What is wrong with American’s today? Have we as a nation
forgotten our history? Have we forgotten the hysteria of McCarthyism? When are
we going to wake up and realize we are allowing history to repeat itself? We
are allowing the politicians and the propaganda of most main stream media to
instill fear where there should be none.
I know there are probably a few people trying to figure out
what is McCarthyism so I’ll just explain it. McCarthyism is the practice of
making accusations of disloyalty, especially of pro-Communist activity, in many
instances unsupported proof or based on slight, doubtful, or irrelevant
evidence. Does this sound familiar in today’s news? Just think about all the
talk of Russia hacking the DNC to turn the campaign against Clinton and in
favor of President Trump. No evidence at all is visible in all the
investigations that have been going on in the so called intelligence community.
Even our FBI hasn’t found anything in all this time.
Of course we all know how I do things so let me give you a
little history on McCarthyism and from there I will tell you how I feel about
events in the U.S. today as compared to the 1950’s. Senator Joseph McCarthy,
Republican of Wisconsin was voted into office in 1946. During his time in
Congress Senator McCarthy spent almost five years trying to expose so called
communists and other left wing risks inside the U.S. Government.
World War II ended but still for many things here and abroad
put fear into their hearts. The Cold War was alive and well. World War II
is over but many Americans are not resting well with the events still going on
abroad. The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949, Communist
forces declared victory in the Chinese Civil War making it the People’s
Republic of China, the Soviet Union backed North Korea’s invasion of South
Korea, and of course enter the US to lend a hand in the conflict taking the
side of South Korea. A lot going on and once again we are facing a communist
power while trying to help South Korea. The fear of Communism infiltrating the United
States, for many, was real.
At home, on American soil, things were going off the grid.
Members of our government were on a campaign to rid this country of communism.
There was a Republican led House Un-American Activities Committee which was
also known as HUAC which targeted people they believed to be a threat to the
country because they were communist or associated with someone who was in the
communist party. They targeted left-wingers in Hollywood, yes folks actors, actresses,
producers etc. were targeted, as well as liberals in the State Department.
So where does, Senator Joseph McCarthy comes into play? You
see the way the news has been throwing the name of Russia around over the past year it has kicked up some sand and wind blinding people from
seeing the truth or being able to clear their vision enough to figure things
out for themselves. Well it was no different then. With all the craziness going
on around the world the atmosphere here, in America, was that of fear and even
dread. Enter Senator Joseph McCarthy a first term Senator who was now in the Senate
four years when he gives a speech that put him in the spotlight as he declared
during his speech, that he had a list of 205 known, not suspected,
members of the Communist Party who were working and shaping policy in the State
Department. While he made this statement the Senator waved a piece of paper in
the air as if he had the list on him at that point and time.
Of course there was no other choice but to set up a Senate
subcommittee to investigate these accusations but they found no proof of this claim.
Even without the backing of his Democratic and Republican colleges or that of
President Dwight Eisenhower the senator continued his campaign which became
known as the Red-baiting campaign. What is so surprising to me is he got
elected into a second term so obviously there were many people in his state who
believed the propaganda he was spewing.
At the beginning of his second term the Senator was put in
charge of the Committee of Government Operations. This gave him the authority
to dig deeper, more expansive investigations into the alleged communist infiltration
of the federal government were performed. A man with so much power, no hard evidence to
convict anyone of treason, of collaboration with the Soviet Union, held hearing
after hearing, violating peoples civil rights and no one put a stop to it. Even
without proof more than 2,000 government employees lost their jobs because of
McCarthy and his so called investigations which got him nowhere.
In 1954 Senator McCarthy went after the United States Army claiming
to investigate possible espionage at the Army Signal Corps Engineering
Laboratories in Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. For 36 days these hearings were seen
on national television which gave the American people the opportunity to
witness McCarthy and how he tried to intimidated witnesses and offered evasive responses
when questioned. It was during his questioning of Joseph Welch, the Army’s
lawyer, McCarthy accused him of employing a man who, at one time, belonged to a
communist front group. Outraged Joseph Welch responded, “Have you no sense of
decency, sir, at long last? Have you no sense of decency?” This is what turned
the American people, public opinion, against McCarthy as he fell from graces
and the American people started to see him for what he was, a fear monger with
no proof, no evidence, in all the hearings he had conducted over the years.
McCarthyism came to an end with Senator McCarthy’s downfall but he still had
time left to serve as Senator of the state of Wisconsin.
When all was said and done McCarthy stood alone. He had lost
most of his friends and the Senate voted to condemn him for his “inexcusable,” “reprehensible,”
“vulgar and insulting,” conduct, “unbecoming a senator.” He was still in the
Senate, representing his state but he had lost all his power. In 1957, at the
young age of 48, Senator McCarthy died.
A time in our history where so many people lived on edge, in
fear of being called into testify and demand they report on their friends who were
supposedly known communist. Read about the Hollywood blacklist, The Hollywood
Ten, and read about McCarthy Victims. Hundreds imprisoned, thousands lost their
jobs, and although many did have connections in the past with the communist
party, the vast majority did not. My assignment for all who really care about
the craziness going on in this country today is to read everything you can find
about this time period and see who and what types of people were targeted by
Senator McCarthy and his committee. Remember this committee was a part of our
Senate, our government and no one did anything to stop it until McCarthy fell
on his face then all those who were right there with him, were now against him.
With all the talk of Russia trying to influence the Presidential
Election I couldn’t help but think of a time in history when our government
worked to put the fear of the Soviet Union, of Communism in the hearts and
minds of the American people. History is once again repeating itself. The left
is pushing the influence of Russia over the past election with no evidence ever
about this being true. In 8 months no evidence has come to light to prove this
to be true. Did “Russia” supposedly leak information to Wiki Leaks about emails
from the Clinton campaign? We don’t know for sure, because we also know our
very own CIA can hack and make it seem as if it was done by someone else. Why
not push it on Russia and that’s why they can’t definitely come out and say yes
it was Russia because the actual thumbprint doesn’t go there but leads back to
our very own government. Just a theory of course since no one has any actual
evidence just a lot of BS being pumped out there to turn people against the
government. Not to mention the fact that we already knew about the stunts Hillary Clinton and Obama pulled on the night of the attacks on Benghazi among other things during her time in office so many of what came out in the emails was just a confirmation our suspicions were right. Evidence folks, from Clinton herself, her own personal server was hacked and then leaked.
So to throw suspicion off themselves, people of the past
administration such as, Susan Rice, have lied and pushed the Russian tactics BS
down our throats for the past 8 months and every time some truth comes to
surface to prove the past administration did in fact break the law in their surveillance
of then campaign Trump and now White House Trump, they mumbled the word Russia
and then throw in Trump just to keep the fear going. “We the People,” need to
start thinking for ourselves and stop listening to all the double talk. Read,
learn, listen and open your mind to think for yourself. Too many followers in
this country today and not enough leaders to find our way out of a paper bag.
Stop closing your eyes and only hearing what you want. The truth lies somewhere
in the middle and we need to get all the facts in a row and not just bits and
pieces so this country is constantly turned upside down and people who have been
friends for years or family members are arguing over things that they have no control
Let’s face it folks, if the government can go in and make it
look like the White House is doing something illegal but can’t come up with
hard evidence just speculation, what can they do to the average Joe? Open your
eyes and see what is really happening here. Instilling fear into the hearts and
minds of people, spreading propaganda and hiding the truth from people, from
American citizens, is not what the so called intelligence community is supposed
to be doing. Their job is to serve and protect not destroy from within.
So I ask, “We the people of this great nation,” to once
again start to think for yourself, believe in yourself, believe in this country
and all the good there is in it, don’t turn away and listen to the lies and
propaganda, have faith, and fight to bring us all together again, “One Nation,
Under God!”
May God Bless American and show us the way to unite once
more for the better good of this great nation.
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