot. Yet with President Trump they took the hard road and
decided to go against the President no matter what he does or says.
I will give you President Trump isn’t our usual type of
person elected into the oval office but that is exactly why he was elected.
People don’t want the usual anymore they want changes. We have had eight years
of chaos, job loss, and businesses closing up, others leaving the country,
welfare increasing, and the influx of illegal aliens on the rise as if obeying
the law was wrong and disobeying it was the way to go.
Since day one there have been reports of the Trump campaign
having something to do with the Russians and the DNC was hacked by the
Russians. No concrete proof the Russians hacked into the DNC but the reasoning
for it makes no sense, because they wanted to influence our election. The
information leaked to Wiki Leaks for the most part we already knew. Actually they
waited so long to release the information I honestly don’t believe the so
called Leaks had any effect on the election because by the time the information
was leaked out most people had already made up their minds what they wanted and
Hillary Clinton supporters stood strong.
So why keep bringing up Russia? In my honest opinion I feel
the left and even some of the right are trying to force President Trump into
doing things their way or no way. What some of them should realize, at least
those up for re-election, is the people spoke and we want the government fixed,
jobs back, the military strong again, schools improved, inner cities built up,
all our children and grandchildren given a chance to live in a country that is
free and independent with a chance of a brighter future than we ever had.
President Trump isn’t being given the same consideration as
other Presidents from the media, the left, or some of his party members. How
can you fix what is broken if you won’t even listen to reason? That is why
things didn’t get fixed in the past. You cannot fix things if you don’t open up
the floor for discussion. Give and take a little is the only way to pull it all
together and build on what we have.
So to Congress I say, stop playing the baby games and start
working for the good people who voted you in to office, to look after their
best interests and the best interest of this country. Sit down at the table and
negotiate with an opened mind. Stop fighting among each other and with the
White House and start working together to make the improvements you all want
but are too stubborn to admit it because your party didn’t win. Start being the
leaders you all pretended to be in order to get elected. In other words, start
doing your damn job.
May God Bless America and open the mind and eyes of these
politicians who think they know better than you.
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