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Sexual Predator on the loose, Carteret, New Jersey Part 2 As Promised

Good Morning everyone. As I promised yesterday here is part two of Mohamed Radwan’s story. I want to remind everyone this is not my story ...

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Unite and Be Stronger Than Ever!

For eight long years this country was under the Obama administration with a Commander and Chief who had no desire to stand tall and strong by showing force when needed. He made deals with terrorist to release an American deserter, traitor, Bowe Bergdahl, looked the other way while American’s were murdered in Benghazi, stood in defense of thugs as they committed crimes and were arrested by or killed by the police while attacking them as they did their job, he encouraged ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to go out and vote, and that is just the tip of the Obama years, yet not one Democrat saw a problem with this.

Now today we have a Republican in the White House who will not stand by while America or anyone else in the world is bullied. He stands fast and by his word that he will not televise what his plans are to serve and protect this nation from our enemies and that disturbs our so called media. Funny but they seem to think they have a right to know classified information and to report it to the average Joe on the evening news right along with the enemy. What a joke!

This past week perhaps opened the eyes of the American people. With the bombing of innocent Syrian citizens by their own government and President Trump’s reaction to it when he bombed the Syrian air base and then the dropping of the MOAB in Afghanistan going after ISIS he gave the dictator of North Korea something to think about. He proved to China he is not kidding around and is giving them a chance to handle it on their own but he also said if China cannot do it then he will.

Over the past week I have talked to people who are blaming President Trump both on social media and face to face, about the mess with Korea, Russia, and just about everything else going on around the world. My question to them is, where were they when Obama was looking the other way and allowing ISIS to grow, you remember the JV team, Russia to push their way into other areas of Asia, and Korea developing their nuclear weapons right under his nose. Let alone giving Iran a deal which in the long run, is going to bit the USA in the butt.

Why is it, everything Obama did is was gold and whatever President Trump works on is coal? Let me tell you what I think. I think so many liberals have been blinded and afraid to speak their mind for fear of offending someone they have forgotten what it is like to take a stand and speak out for what is right. No one wants to see us go to war but there is no way America can allow anyone to hold this country hostage with threats of nuclear bombings and our Commander and Chief look the other way. 

That is, a real Commander and Chief wouldn’t look the other way, instead he would attack and protect those who elected him into office, and since we are all one country, he will also protect those who did not vote for him. You see it does not matter to President Trump if you voted for him or not what matters to him is you are an American Citizen and therefore you fall under his protection like it or not.

No he is not politically correct and this is upsetting to many people but to them I say, too bad. Being politically correct and afraid to speak the truth for fear you may hurt someone’s feelings is wrong. This is America, we have a right to free speech. It does not bother anyone from the left to call Trump supporters names, threaten them and even attack them in many cases so why should those on the right watch what they have to say. Oh, that’s right, because Obama said so. Well I’m sorry, for eight years I stood behind Obama because he was my president whether I voted for him or not. I may not have always agreed with him but that was my God given right which so many people in this country seem to have forgotten about.

This country is going to hell in a hand basket with people on killing sprees and not caring about who they hurt or what they do to get what they want. The end justifies the means but that’s not the way it is. Yes for the past eight years so much has been overlooked by the DOJ that our streets are no longer safe. Our police officers have to do their jobs with their hands tied behind their backs and no thank you from the top office in this country, just ridicule. I am so sick and tired of hearing how the police are wrong but the thugs should be rewarded. Under the direction of this new administration that will no longer be the rule of thought and I, for one, look forward to it.

At the start of 2017 things changed with the inauguration of President Trump. No more standing back and ordering the police to stand down when it is their job to keep the peace. No more looking the other way when countries like Russia and Korea try to flex their muscles and no more keeping quiet about any of the injustices in this world. Better yet, no more going before the news cameras and broadcasting what is going to be done to stop this craziness from continuing.

If you are an American citizen then your allegiance should be to this country and its Commander and Chief even if you did not vote for them because they are the one in office at this point and time, the one who is protecting your sorry behind. If you are an American citizen and cannot get behind your President then perhaps you need to go and spend some time in one of these other countries you think are better than America. Go find out just how happy you would be but remember one thing, there is no turning back.

Perhaps some of this misinformation being tossed around out there should fall on the responsibility of the school system because they are not teaching our children about their own history. Perhaps they touch on it but it is not taught the way it used to be. Young boys and girls should know how wonderful this country is, about how and why people came here to begin with, and about their love for this country and how they fought to make it the United States of America so we did not have to live under tyranny the way they did.

This country had some amazing Patriots throughout its years. Men who fought for what they believed in, struggled to see to it life would be better in the future, and believed with all their heart that America should be United in order to stand strong together. I can’t argue with that. I mean look at us today. Everyone fighting with everyone else about the way they think things should be. Everyone thinking they know better than those who have the intelligence in their hands to know what is really going on and the American people being fed lies by the mainstream media to kick up dust and cloud the truth.

This propaganda that spreads wild in the world today isn’t something new. Even with the beginning of a new world, when our forefathers came here there was those who spread propaganda to pull people to their way of thinking. To instill fear in the population about pulling away from England and trying to make it on our own but the Patriots stood strong as the American Revolution began in 1765 and ended in 1783. Many doubted America could win such a war but the Patriots of this great nation proved them wrong although it was not an easy battle. Still they knew the outcome would be well worth the fight.

These amazing men, the Patriots of yesteryear, our very first veterans, came from all walks of life, social and economic classes but they all agreed unanimously in the need to defend the rights of Americans and to reject monarchy and aristocracy. Back then the newspapers stood with the patriots but today they turn against anyone who is in favor of keep American free and independent by instilling fear in those who actually listen to the opinions. Yes, opinions because somewhere along the line reporters have stopped reporting the news and started putting their own two cents in which isn’t even worth penny.

I honestly believe if we took a real poll and had each county, city, however we wanted to handle it, talked to more than a panel of 100 people handpicked by the media we would find 50-55 % of the population would be in support of President Trump and the securing of our nation, protecting our citizens from the horrors of the world. I believe only about 30% would lean towards the left and side with socialism and communism because they would think it would give them something for nothing. The other 15-20% are sitting on the fence because they don’t have enough truthful answers because of the way the news is reported in this day and age.

Once again I will say, America is not perfect. We have had our ups and downs as we have grown just like any other nation but we have persevered. The rights of the American people, their safety, and their freedoms have always been in the forefront of the battles we fought. I know there are many people upset and wondering why we are getting involved in Syria, going after ISIS, or even bothering with North Korea but we have to remember if just one of these countries can find a way to get through our defenses then all our forefathers fought for will be no more. We cannot allow that to happen and it must be stopped before it gets to our door. These battles need not be fought on our soil but stopped before they get anywhere close to us and if that means stopping these terrorist in their tracks then that is what is needed to be done.

So let’s all take a moment to stop and think about how much we love our freedom to choose, freedom of speech, our freedom to bow our head in prayer to the God of our choice not one pushed on us, and let’s remember our freedom to live a life of liberty and a pursuit of happiness. If we can all remember this and know how important it was for the Patriots who fought so hard for it through the years, for the veterans of foreign wars, for all veterans who dedicated their lives to serve and protect then perhaps we can unite once more for the good of this country and the betterment of tomorrow. Stop second guessing and trying to be an armchair President. Lose the anger and come together as “One nation under God,” and unite once more.

Like any family we aren’t always going to agree on everything but that’s OK as long as we all work towards the greater good of all concerned. This nation as a whole is what matters and being united is the only way to combat those who wish to pull us apart. Stop being angry, listen to what others have to say, come to a common understanding that no matter what we are all American Citizens and we need to keep the line of communication open and peaceful in order to bring us together, stronger than ever.

May God Bless America and help us unite as one, once more. 

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